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Details for the ship Anson (1844)

Ship Name:Anson  
Rig Type:HMS.
Build Year:
Size (tons):1870
Voyage Details
Master:Captain Coglin, R.N.
Surgeon:Andrew Miller
Sailed:1 October 1843
Arrived:4 February 1844
Route:Rio de Janeiro
Days Travel:126
Convicts Landed:499 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, JohnDowney, DennisKeefe, MichaelSamuel, Barnett
Adams, ThomasDring, JohnsonKeem, WellardSanderson, John
Adey, GeorgeEaton, JosephKelly, JamesSankey, Joseph
Allchin, JohnEaves, EdwardKennedy, MartinSarjeant, William
Allen, GeorgeEckersley, CorneliusKey, WilliamSaunders, George
Allen, ThomasEckersley, WilliamKidney, MichaelSaunders, John
Allender, SolomonEdwards, JohnKilday, CharlesSavage, John
Allison, ThomasEdwards, ThomasKing, ThomasSaveall, Joseph
Alsop, WilliamEdwards, WilliamKing, ThomasScar, Robert
Andiss, JohnElliott, JamesKnibbs, JamesScholefield, James
Andrew, JamesElphinstone, John MackenzieKnight, EphraimScott, William
Andrews, GeorgeElston, ThomasKnight, JosephSelf, Alfred
Andrews, JamesEmmett, EdwardLarkins, GeorgeSenior, Thomas
Archer, HenryEvans, JamesLawrence, LewisSharp, Charles
Arnold, JohnEvans, JosephLe Gresley, PhilippeSharp, William
Ashwood, AaronFear, WilliamLedger, CharlesSheppard, William
Atkins, Joseph (the younger)Fenning, GeorgeLee, JohnShirley, James
Avery, CharlesFewkes, CharlesLewis, JohnShore, Charles
Bailey, JohnFielding, ThomasLiddle, HughSimpson, John
Baker, EdwardFilmer, JosephLindsey, JohnSkinner, James
Baker, JamesFinch, ThomasLingard, JohnSkinner, John
Barber, HenryFleet, RichardLipscomb, WilliamSlack, Abraham
Barber, SamuelFlint, JamesLone, WilliamSlowman, John
Barby, ThomasFlynn, JohnLovell, JamesSmall, Jacob
Barlow, JeremiahFoster, NicholasLovelock, HenrySmart, Richard
Barlow, PeterFothergill, JohnLucas, EdwinSmith, John
Barnes, WilliamFoulkes, EdwardMabey, RobertSmith, John
Barton, JohnFrith, JamesMacGuire, JohnSmith, John
Bass, SamuelFry, GeorgeMaggs, JohnSmith, John
Bates, JamesFry, WilliamMann, FrancisSmith, Richard
Bayley, WilliamFuller, ThomasMann, MatthewSmith, Robert
Beaven, EdwardFurnace, WilliamMannering, JohnSmith, Thomas
Bell, HenryGager, CharlesMannix, JohnSmith, Thomas
Belton, JamesGerrard, DavidMapleson, RichardSmith, William
Bentley, JohnGibson, GeorgeMarks, MarkSmith, William
Best, BenjaminGibson, RobertMarsden, HenrySowter, Robert
Beswick, JonathanGillibrand, JosephMarshall, AlfredStacey, John
Bignell, WilliamGivener, JamesMather, JohnStagg, Charles
Bird, GeorgeGoddard, GeorgeMcDonald, FrederickStanden, Richard
Blossman, ThomasGoodwin, GeorgeMcLoughlin, PeterStanton, William
Bodger, JohnGoss, ThomasMellor, HenryStead, William
Booth, RobertGoss, WilliamMiles, JamesStone, Thomas
Boothroyd, ThomasGout, JamesMiller, JohnStory, George
Bowler, ThomasGower, John WilliamMills, HenryStott, Thomas
Bradshaw, WilliamGrange, EdwardMilward, WilliamStout, George
Brady, JohnGrant, JosephMoon, JosephStrong, William
Braggs, JohnGreen, HenryMoore, HenrySumner, John
Braybon, WilliamGreen, JosephMoore, JamesSutcliffe, Joseph
Brearley, JohnGreen, RobertMorley, William (the younger)Swaine, John
Brennan, JohnGreen, ThomasMorris, ThomasSweetman, William
Brew, JohnGreenslade, IsaacMoss, SamuelTanner, John
Bridges, DanielGriffin, HenryMunroe, GeorgeTaylor, Edward
Brierley, JohnGriffin, WilliamMurray, EdwardTaylor, Henry
Brooks, ThomasGriffiths, JeremiahMushens, ThomasThomas, Benjamin
Brough, JohnGriggs, JamesNelmes, GeorgeThomas, James
Brown, JohnGrimmett, RichardNelson, SamuelThomas, Joseph
Brown, JohnGuilday, MichaelNewcombe, JamesThompson, Charles
Brown, ThomasGuilday, WilliamNewey, RichardThompson, Charles
Brown, ThomasHaime, JamesNewman, JamesThompson, James
Brown, ThomasHall, ThomasNobbs, WilliamThompson, William
Buckingham, ThomasHall, ThomasNolan, PatrickThompson, William
Bundle, JohnHall, WilliamNoon, WilliamThorpe, Andrew
