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Details for the ship Moffatt (3) (1838)

Ship Name:Moffatt (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1807
Size (tons):820
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas W. Bolton
Surgeon:Gilbert King
Sailed:9 November 1837
Arrived:1 April 1838
Days Travel:143
Convicts Landed:397 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allen, JohnFisher, SamuelLidster, JamesShuter, James (the younger)
Allen, JohnFishington, JohnLilley, JosephSilvester, Thomas
Allen, WilliamFitzpatrick, ThomasLindsay, Frederick LillycropSmith, George
Almond, JohnFleet, ThomasLinsell, William (the younger)Smith, George
Anderson, JamesFleetwood, GeorgeLloyd, JamesSmith, James
Andrews, WilliamFlynn, MichaelLockie, WilliamSmith, John
Armstrong, WilliamFlynn, ThomasMacadam, JamesSmith, John
Arnold, JamesFordyce, AdamMacaulay, JohnSmith, John
Ashby, WilliamFoster, JosephMacDonald, PeterSmith, John
Atkins, GeorgeFrary, JohnMaclear, JohnSmith, Stephen
Atkins, William HenryFraser, AlexanderMaddocks, GeorgeSmith, William
Baggott, JamesFullagar, JamesMahoney, JohnSmith, William
Bagley, JohnFuller, JamesMalcolm, AlexanderSpinks, James
Banner, JamesFuller, WilliamMannax, JohnStarling, Joseph
Banwell, JohnGamble, WilliamManning, HenryStarling, William
Barker, JohnGardner, CharlesMansfield, WilliamStevens, Thomas
Barleymount, JohnGaul, GeorgeMarsden, JeremiahStokeley, William
Barnes, WilliamGentle, FrancisMarshall, ThomasStokes, Thomas
Barrett, JamesGibbons, AndrewMason, ThomasStone, Samuel
Battar, JohnGingell, GeorgeMayo, JosephStorer, Edwin
Belden, WilliamGoodman, WilliamMcAllan, DonaldStraney, Paul
Bennett, DavidGoulding, JohnMcCreary, EdwardSullivan, Michael
Bennett, EdwardGreen, HenryMcEnvoy, MichaelSutherland, Peter
Bennett, JamesGreen, SamuelMcFarling, JohnSwindells, Thomas
Bennett, JohnGrey, JoshuaMcGillivray, ColinTallent, Thomas
Bennett, WilliamGunn, RichardMcGinley, JohnTansley, George
Berry, EdwardHadfield, SamuelMcInnes, PeterTaylor, Andrew
Biggs, MichaelHady, JohnMcIntyre, AlexanderTaylor, Henry
Black, WalterHalfpenny, PatrickMcIntyre, JohnTaylor, Henry
Blake, RobertHall, JamesMcPherson, MungoThomas, David
Blore, JohnHall, PeterMcRory, James RodgerThomas, James
Bostock, ThomasHallen, JamesMedwell, JohnThomas, John
Bowdler, SamuelHambleton, HughMeeds, JamesThompson, Charles
Bowman, JamesHands, ThomasMellor, EmanuelThompson, Daniel
Boyd, WilliamHank, Nathanial DayMelvill, AlexanderThompson, Neil
Brant, JosephHanning, JohnMelvin, JamesThomson, William
Brown, CharlesHarley, WilliamMetson, SamuelTinker, John
Brown, GeorgeHarris, FrancisMiddleton, WilliamTooke, Joseph Newstead
Brown, WilliamHarris, JohnMiles, JamesTownsend, John
Buckley, SamuelHarris, WilliamMillard, SamuelTownshend, Thomas
Bullock, CharlesHarris, WilliamMillward, JohnTuck, James
Burley, GeorgeHarrison, JohnMoore, FrederickTurnbull, John
Butler, JamesHazlehurst, SamuelMoore, JamesTurner, Robert
Button, JamesHeap, RichardMorgan, RichardVeal, Daniel
Cameron, HughHeawood, JosephMorton, WilliamVernon, James
Campbell, DominickHepworth, WilliamMulloy, WilliamWagstaff, William
Campbell, WilliamHeritage, FrancisMurphy, JohnWagster, John
Carter, GeorgeHevey, JamesNeave, JohnWainwright, John
