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Details for the ship Woodbridge (1) (1840)

Ship Name:Woodbridge (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1809
Size (tons):516
Voyage Details
Master:William B. Dobson
Surgeon:George T. Moxey
Sailed:16 October 1839
Arrived:26 February 1840
Days Travel:133
Convicts Landed:229 males & 0 female convicts
Notes:Eighty of these prisoners were transhipped in Augusta Jessie to Norfolk Island, the remainder disembarking at Sydney

List of convict passengers

Allen, JosephDaniel, JohnInns, WilliamRobinson, Edward
Anderson, MatthewDavis, HenryJoiner, GeorgeRolph, Robert
Andrews, JohnDavis, WilliamJones, JamesRose, Aaron
Andrews, RobertDay, RalphJones, JamesRowell, Richard
Archer, CephasDenmark, WilliamJones, ThomasRowlinson, Paul
Asbury, JohnDickinson, SamuelKilner, WilliamRushton, Thomas
Ashton, GeorgeDouglas, JohnKirton, GeorgeRussell, Thomas
Atherley, WilliamDowling, ThomasLamont, CharlesRussell, William
Austin, WilliamDowning, JohnLawrence, ThomasSale, John
Baker, JamesDuff, FrancisLea, JamesScott, John
Banks, AbrahamDunford, HenryLefevre, JohnSewell, John
Barnes, JosephElliott, JohnLloyd, JosephShaw, George
Barratt, ThomasEvans, RichardLogan, JohnShaw, Samuel
Bartlett, RobertFarrell, JamesLow, JohnSleath, Thomas
Bell, WilliamFazakerley, HenryMabberley, SamuelSmith, John
Berry, JohnFensom, JeremiahManifold, JohnSmith, William
Binnal, ThomasFenton, DavidManning, MichaelSparrow, William
Bird, PatrickFlanagan, MichaelMarchment, JamesSpiers, James
Blackall, JamesFlinn, JohnMawbey, WilliamStanton, Edward
Blackburn, HenryFlint, ThomasMayes, JohnSteadman, Thomas
Bolam, ArchibaldFlynn, EdwardMcCarty, HughStonehouse, William
Bostock, JohnFord, ThomasMcIntyre, DonaldSutcliffe, Joseph
Boys, WalterFrancis, GeorgeMcNicol, AlexanderSutton, William
Bramhall, HenryFrench, RobertMelling, JohnSysum, Elisha
Branwhite, BlossFrost, RobertMiles, JohnTaff, James
Brock, GeorgeFry, GeorgeMiller, WilliamTasker, Thomas
Brown, JamesGammon, GeorgeMitton, FrederickTaylor, Ephraim
Browning, JohnGardiner, RichardMoore, JosephTaylor, Henry Simon
Bryant, JamesGarlick, SamuelMoores, WilliamTaylor, James
Bull, EdwardGlover, JohnMorrell, JosephTaylor, William
Burke, WilliamGooch, JohnMorris, JamesTaylor, William
Burnell, HenryGoodall, MosesMoss, Edward (the elder)Thomas, John
Burns, EdwardGraham, JamesMoss, Edward (the younger)Tims, Martin
Burt, HenryGraham, MatthiasMurphy, JohnTurner, William
Burton, GeorgeGreenwood, ThomasNicholson, GeorgeVenables, Joseph
Bush, FrederickGregory, JohnNoah, JohnVowles, Dennis
Cameron, AlexanderGurling, JamesO'Keefe, TimothyWale, Job
Campbell, ThomasGwilliam, HenryOver, ThomasWalker, Colin
Carolton, ThomasHampton, JohnOwen, AbrahamWalker, Peter
Carter, Thomas HenryHancock, ChristopherOwen, JohnWalsh, William
Carty, PatrickHarries, ThomasPayne, JosephWarren, Matthew
Clapham, JosephHaslem, JamesPestell, JamesWatson, Henry John
Clark, WilliamHayden, DavidPhillips, JamesWellesley, James
Collins, PeterHaynes, GeorgePooley, JohnWest, William
Constantine, WilliamHewitt, JohnPotter, JamesWheeler, Thomas
Cook, CharlesHigginbotham, ThomasPoynton, WilliamWhitcroft, William
Cooke, Henry HigginsHill, JohnPrice, CharlesWhite, Charles
Cooper, SamuelHill, WilliamPrior, JohnWhitehouse, James
Cooper, WilliamHillyer, JamesProctor, JamesWhitehouse, William
Coopey, JohnHolliday, JamesQuarington, WilliamWilmin, William
Corbett, JamesHolstonbrook, WilliamRampling, HenryWilson, John
Cotter, TimothyHoward, WilliamRastall, JamesWinter, James
Cozens, CharlesHumphreys, LewisRawlins, WilliamWisbey, John
Cress, HenryHunt, HenryReader, JohnWynn, Richard
Cripps, JohnHunt, JamesRedhead, JohnYates, Joseph
Cross, AbrahamHunter, RobertRichardson, RobertYoud, Samuel
Crouch, CharlesHunter, WilliamRiley, George
Cummins, ThomasHyde, EdwardRintoul, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Woodbridge (1) is 230 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/12, pp.101-111
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.356-357, 391

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