Burditt, JosephHamilton, GeorgeNorris, JohnTibbs, George
Burford, JosephHancock, JohnNunn, ThomasTodd, George
Burgess, GeorgeHannon, ThomasNutley, GeorgeToncks, John
Burns, JohnHanson, JosephNuttall, RichardTraling, Joseph
Burrell, WilliamHardman, JosephO'Connell, MorrisTrewsdale, Robert
Burton, JosephHardy, PeterOates, CharlesTurbeyfield, James
Butterworth, WilliamHargrave, JonathanOsborn, WilliamTurner, Amos
Button, JohnHargreaves, WilliamOthen, WilliamTurner, Charles
Campbell, PeterHarper, JohnPage, AaronTurner, John
Cannon, GeorgeHarris, CharlesPage, WilliamTurner, Samuel
Cannon, HenryHarris, JamesPaine, JohnUsher, Thomas
Cantrell, JosephHarris, JobParnell, JohnVice, William
Careless, WilliamHarrison, WilliamPassenger, HenryWain, George
Carson, JamesHarrup, JohnPatient, AaronWalker, William
Cater, GeorgeHatcher, JohnPattison, RichardWalsh, Thomas
Chamberlaine, WilliamHawkins, GeorgePearce, JohnWarburton, Benjamin
Chaplin, JohnHawkins, WilliamPearson, SamuelWard, John
Charman, George (the younger)Hawthorne, HenryPepper, JohnWare, James
Cherryholme, ThomasHayes, ThomasPerkins, ThomasWarner, William
Chesshire, HenryHayward, SamuelPerry, JamesWaters, Isaac
Clarke, CharlesHaywood, ThomasPerry, ThomasWatts, John
Clarke, GeorgeHeath, CharlesPerryman, JamesWebb, Joseph
Clarke, JohnHeath, EphraimPeters, JohnWebb, Thomas
Clifford, ThomasHennessy, JohnPhillips, JohnWelch, Thomas
Coles, JosephHensworth, ThomasPining, EdwardWeld, George
Collins, HughHewick, JosephPink, WilliamWellbourn, William
Collins, RobertHicks, JosephPlunkett, CharlesWells, Abraham
Connor, TimothyHiggins, EdwardPointon, SamuelWells, Charles
Connor, WilliamHill, JohnPoney, JamesWells, Joseph
Cook, ThomasHill, WilliamPope, ThomasWells, William
Cook, WilliamHirst, JohnPorter, JamesWheeler, Isaac
Coombs, WilliamHoare, JohnPorter, ThomasWhisker, William
Cooper, EliHodge, ElijahPoulter, GeorgeWhite, George
Cooper, JosephHogarth, DavidPratt, JohnWhite, John William
Copeley, JohnHolder, JohnPrice, CharlesWhitehead, James
Coppin, HenryHornby, RobertRampling, ThomasWhittle, James
Coxall, ThomasHoulton, PeterRamskell, GeorgeWilcockes, Richard
Cripps, WilliamHoward, WilliamRandall, JamesWilliams, George
Crook, WilliamHowell, ThomasRandall, JohnWilliams, George
Culpin, JohnHowlett, SamuelRandall, WilliamWilliams, Henry
Curtain, JohnHowling, WilliamRawlinson, RichardWilliams, John
Curtis, CharlesHowse, GeorgeRaymond, ChristopherWilliams, John
Curtis, WilliamHudson, RobertRedding, EdwardWilliams, Richard
Dabster, WilliamHughes, PeterRedley, William M.Williams, Robert
Dacey, JeremiahHumes, MichaelRedmond, JohnWilliams, William
Dartin, RichardHumphries, JohnReed, BenjaminWilson, John
Davis, CharlesHunt, RobertReed, SamuelWilson, John
Davis, WilliamHurst, CharlesReeve, JosephWilson, John
Davis, WilliamIngham, RichardRichardson, JamesWilson, Thomas
Davis, WilliamIsaacs, MichaelRichardson, SamuelWilson, Thomas
Davy, ThomasJackson, WilliamRidler, JohnWinterbottom, Robert
Delaney, PatrickJamieson, JamesRiley, PatrickWinters, Joseph
Dickenson, GeorgeJohnson, WilliamRiley, ThomasWood, William
Dickinson, DavidJohnstone, WilliamRoberts, JohnWoods, James
Dickinson, SamuelJones, JohnRoberts, ThomasWoolsey, George
Dodd, AdamJones, JohnRobinson, JamesWorhall, Joseph
Dolton, ThomasJones, SamuelRobinson, JamesWright, Robert
Donovan, JohnJones, ThomasRobinson, SamuelWright, Thomas
Donovan, MichaelJones, ThomasRobinson, WilliamWright, William (the younger)
Donovan, MichaelJones, WilliamRoebuck, JohnWylde, George
Dormer, JohnJordan, SamuelRolfe, WilliamYoung, John
Down, EdwardKargeeg, JohnRonayne, RichardYoung, William
Downes, RichardKean, JohnRowan, Michael

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Anson is 499 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.366-367, 393
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/15, pp.409-473

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