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Details for the ship John Renwick (1) (1838)

Ship Name:John Renwick (1)  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1826
Size (tons):403
Voyage Details
Master:John Byron
Surgeon:Andrew Smith
Sailed:3 May 1838
Arrived:27 August 1838
Days Travel:116
Convicts Landed:0 males & 172 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adamson, HannahEntwisle, AliceKennard, AnnRutter, Peggy
Almond, RosanetteFaulkner, JaneKnight, AnnSharpe, Mary
Ashton, EleanorFaulkner, RosettaKynvin, AmeliaSimpson, Sarah
Ayres, MaryFegan, CatherineLawley, MargaretSmith, Ann
Baker, FrancesFilgate, MargaretLawson, EleanorSmith, Charlotte
Ball, MaryForsey, SarahLeden, AnnSmith, Elizabeth
Barber, EllenForster, SarahLight, LouisaSmith, Mary
Barlow, MariaFowler, JaneLondon, ElizaSmith, Mary Ann
Barton, PrudenceGarrod, ElizabethMace, ElizabethSpeed, Jane
Bates, ElizabethGates, MaryMack, BridgetStafford, Sarah
Bewley, JaneGerrard, MargaretMarlow, MaryStone, Elizabeth
Biggs, SarahGibson, CatherineMarshall, AnnStraney, Sarah
Bird, AliceGillham, AnnMarshall, AnnSullivan, Hannah
Blore, ElizabethGoulding, SophiaMartin, ElizabethSullivan, Sarah
Brazier, ElizabethGrainger, MaryMasters, Mary AnnTaylor, Sarah
Brierley, AnnGregory, JaneMatthews, AnnTeer, Margaret
Brookman, Mary AnnGwynne, AnnMcCoy, MaryThomas, Joanna
Broom, ElizabethHall, MaryMcGoverin, MaryThomas, Martha
Burgess, LouisaHargreaves, ElizabethMcGrath, EllenThompson, Susannah
Busby, MarthaHarris, CarolineMcLaren, ElizabethThornhill, Margaret
Butterworth, Mary AnnHarris, EmmaMillard, HannahTipping, Alice
Cain, AnnHarrison, SarahMills, Mary AnnTumithy, Mary
Callan, MaryHartwell, MaryMilton, Mary AnnTurley, Elizabeth
Carbis, PhilippaHillier, SarahMoran, HannahUnett, Caroline
Carrier, AnnHogan, ElizabethMurray, CatherineVagg, Martha
Carter, CarolineHolland, AnnO'Neill, HannahVogwell, Mary Ann
Carter, HarrietHorrocks, ElizabethPaine, SarahWalker, Mary Ann
Chapman, MaryHouseman, ElizabethParker, AmeliaWall, Mary Ann
Clark, EleanorHowells, SarahPatching, ElizabethWaters, Ellen
Clark, ElizabethHughes, ElizabethPaulding, SarahWatterson, Frances
Collins, Mary AnnHuxley, MatildaPilkington, Mary AnnWatts, Ellen
Colwell, AnnIrwin, IsabellaPorter, MaryWebster, Charlotte
Connor, ElizaJames, MargaretPrice, MaryWhittle, Jane
Davis, AnnJenkin, PrudenceQuiggan, MariaWigham, Mary
Davis, AnnJohnson, MargaretRapley, MaryWiles, Susannah
Davis, MaryJones, AnnReece, EllenWilliams, Charlotte
Davis, Mary AnnJones, AnnRickaby, HannahWilliams, Mary Ann
Dempsey, CatherineJones, JaneRoberts, AnnWilson, Charlotte
Doyle, JaneJones, MaryRoberts, JaneWilson, Susan
Duncan, BetseyJones, SarahRoberts, SarahWood, Mary Ann
Dunn, BiddyKay, MaryRobins, JaneWoolsey, Mary
Eccleston, SarahKelly, CatherineRobinson, Elizabeth
Edge, JaneKelsey, IsabellaRobson, Mary
Enticott, ElizabethKempthorne, ThomasinRumball, Sarah

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship John Renwick (1) is 173 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/11, pp.257-264
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.354-355, 391

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