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Details for the ship Parkfield (1839)

Ship Name:Parkfield  
Rig Type:S.
Built:Isle of Man
Build Year:1833
Size (tons):496
Voyage Details
Master:J. T. Whitesides
Surgeon:Alex. Neill
Sailed:15 May 1839
Arrived:1 September 1839
Days Travel:109
Convicts Landed:240 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allen, PeterDavis, JohnHughes, JohnRead, William
Alphonse, Derry, WilliamJackson, JosephRendall, George
Andrews, JamesDixon, JamesJames, ThomasRichardson, Edward
Andrews, JohnDowney, GeorgeJones, EdwardRobins, Henry
Arch, JohnDrake, William FrancisJones, JamesRobinson, John
Argyle, JohnDudley, WilliamJones, JohnRyan, Peter
Armes, ThomasDuke, JohnJones, RichardSenior, Thomas
Ash, RobertDunn, RobertJones, SamuelShannon, Michael
Back, JohnDurning, JamesJones, ThomasShanon, William
Baddeley, WilliamEldridge, ThomasKelly, JohnShelford, Frederick
Baker, GeorgeElton, DavidKent, WilliamSherlock, Jesse
Ball, ThomasEvans, CharlesKerr, ArthurSherlock, Thomas
Banks, JohnEvans, JamesKing, OwenShuttleworth, William
Barker, WilliamEwington, JamesKnight, JamesSimpson, William
Barnacle, JamesFagan, CharlesLambert, JohnSimpson, William
Beardsworth, WilliamFenton, RichardLambert, ThomasSmale, Thomas
Beck, JamesField, EdwardLawrence, JamesSmeaton, Joseph
Bedwell, WilliamFisher, JamesLawton, ThomasSmith, Edward
Beeforth, ThomasFord, ThomasLewis, HenrySmith, James
Bell, WilliamFox, ThomasLyons, MauriceSmith, Joseph
Berrisford, ThomasFrench, WilliamMadden, PatrickSmith, Joseph
Berrisford, WilliamGalley, EdmundMartin, WilliamStevens, Charles
Bery, JohnGambrell, WilliamMaxwell, JamesStewart, John
Bishop, JamesGardner, GeorgeMayo, AlfredStone, Edwin
Bizzle, WilliamGarnish, WilliamMcCully, AlexanderStreet, Charles
Bladen, GowenGeldart, RichardMcGowan, JohnStubbs, William
Bliss, GeorgeGibbs, WilliamMcGurk, JamesSummers, John
Blissett, JohnGibson, WilliamMcIndoe, DavidSwepson, John
Bolton, WilliamGoobin, JamesMerry, WilliamSworder, Edmund
Booth, NathanGoode, JohnMiller, CharlesTaylor, James
Brewerton, EberGoodwin, EdwardMiller, JohnTaylor, Samuel
Britton, WalterGough, EdwardMills, ThomasTillett, Thomas
Broadbent, EdwardGould, WilliamMoncaster, MichaelTone, Philip
Brown, HenryGraham, JamesMonsey, JohnTricket, John
Brown, JamesGribble, GeorgeMoore, ThomasTurner, James
Brown, JohnGriffen, HenryMorley, WilliamTurvell, Edward
Brown, WilliamGriffiths, WilliamMorris, JamesTyler, Samuel
Burgin, DennisGroves, WilliamMorrison, ArthurUttley, Abraham
Burkin, GeorgeGrundy, JohnMoult, AlfredWalker, George
Busby, John StubbsGuest, JohnMunnerly, WilliamWalker, William (the elder)
Cadman, HenryHabbijam, GeorgeMurphy, MartinWalmsley, John
Callaghan, JohnHaggan, FrancisMurty, MichaelWalter, Philip
Carlie, ThomasHands, JohnNibbs, RichardWarner, Henry
Cassidy, PatrickHardman, JohnNightingale, ThomasWeston, Frederick
Chapman, JohnHarris, JamesO'Brian, JohnWharton, James
Cheadle, ThomasHarrison, WilliamO'Connell, DanielWharton, John
Chown, HenryHayes, John (the younger)O'Donald, CorneliusWhetstone, William
Clarke, HenryHewitson, RobertPage, SamuelWilkins, John
Clarke, JohnHicken, WilliamParker, JohnWilliams, James
Cohen, SimonHiggingbotham, AmosPatchett, ChristopherWilliams, John
Cohen, SolomonHinds, AlfredPeover, RobertWilliams, Joseph
Collins, ThomasHipwood, JamesPetchell, RobertWilson, George
Connell, JohnHitchcock, JamesPhillips, HenryWilson, Henry
Cook, EmanuelHolland, MatthewPickin, ThomasWinter, George
Costello, ThomasHolloway, WilliamPlatt, JohnWinward, William
Cox, WilliamHolme, WrightPodio, FrancisWoolley, John
Cramphorn, CharlesHopcroft, WilliamPogmore, HenryWright, Daniel
Cummins, William JosephHow, WilliamPritlove, WilliamWright, Joseph
Dare, JamesHubert, EtienneQuick, JamesYates, John
Dare, JohnHuggle, WilliamRaake, RichardYates, Peter

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Parkfield is 240 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/12, pp.37-47
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.354-355, 391

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