Cartwright, DukeHeys, CharlesNelson, WilliamWaldon, James
Chafey, GeorgeHill, GeorgeNeville, JamesWalker, Henry
Clark, NathanielHillman, WilliamNewman, JamesWalker, Joseph
Clark, ThomasHodgkinson, WilliamNicholls, HenryWalker, William
Clay, RichardHollick, WilliamNobles, JohnWalmsley, George
Clink, AlexanderHorton, JamesO'Brien, PeterWard, John
Cole, JamesHowse, JohnOliver, ThomasWarren, Henry
Cole, ThomasHubbard, WilliamOrme, HenryWaters, William
Cook, JohnHughes, JamesOsborn, HenryWatson, John
Cookson, WilliamHughes, JamesOwens, JohnWatson, William
Cooper, JamesIllidge, RichardOxley, JohnWatts, John
Copcutt, JosephJackson, WilliamPardington, ThomasWebb, George
Cordery, WilliamJames, JohnParker, ParkerWeekes, James
Cornell, ThomasJermyn, ThomasParker, Thomas JamesWeeks, James
Cornish, JohnJobling, JosephParry, EvanWelsh, William
Courtnay, HenryJohn, WilliamPayne, RobertWendon, Thomas
Coutts, GeorgeJohnson, WilliamPeake, WilliamWest, Josiah
Coventry, JohnJolly, WilliamPearson, CuthbertWestwood, Daniel
Cramp, HenryJones, DavidPeck, WilliamWhittle, John
Crew, JosephJones, EdwardPhillips, WilliamWhyte, Peter
Crosby, FrederickJones, GeorgePolson, JamesWicker, Henry
Dalton, CorneliusJones, HughPreston, SamuelWicker, Robert
Davies, WilliamJones, JamesPrice, JohnWiddowson, Barnett
Davis, JamesJones, JohnProsser, ThomasWidger, James
Davis, JohnJones, JohnPrudham, JosephWilcox, James
Daws, JamesJones, WilliamRadcliffe, Richard JamesWilkes, Henry
Dickenson, EdwardKaine, DonaldRait, JamesWilkinson, Henry
Dickenson, HarrisonKedge, AnthonyRawbone, WilliamWilkinson, James
Dodman, IsaacKeegan, WilliamRawlinson, JosephWilks, George
Downs, JohnKennedy, BryanReed, JohnWilliams, David
Dumphy, JamesKent, IsaacReed, SamuelWilliams, Edward
Dumphy, JohnKershaw, JamesRees, WilliamWilliams, James
Duncan, AlexanderKerslake, CharlesReeve, JamesWilliams, James
Dunk, WilliamKewley, JohnRice, FrederickWilliams, John
Durrant, JohnKeyte, StephenRichardson, JamesWilliams, John
Eastbury, IsraelKilminster, ThomasRichardson, WilliamWilliams, John
Eddels, JamesKing, PeterRicketts, DanielWilliams, Joseph
Edge, ThomasKing, WilliamRicketts, EdwardWillson, John
Edmunds, JohnKingston, JamesRobertson, AlexanderWilson, Richard
Edwards, JamesKirkwood, RobertRoebuck, HenryWingfield, Thomas
Ellis, JohnKitson, HenrySapwell, CharlesWinter, John
Elvester, WilliamKnowles, SamuelSaunders, JohnWinter, William
Ely, FrancisLacy, ThomasSchofield, JamesWoodcock, Edward
Embley, FrederickLancaster, GeorgeScholes, JohnWoodfield, Daniel
Evans, EdwardLancaster, JosephScott, AbrahamWoodhead, Ashton
Evans, JohnLangford, ThomasScott, JamesWorlock, William
Evans, ThomasLaurence, JosephSearle, GeorgeWrigg, John
Fagg, RichardLawrie, JamesShaddows, CharlesWright, William
Fegan, TerenceLeech, HenrySharpe, WilliamYarde, Giles
Fincher, ThomasLefevre, IsaacShelton, EdwardYardley, John
Finnegan, CharlesLeggatt, JohnShepherd, DavidYoung, James
Finney, ThomasLeigh, JamesShuter, James (the elder)Youson, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Moffatt (3) is 400 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.364-365, 390
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/11, pp.191-209

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