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Details for the ship Waterloo (7) (1842)

Ship Name:Waterloo (7)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1815
Size (tons):414
Voyage Details
Master:Henry Ager
Surgeon:Henry Kelsall
Sailed:1 June 1842
Arrived:28 August 1842
Port:wrecked at Table Bay, Cape Town, South Africa
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:72 males & 0 female convicts
Notes:220 convicts embarked with an additional convict relanded - ship wrecked with 144 deaths recorded. 72 male convicts landed in VDL by ship Cape Packet, from the Cape.

List of convict passengers

Adcock, RichardDawes, HenryJohnston, AlexanderRosser, William
Aldridge, SydneyDerbishire, JosephJones, DavidSaint, William
Alexander, EdwardDowdeswell, WilliamJones, GeorgeScatcherd, Abraham
Alexander, GeorgeDuncan, JamesJones, JohnShort, John
Armitage, JamesEarnshaw, JosephJones, JohnSimpson, William
Ashworth, ThomasEdmonds, BertrandJones, JohnSinden, William
Astbury, JohnEdmonds, RichardJones, WilliamSkerratt, James
Attwood, JohnElliott, JamesJones, WilliamSlawson, Joseph
Baker, RichardEllis, JohnKing, JamesSmalley, John
Balaam, GeorgeEsson, RobertKirwin, ThomasSmedley, Thomas
Bamber, JamesEtherington, GeorgeKnott, JamesSmith, Alexander
Barker, JosephFairfax, RobertLedingham, JohnSmith, John
Barlow, ThomasFlint, JosephLloyd, GeorgeSmith, William
Barnes, FrancisFrench, WilliamLorve, WilliamSquires, Thomas
Barnes, JamesGardener, WilliamLovatt, JohnStamps, William
Barnsley, HenryGarner, GeorgeMarriott, HenryStandrin, Thomas
Beaumont, JohnGarner, JohnMarsh, RichardStewart, Daniel
Beckham, WilliamGilbert, JohnMartin, ElijahStewart, Robert
Biggs, WilliamGiles, GeorgeMartin, JohnStone, John
Birch, EdwardGoddard, JohnMcKinnon, AngusSutton, Henry
Birch, JamesGolding, WilliamMepsted, HenryTaylor, John
Blyth, CharlesGreen, CharlesMiles, ThomasTaylor, Richard
Boswell, ThomasGreen, JamesMills, AbrahamTaylor, Thomas
Bradbury, GeorgeGreenham, JamesMooby, WilliamThelwell, James
Bromfield, JohnGregory, EdwardMoore, EdwardThistleton, William
Brookes, JohnGyoury, WilliamMoore, WilliamThomas, John
Brookes, ThomasHamlet, WilliamMorgan, HenryThompson, John
Brown, JamesHancock, IsaacMurfitt, JamesThorn, George
Brown, JohnHardman, EdwardMurphy, DanielTippin, William
Bulmer, John SampsonHardwick, IvanNash, WilliamVose, Thomas
Byrne, DanielHarris, GeorgeNewton, EdwardWallis, Benjamin
Campbell, HughHarris, JohnNewton, RobertWalton, Robert
Capstack, EdwardHarvey, JamesNickson, RobertWatkins, William
Carson, JamesHawkins, JohnNolan, JohnWatkinson, James
Carter, WilliamHenry, WilliamNorth, JohnWeetman, Thomas William
Cartwright, CharlesHesketh, WilliamOsborne, EmanuelWhite, William
Cheshire, FrederickHewett, JamesPacker, JonathanWilding, John
Clark, JamesHewitt, RichardParker, RichardWiles, George Thomas
Clark, LeslieHewitt, ThomasParker, StephenWilkes, James
Clark, ThomasHicks, HenryParkinson, RobertWilkes, James
Clarke, JohnHill, RichardParsons, ThomasWilles, Robert
Clarke, WilliamHill, ThomasPeacock, JohnWilliams, George
Clifford, JohnHill, ThomasPearman, ThomasWilliams, James
Collins, JohnHolyland, RichardPownall, ThomasWilliams, John
Collins, WilliamHoward, RichardProctor, HenryWilliams, John
Cowley, MatthewHudson, FrederickPurser, FrederickWilliams, William
Cowley, ThomasHunt, HenryReynolds, JohnWilson, Thomas
Craig, JohnJackson, JamesRichards, WilliamWinstanley, Peter
Crane, RichardJeanes, BenjaminRigden, DanielWinterburn, John
Cryer, Poyntz HowellJenkins, NathanielRingate, WilliamWoodward, William
Cunningham, GeorgeJennis, JexRoberts, JohnWorkman, Charles
Currie, FelixJobling, JamesRobinson, JohnWorkman, Frederick
Darwen, JosephJohns, AlexanderRobishaw, JamesWright, William
Davies, JohnJohnson, JohnRogers, Thomas
Davis, CharlesJohnson, ThomasRosser, James
Davis, JamesJohnson, WilliamRosser, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Waterloo (7) is 221 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/13, pp.105-118
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.366-367, 392

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