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Details for the ship Providence I (1811)

Ship Name:Providence I  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1808
Size (tons):649
Voyage Details
Master:Andrew Barclay
Surgeon:Richard Hughes
Sailed:21 January 1811
Arrived:2 July 1811
Route:Rio de Janeiro
Days Travel:162
Convicts Landed:136 males & 38 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Anglin, ThomasCurran, JamesKane, JohnNaghton, Patrick
Balfe, NicholasDaly, ThomasKavonagh, RoseNeil, Elinor
Bigly, DenisDanaher, DanielKelly, DanielNewman, Thomas
Boyhen, OwenDavis, SolomonKelly, EdwardNixon, Thomas
Brown, PatrickDelamore, RichardKelly, JohnNowlan, James
Browne, CatherineDennahay, PeterKelly, MarkNowlan, James
Browne, RichardDogherty, MargaretKelly, MaryO'Brien, Patrick
Bryan, MargaretDonaghoe, JosephKelly, MichaelO'Donnell, Anna
Buckley, CatherineDonnelly, MichaelKennessey, MichaelPeters, John Ryan
Buckley, PatrickDonovan, JohnKeoghy, MichaelPlunkett, Christopher
Bullen, BridgetDonovan, MargaretKinshela, MichaelPlunkett, James
Burke, PatrickDoyle, ElinorKirk, MarthaPower, Mary
Burley, PatrickDriscoll, MaryLeavey, HughPower, Michael
Byrne, AnneEarley, JamesLeeson, JamesQuinlan, Judith
Byrne, CatherineEarls, JosephLennahan, JosephQuinn, Bridget
Byrne, JamesEgan, PatrickLinnard, JerimiahQuinn, Mary
Byrne, JamesEgar, EdwardLittle, ArthurRamsay, William
Byrne, JohnFahey, HonoraLyons, MaryReilly, Owen
Byrne, MargaretFinnamore, PeterMadden, ThomasRevel, Michael
Byrnes, MathewFinnegan, ChristopherMangan, JohnRogers, Patrick
Call, JohnFinnegan, MathewMassey, JohnRussell, Patrick
Carmichael, JamesFitzpatrick, BernardMcAlister, PatrickRyan, Michael
Carr, HestherFitzsimons, PatrickMcCann, ThomasRyan, Patrick
Carrabine, BryanFogarty, OwenMcCarthy, JamesSargent, James
Carroll, CatherineFowler, JohnMcCarthy, JohnShachan, Mary
Carroll, EdwardGallagher, PatrickMcColgin, ThomasSheedy, Timothy
Carroll, PatrickGarevan, MaryMcCue, JohnSheehan, Denis
Casey, MichaelGarvey, AndrewMcCullern, JohnSheehan, John
Casey, MichaelGilligan, JohnMcDaniel, JohnSheehy, Roger
Cavanagh, ElinorGleeson, MaryMcDermott, BridgetSherry, Patrick
Charters, GeorgeGlennan, MichaelMcDermott, DenisShiele, Michael
Church, ElizabethGlinn, CatherineMcDonald, WilliamShine, John
Clarke, RichardGlynn, ElizabethMcDonnell, JamesSinnott, John
Coates, SamuelGlynn, WilliamMcEver, HughSlaveng, Thomas
Collins, PatrickGrant, JohnMcGavaren, FrancisSmith, James
Collogan, AnneGreany, ThomasMcGratt, BridgetSmith, Michael
Connell, MichaelHanley, WilliamMcHue, DenisSpann, Michael
Connolly, JamesHarrevan, PatrickMcLoughlin, JohnStapleton, John
Conolly, CatherineHart, JamesMcMulvagh, WilliamStephenson, William
Conolly, MaryHayes, PeterMolony, MichaelSullivan, Ellinor
Conway, JohnHealy, PatrickMoran, BernardTracy, Michael
Cooney, JohnHennessey, CatherineMoylan, MichaelTroy, Patrick
Coyle, ThomasHiggins, ThomasMulholland, MaryWheelan, Cavan
Crone, JamesHogan, JohnMullowney, ThomasWhelan, John
Cummins, MaryHussey, PeterMurphy, HonoraWiggans, Francis
Curlett, WilliamJoyce, MichaelMurphy, JohnWinter, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Providence I is 184 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.338-339, 381
  • State Records NSW (SRNSW) : CGS1155 , Reels 2417-2428, 1811, Providence, pp.1-6

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