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Details for the ship Atwick (1838)

Ship Name:Atwick  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1827
Size (tons):341
Voyage Details
Master:H. Mackay
Surgeon:Peter Leonard
Sailed:30 September 1837
Arrived:23 January 1838
Days Travel:115
Convicts Landed:0 males & 150 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, CatharineEllis, ElizabethKing, MaryRobertson, Agnes Campbell
Adams, ElizabethEmans, CharlotteKirkaldy, MargaretRogers, Ann
Alexander, MargaretEmery, HesterLang, NancyRoss, Margaret
Archer, ElizabethEmery, MargaretLees, AgnesRourke, Elizabeth
Armstrong, MaryFarrars, JeanLister, AnnShepherd, Frances
Ashton, AnnFerguson, SarahLogan, GraceSheriff, Mary
Axford, Mary AnnForster, ElizabethLynch, MarySherwood, Ann
Barnard, Mary AnnForsyth, CatherineMacCoy, EdithSmith, Eliza
Barnard, Mary AnnFulford, MargaretMahoney, JuliaSmith, Ellen
Batten, ElizabethGates, CatherineMain, MargaretSmith, Emma
Bentley, MaryGillon, MargaretMaitland, CatherineSmith, Jean
Black, AnnGilmour, AgnesMalen, EllenSmith, Lydia
Bonar, JanetGilmour, ChristianMartin, AnnSmith, Marianne
Boyd, JeanGoldie, ElizabethMartin, CatherineSmith, Mary
Boys, AnnGrant, CatharineMcAllister, Mary AnnSmith, Mary
Brace, HannahGrant, MaryMcBrayne, CatherineSmith, Wilhelmina
Brickell, SarahGreen, JaneMcCallum, MargaretSpouse, Catharine
Brown, ElizabethGreen, MargaretMcDiarmed, LetitiaStevens, Charlotte
Brown, JeanGuthrie, JaneMcDonald, AnnStevenson, Sarah
Brown, MaryHaley, Mary AnnMcDougall, AgnesStewart, Sarah
Burke, MaryHarper, GeorginaMcDougall, ChristianSullivan, Mary
Campbell, MaryHarper, MaryMcKenzie, MargaretSutherland, Ann
Chalmers, MaryHartnett, MaryMcLagan, ElizabethTaylor, Eliza
Chapman, AmeliaHedsman, AmeliaMcLean, MaryThompson, Sarah
Chisholm, CatharineHenderson, JaneMcNiven, MargaretThomson, Agnes
Christie, MargaretHenning, BarbaraMcVicar, MaryViccars, Hannah
Clark, Mary AnnHimbury, GraceMill, SusannaWaddell, Elizabeth
Clark, SallyHolland, EllenMiller, JaneWatling, Rebecca
Collis, HannahHonour, ElizabethMitchell, JessWebster, Mary Ann
Crawley, AnnHouston, ElizabethMorris, JaneWeston, Ann
Curle, HelenHunter, ElizaMunro, JeanWhite, Hannah
Davidson, Eliza or ElizabethHuntington, JaneMyles, ChristianWhiting, Martha
Davies, ElizabethJane, MaryPennycook, MargaretWiles, Lydia
Dixon, ElizabethJennison, ElizabethPerry, AnnWilliams, Mary
Dowell, Mary AnnJones, ElizaPollard, EleanorWilliamson, Elizabeth
Duckworth, MaryJones, MaryRafferty, SarahWilson, Janet
Eldred, RebeccaKeith, JaneRawlins, ElizaWilson, Mary
Ellis, AnnKelly, ElizabethRichardson, Margaret

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Atwick is 151 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/11, pp.137-145
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.364-365, 390

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