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Details for the ship Blundell (1844)

Ship Name:Blundell  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1839
Size (tons):573
Voyage Details
Master:Robert L. Hunter
Surgeon:Benjamin Bynoe
Sailed:March 1844
Arrived:12 July 1844
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:210 males & 0 female convicts
Notes:Departing indent states destination VDL, but ship arrived NI

List of convict passengers

Acton, JohnDeming, JohnHunt, JohnRiley, Benjamin
Acton, ThomasDingle, NicholasJackson, JohnRiley, Thomas
Adams, WilliamDoodson, PeterJagger, HenryRiley, Thomas
Akroyd, ValentineDuncan, JamesJaques, ThomasRimmer, Joseph
Allen, JohnDurward, JohnJohnson, IsaacRisley, Edmund
Anderson, WilliamDwyer, EdwardJohnson, WilliamRocket, George
Bailey, FrancisEdwards, JamesJones, GeorgeRogers, John
Ball, WilliamEdwards, ThomasJones, JohnRogers, John Malkin
Banks, GeorgeEvans, JohnJones, JosephRoser, William
Bartle, BejaminFillingham, HenryJones, ThomasRushforth, George
Bartley, MarkFolkard, GeorgeJones, WilliamSalmon, Eli
Bennett, Thomas RichardFord, WilliamJones, WilliamSangers, William Henry
Bentley, James FrancisFoster, DanielJowett, BenjaminSaxon, George
Berry, StephenFox, RichardKettleband, WilliamShaw, Thomas
Bidwell, JohnFurniss, WilliamKing, ThomasSheppard, William
Biggs, WilliamGarrod, ThomasKnight, CharlesSimpson, William George
Binns, JohnGeddes, WilliamKnowles, ThomasSinkler, John
Bishop, PhilippeGee, GeorgeLeathley, GeorgeSkinner, William
Blake, HenryGidlow, JohnLeeming, JohnSlack, William
Bostock, JamesGoddard, WilliamLunn, EdwardSmith, John
Bradley, WilliamGoodson, JamesMacQuin, Maurice VincentSmith, Samuel Sydney
Bridgwater, JosephGrant, JohnMarshall, Edward SamuelSpiller, John
Brown, GeorgeGrant, ThomasMartin, JohnStafford, Joshua
Brown, HenryGreen, JamesMartin, JohnSutcliffe, John
Brown, RichardGreen, MarkMay, JohnSwaine, Thomas
Browne, GeorgeGrinnall, JohnMayers, JamesSyer, William
Bullen, JohnGrocock, John WinfieldMcKay, HenryTetley, Henry
Burnett, WilliamHaigh, SamuelMeek, RobinsonThackray, Charles
Burrows, RichardHales, BenjaminMorgan, WilliamThornley, Thomas
Burrows, WilliamHall, WilliamMunro, JamesThornton, William
Burton, ThomasHarding, CharlesNairn, JosephThornton, William
Bush, HenryHarding, WilliamNockolds, WilliamTipper, James
Butterfield, JosephHardman, GeorgeNorthrop, AbrahamTownsend, Charles
Carley, JamesHarris, WilliamOldham, ThomasTrenate, James
Carter, JamesHart, WilliamOsborne, WilliamTuckwell, James
Caylor, JeremiahHarvey, HenryPadgett, WilliamTurner, George
Chadwick, SamuelHeatley, PeterPalin, WilliamTye, Charles
Charlton, GeorgeHegg, JohnPatefield, JamesVickers, William
Child, JohnHenderson, JamesPatteson, JamesWard, Edward
Chivers, EdwardHermitage, WilliamPerks, FrederickWatkins, Robert
Clark, JohnHewitt, WilliamPhilpott, JohnWatkins, Thomas
Clarke, GeorgeHolbrook, JosephPinfold, WilliamWelch, Peter
Clarke, NicholasHolbrook, RichardPollard, JohnWestbrooke, Jonathan
Clifford, ThomasHolden, DanielPoxon, SamuelWhitaker, Abraham
Corfield, FrederickHorrocks, RogerPunch, JamesWilliams, John
Cornelius, JohnHosburgh, WilliamQuinn, CharlesWilliams, John
Crawley, CorneliusHowarth, HenryRadford, JosephWilson, William
Croston, JohnHowarth, JamesRamsden, CharlesWood, George
Cutler, JosephHuggett, JamesRamsden, SamuelWright, John
Davies, JohnHuggett, StephenRayner, EdwardYoung, James
Davis, JamesHulme, JamesReynolds, JamesYoung, William
Daw, AmbroseHulme, JohnRichards, John
Dawson, CharlesHunt, JamesRigby, Thomas Frankland

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Blundell is 210 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.372-373, 395
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/14, pp.21-32

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