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Details for the ship Duncan (1841)

Ship Name:Duncan  
Rig Type:S.
Built:Isle of Man
Build Year:
Size (tons):644
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas Grieves
Surgeon:William McDowell
Sailed:16 December 1840
Arrived:18 April 1841
Days Travel:123
Convicts Landed:259 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abel, GeorgeEdwards, WilliamKelsey, GeorgeRoberts, John
Adam, WilliamElliott, JonahKelsey, JosephRobertson, David
Adams, JohnFairley, EdwardKilshaw, JohnRobinson, Charles
Anderson, JohnFarmer, JohnKing, GeorgeRobinson, James
Anderson, WilliamFawcett, JohnKnight, DanielRodgerson, William
Appleton, JosephField, JamesLahey, ThomasRose, Thomas
Arnett, SamuelFiler, CharlesLangston, RoberRoss, George
Ashcroft, JamesFleckney, WilliamLeather, WilliamRouse, George
Axtell, GeorgeFletcher, WilliamLevi, GeorgeRushworth, Jonathan
Ayres, WilliamFowler, StephenLloyd, JohnSandunn, Richard
Baker, EliasFox, ThomasLomax, JamesSavage, James
Barnes, MatthewFraser, DuncanLovell, JohnScarr, William
Bendall, ThomasGallaghan, WilliamLovett, HenryScott, John
Betts, WilliamGardner, JosephLundy, PatSelf, Henry
Biddle, HenryGarrish, WilliamLyons, SimonShaw, George Alexander
Birch, HenryGarside, IsaacMacGee, JamesShaw, William
Birchenough, GeorgeGarth, JohnMackintosh, JamesSheriff, Benjamin
Birt, JohnGayton, JamesManser, CharlesSimpson, Charles
Blackford, WilliamGayton, ThomasMcBurney, WilliamSmith, Joseph
Blatherwick, JosephGiggins, BenjaminMcClaskie, RichardSmith, William
Bodycott, ThomasGoad, GeorgeMcDonald, AlexanderSmith, William
Bollard, ThomasGodden, JamesMcGinley, EdwardSparks, Henry
Bond, HenryGoldsmith, WilliamMcMonagle, DanielSpurling, William
Boustead, JamesGollagher, JohnMead, EdwardStaniforth, John
Boyd, RichardGosling, JosephMendoza, AaronStiler, William
Buckley, LukeGossage, JosephMerrill, ThomasStoddart, Abraham
Burk, CorneliusGrant, JamesMicklewright, WilliamStowell, John
Burke, DavidGraveson, JamesMitchell, WilliamSwindells, John
Burton, JohnGreen, HenryMole, JohnTames, John
Butler, WilliamGreenhead, JohnMorgan, WilliamTasker, John
Butterfield, JamesGreenstreet, JohnMorris, AndrewTatlock, John
Campany, GeorgeGrigsby, EdwardMorris, JohnTaylor, Charles
Carline, JamesGuy, CharlesMountford, ThomasTaylor, Henry
Carratt, JohnHall, JohnMulford, GeorgeTaylor, Thomas
Cassiday, JohnHamshire, GeorgeMurphy, LaurenceThompson, George
Clayton, HenryHannah, JohnMurray, JohnThomson, Charles
Coghlan, PatrickHarris, JamesMurray, WilliamThornton, John
Coles, JohnHarrison, GeorgeNatters, GeorgeTownend, William
Cooke, JamesHarrison, JamesNeale, RobertTrainer, John
Cooper, JohnHarvey, JamesNewton, RobertTulip, William (the younger)
Cooper, JohnHarwood, JamesNewton, ThomasTurner, Miles
Cooper, William BratonHaslam, JosephNewton, WilliamTylee, Charles
Cope, JamesHastings, JamesO'Brien, JohnVessey, William
Corbett, ThomasHawkins, RichardO'Neill, WilliamWalker, James
Corderoy, HenryHayes, GeorgeOuthwaite, ThomasWalker, James
Courtney, JohnHeath, GeorgeOwen, HenryWalsh, James
Cullen, StephenHeaton, RichardPalmer, WilliamWarren, Edward
Cunningham, JamesHedges, HenryPalmer, WilliamWebb, William
Curran, JamesHindes, JamesParker, JohnWells, Robert
Dally, CharlesHoneywood, JamesParr, HenryWest, Henry
Dalton, JamesHorton, FrederickPearson, JohnWeston, William
Darby, WilliamHowey, RalphPedrick, RichardWheeldon, John
Davis, RobertHudson, NathanPeel, RobertWhite, Robert
Davis, WilliamHughes, WilliamPerry, RobertWhite, William
Delley, WilliamIbbetson, GeorgePhilips, DennisWillett, William
Dickins, CharlesIrwin, MartinPickford, JohnWilliams, George
Divan, JohnJacobs, WilliamPiddock, ThomasWilliams, Henry
Donohue, ThomasJohnson, WilliamPittard, HenryWilliams, Thomas
Donovan, JeremiahJohnston, JamesPresgrave, JohnWilson, Henry
Douce, JamesJones, CharlesPrice, JohnWood, Thomas
Douce, WilliamJones, ThomasPulham, WilliamWoolley, Nathan
Drayton, JamesJones, ThomasRankine, DavidWootten, William
Duckworth, ThomasJones, ThomasRansley, WilliamYarnold, William
Dunnage, SamuelJones, WilliamRigg, WilliamYates, Richard
Edwards, ThomasKeith, ThomasRoberts, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Duncan is 259 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/12, pp.261-272
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.364-365, 392

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