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Details for the ship Emerald Isle (1843)

Ship Name:Emerald Isle  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1836
Size (tons):501
Voyage Details
Master:Robert Curling
Surgeon:Alick Osborne
Sailed:30 June 1843
Arrived:12 October 1843
Days Travel:104
Convicts Landed:213 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adair, CharlesCrossley, DavidJohnson, WilliamSheey, John
Adams, JamesCurran, JohnJones, EliasSibson, William
Ady, WilliamDall, DavidJones, JohnSimpson, William
Amer, WilliamDarrow, GeorgeJones, ThomasSmith, Edward
Arnott, ThomasDarwin, RichardJones, WilliamSmith, James
Ashley, Joshua JonesDean, WilliamJoyce, JamesSmith, James William
Baddeley, JamesDuffey, WilliamKelly, PeterSmith, John
Baker, JohnEccles, RalphKemp, ThomasSmith, Joseph
Ball, MosesEccles, SamuelKnight, ThomasSmith, William
Bamford, JosephEckersley, IsraelKnight, WilliamSpencer, Thomas
Barnaby, NathanielEdge, JamesKnowles, PeterSt Clair, William
Battram, GeorgeEllis, WilliamLambert, GeorgeStevenson, James
Baxter, WilliamExley, JoshuaLawrance, JohnStewart, Thomas
Beardshaw, ThomasFairley, RobinsonLee, HenryStone, James
Bennett, WilliamFassnidge, JamesMacFarlane, WalterStorey, William
Bents, GeorgeFawcett, JosephMacNally, FrancisSutcliffe, Jonas
Blazely, SquireFerguson, JamesMalkin, SolomonSykes, John
Bradbury, WilliamFletcher, WilliamMappin, WilliamTaylor, Joseph
Brennan, ThomasFlyn, JamesMarsden, WilliamTaylor, William
Broad, HenryForsdike, JohnMarsden, WilliamThomas, Joseph
Brocklesby, RichardFowles, HenryMatthews, JohnThompson, George
Brooks, JohnFrankland, JohnMay, CharlesThomson, Moses
Brown, GeorgeGledhill, JamesMcCarthy, FlorenceThornley, William
Brown, JohnGodbert, ThomasMcGee, SimonTibbals, Joseph
Brown, JohnGoss, JosephMcGlashan, JamesTownley, George
Brown, JohnGranger, WilliamMellor, ThomasTreadgold, William
Brown, ThomasGravatt, ThomasMiller, HenryTrickett, Jonathan
Brown, ThomasGreaves, ThomasMitchell, ShadrackVaughan, John
Bruce, JosephGreen, JosephNeale, NicholasWaddell, David
Buckley, JohnGreenwood, WilliamNorton, EvelynWard, William
Bushell, DanielGrindley, ThomasO'Neill, John McKounWarren, John
Butler, DavidHaines, ThomasOnions, JamesWatson, James
Bywater, JamesHall, WilliamOnions, WilliamWelsh, James
Cannell, WilliamHamer, JohnPalmer, WilliamWest, John
Carpenter, ThomasHardisty, RobertPartner, JamesWestwood, Edward
Carrol, WilliamHarkins, JohnPayne, JohnWhite, Henry
Casey, JamesHarrison, WilliamPayne, WilliamWhite, James
Chapman, WilliamHart, GeorgePeers, BenjaminWhitehouse, William
Charlesworth, JonathanHart, ThomasPitt, SamuelWhitehouse, Zachariah
Child, GeorgeHarvey, WilliamPurser, GeorgeWhitney, Robert
Clarke, ThomasHeaton, RobertRathbone, GeorgeWhitton, Thomas
Clay, JohnHigham, JohnReynolds, BarneyWilliams, James
Clayton, CharlesHilton, JamesRichardson, HenryWilliams, James
Cole, WilliamHodge, RichardRichardson, JohnWilliams, John
Collins, WilliamHolden, JamesRidyard, JohnWilliams, John
Connolly, ThomasHolmes, JamesRiley, JohnWilliamson, George
Conway, MatthewHolmes, ThomasRoberston, WilliamWitherden, Henry William
Cooper, HenryHoyles, JohnRoberts, GeorgeWood, William
Cooper, JosephHughes, JosephRobinson, JohnWorrall, James
Cowling, JohnHutchins, WilliamRobinson, JosephWright, Robert
Cox, HenryHutchinson, RobertRyan, JohnYates, John
Crane, WilliamIngleden, HenrySanderson, WilliamYoung, Thomas
Crawford, WilliamJackson, RobertScott, Edward
Crayner, JohnJackson, WilliamSexton, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Emerald Isle is 214 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/13, pp.333-346
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.366-367, 392

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