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Details for the ship Lord Goderich (1841)

Ship Name:Lord Goderich  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1828
Size (tons):361
Voyage Details
Master:William Mills
Surgeon:James Baird
Sailed:29 June 1841
Arrived:18 November 1841
Days Travel:142
Convicts Landed:186 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Aitken, JohnEssex, ThomasMcCann, BernardRichardson, James
Alexander, JohnEwins, JohnMcCormack, SamuelRichardson, Robert
Armstrong, EdwardFarnworth, HenryMcCreenan, JohnRoberts, John
Ashley, JohnFarrell, JamesMcGarvie, JohnRoberts, William
Ashmore, ThomasFirth, JamesMennie, DavidRowe, Alexander
Askey, JohnFlood, JohnMillar, DavidSharp, Elivanai
Aston, JohnFoster, JohnMills, SamuelShelmerdine, Samuel
Baker, CharlesGardener, RobertMithers, WilliamShillingford, James
Barker, John ChapmanGardner, FrancisMoran, EdwardSkinner, Robert
Bay, WilliamGarratt, JamesMorris, JohnSmith, James
Blakey, ThomasGibson, JosephMurron, RobertSnape, Thomas
Bourne, PeterGilbert, EdwardNeedham, HenryStroud, Robert
Bradshaw, JohnGorey, WilliamNewington, WilliamSturgeon, Peter
Brandon, GeorgeGraham, MatthewNorbury, SamuelSullivan, John
Brewerton, HenryGreen, RobertNutter, RobertTaylor, George
Brown, JohnGriffiths, EdwardO'Brien, EdwardTaylor, William
Brown, ThomasHallam, RichardO'Garr, PatrickTerry, George
Bruce, JohnHarbour, GeorgeO'Hara, JohnThomas, John
Cairns, JamesHargreaves, ThomasO'Neil, CharlesTokeld, James
Campbell, CharlesHarrison, JohnO'Neill, JamesTrainer, James
Canton, DavidHarwood, WilliamPain, YatesTurner, William
Cash, JohnHastings, ThomasPalmer, JohnVerran, Joseph
Clayton, AbelHaylor, HenryParkes, SamuelWagstaff, Joseph
Clegg, GeorgeHeeney, JohnParkinson, JosephWalker, John
Cockshoot, JamesHill, FrancisPatterson, ThomasWard, Luke
Collard, JohnHollis, BenjaminPearce, WilliamWareing, John
Collins, DanielHoward, PhilipPearson, JamesWarren, James
Connor, ThomasHughes, JohnPerkins, RichardWashington, William
Conolly, PatrickHughes, MorrisPerren, JohnWatson, Charles
Coombs, EdwardHutson, ThomasPeters, JosephWebb, James
Cooper, AbrahamHynes, FrederickPhillips, JohnWebster, Thomas
Coster, HenryJones, JohnPhillips, JohnWhite, William
Cotter, JohnJones, JohnPickering, GeorgeWild, James
Cowie, JohnJones, WilliamPiddock, WilliamWilliams, Edward
Curd, GeorgeJosiah, RobertPond, CharlesWilliams, James
Currie, EdwardJudge, ThomasPowell, JamesWilliams, John
Curry, JohnKeening, MichaelPress, JohnWilliams, John
Daniels, JohnKelly, DavidPrice, WilliamWilliams, John
Darby, WilliamKenny, JohnPrince, JosephWilliams, Thomas
Davies, Phillip GeorgeKenny, PeterQuinn, CharlesWilson, George
Delaney, JohnLamb, JohnRagan, PatrickWilson, George William
Dew, JohnLanark, JamesRamsay, JohnWinter, Thomas
Dixon, RalphLaw, ThomasRead, HenryWoolcott, William
Downes, JosephLees, WilliamReed, HughYoung, Richard
Duerden, JohnMachin, GeorgeReed, JamesYule, James
Duffy, JamesManning, WilliamRice, George
Dunbar, FrederickMarr, NicholasRice, George

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lord Goderich is 186 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/12, pp.347-353
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.364-365, 392

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