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Details for the ship Emma Eugenia (1) (1838)

Ship Name:Emma Eugenia (1)  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1833
Size (tons):383
Voyage Details
Master:Giles Wade
Surgeon:Robert Wylie
Sailed:6 November 1837
Arrived:9 February 1838
Days Travel:95
Convicts Landed:199 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

A'Court, JohnEdwards, JamesMcMurray, RobertSmith, Joseph
Abberfield, JamesEdwards, ThomasMeeks, JamesSmith, Mark
Abraham, RobertEveleigh, JohnMiller, WilliamSnow, Charles
Allchin, JamesFairbank, JamesMockeridge, JosephSnow, Thomas
Anderson, HenryForrest, ThomasMoss, StephenSpear, Luke
Balls, JamesGattey, CharlesMullowny, JamesSpencer, David
Barker, CharlesGay, JohnMutch, ChristopherSpencer, John Nicholas
Barnett, JohnGeorge, JamesNation, JamesStacey, John
Bartholomew, BenjaminGibbons, RobertNewcomb, CharlesStanley, James
Bartholomew, JamesGibbs, GeorgeNorbury, WalterStantial, Joseph
Bessant, ThomasGislingham, JosephNorbury, WilliamStone, Henry John
Blyth, JobGoldsmith, RobertOsborne, HenrySumner, Henry
Bolter, JamesGooding, JosephPage, JohnSutton, James
Bowditch, WilliamGoulder, JohnPage, RichardTarrant, George
Bowler, WilliamGray, RobertPalmer, JamesTaylor, Henry
Brede, RichardGregory, JohnPannefer, JamesTaylor, John
Brown, SamuelGunstone, JohnPayne, JamesTheadum, George
Brown, WilliamHaley, WilliamPearman, WilliamThomas, Edward
Burls, GeorgeHalls, WilliamPegrum, DavidThompson, William
Burns, ThomasHarris, HenryPenny, RobertThornett, Edward
Carter, WilliamHarvey, JohnPerring, WilliamTilley, William
Cavannah, FrancisHellen, JamesPhelps, JohnTudball, Thomas
Cave, ShadrachHewett, FrederickPitt, JohnTutt, James
Chambers, GeorgeHills, WilliamPitt, WilliamTutton, Charles
Clark, JosiasHocking, JosephPope, CharlesTwiner, Charles
Clarke, JohnHollingsworth, JamesPorter, ChristopherUnwin, Samuel
Clarke, WilliamHunter, JosephRayner, SamuelVarnham, John
Claydon, HenryHutchinson, WilliamRead, JohnVautier, James
Claydon, Henry (the younger)Ingram, JohnReynolds, WilliamWalker, Frederick
Cock, AnthonyJames, WilliamRichards, ThomasWardley, Samuel
Cock, SydneyJarman, EdwardRichardson, GeorgeWaskett, Samuel
Cockett, CharlesJohnson, ThomasRiggs, JosephWebb, Charles
Coe, JohnJones, DavidRobertson, HenryWelfare, Stephen
Coleman, JohnJones, HenryRobinson, GeorgeWells, Edward
Coleman, MichaelJones, JohnRoche, Carlton WilliamWhiffen, Elisha
Collins, WilliamJones, ThomasRyan, JamesWhips, Thomas
Connolly, CorneliusJones, ThomasSadler, HenryWhite, Robert
Connor, WilliamJones, WilliamSalmon, JohnWilding, George
Cook, ThomasJupp, MauriceSavill, BenjaminWilliams, Henry
Cooper, CharlesKing, JohnSavill, DanielWilliams, John
Crisp, GeorgeLand, FrederickSawyer, DavidWillis, John
Dancer, JamesLane, William HenrySendal, JobWilson, David
Day, JamesLaw, JamesSeymour, HenryWilson, John
De Garis, NicholasLawrance, StephenShort, ThomasWood, John
Deane, NicholasLedger, JamesShute, JohnWood, John
Death, WilliamLegg, JamesShuttlewood, WilliamWookey, William
Deeks, JohnLuxford, JosephSiggs, JamesWoollard, Jonathan (the younger)
Diver, JohnMallett, JamesSmith, CharlesWright, James
Dollarson, HenryMassey, JohnSmith, JamesWright, Robert
Dunn, MichaelMay, DavidSmith, JohnWynne, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Emma Eugenia (1) is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.354-355, 390
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/11, pp.179-188

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