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Details for the ship Majestic (1839)

Ship Name:Majestic  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1829
Size (tons):345
Voyage Details
Master:G. Williamson
Surgeon:Peter Fisher
Sailed:3 October 1838
Arrived:22 January 1839
Days Travel:111
Convicts Landed:0 males & 123 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Alexander, Ann HannahEdgecomb, MarthaJackson, JaneRutter, Elizabeth
Anderson, SarahEffingham, AnnJohnson, AnnSeal, Mary
Barnes, FrancesElliker, AnnJones, ElizaSmith, Ann
Barrs, AnnElsom, FrancesJones, ElizabethSmith, Ann
Beer, ElizabethEvans, JaneJones, JaneSmith, Elizabeth
Black, MargaretFarmer, MaryJones, MarySmith, Jane
Blunden, ElizaFarrell, AnnKay, ElizabethSmith, Mary Ann
Brennan, AnnFletcher, MariaKelly, MarySpillman, Margaret
Broughton, DorothyGibson, HannahKing, ElizabethSpooner, Ann
Brown, SarahGillingham, AnnKirby, MargaretSteel, Maria
Calligan, MaryGlover, MaryLeonard, MargaretSteer, Sarah
Cane, Mary AnnGoddard, AnnLockyer, PhillisSullivan, Ann
Carr, AgnesGooding, PhoebeLoder, Mary AnnTaylor, Bridget
Cartledge, AnnGough, AnnLorimer, MaryTaylor, Elizabeth
Caton, MaryGreen, JaneLucas, Caroline AnnThorney, Harriet
Coddington, CatherineHanney, MaryMacGowan, AnnThorp, Mary Ann
Cokeley, HannahHart, EllenMack, AnnThurgoland, Eliza
Connor, CatherineHarvey, CatherineMakin, MarthaTonge, Jane
Cope, SarahHawthorn, MaryMcCarthy, EllenTozer, Ann
Cress, MariaHayes, ElizabethMiller, JaneTurley, Mary
Cullen, MaryHeath, HannahMoore, SarahVanderplank, Eliza
Cullingford, MaryHeritage, MaryMorris, ElizaWalker, Mary Ann
Davey, HarrietHitchens, ElizabethMurphy, CatherineWebber, Rebecca
Davis, AnnHitchin, MariaPalmer, SarahWhite, Ann
Dean, Mary AnnHolland, SusannahParker, AnnWhite, Foster
Dobie, MaryHolley, SarahPhillips, ElizaWilliams, Sarah
Dogherty, MaryHopkins, FrancesPhillips, SarahWoods, Mary
Dogherty, SarahHughes, ElizabethPlatt, JaneWright, Sarah
Donohoe, MargaretHutchinson, FrancesRidley, AnnWynes, Elizabeth
Dwyer, EllenHutt, SarahRoberts, AnnYoung, Elizabeth
Edds, ElizabethHutton, AgnesRobinson, Sarah

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Majestic is 123 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.364-365, 391
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/11, pp.333-338

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