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Details for the ship Equestrian (1) (1844)

Ship Name:Equestrian (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1842
Size (tons):801
Voyage Details
Master:James Cromarty
Surgeon:William West
Sailed:20 January 1844
Arrived:2 May 1844
Days Travel:95
Convicts Landed:288 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, DavidCrowther, JohnJones, DavidRollason, Henry
Allan, AlexanderCulver, WilliamJones, EdwardSambell, Joseph
Allbut, EdwardCurrall, HenryJones, HenryScaife, Andrew
Allen, JamesCurtis, CorneliusJones, HenrySenior, George
Allen, JohnDann, ButcherJones, JohnSerjeant, Edward
Anderson, CharlesDarling, WilliamJones, WilliamShaw, William
Anderson, GeorgeDennis, ArthurJones, WilliamShenton, Thomas
Ashford, JohnDickinson, SamuelKeates, BenjaminShires, Abraham
Ashworth, JohnDouglas, James (the younger)Keates, GeorgeSibley, John
Asquith, JosephDowd, MartinKeith, TimothySidebotham, George
Aston, JosephDower, SamuelKeith, WilliamSievwright, Robert
Atkins, SamuelDowie, GeorgeKelly, PatrickSkeets, James
Austin, JohnDransfield, CharlesKelly, ThomasSmith, Henry
Bampfield, RobertDyson, HenryLakin, CharlesSmith, James
Banks, ThomasEdwards, JosephLawson, JosephSmith, Peter
Barclay, WilliamEley, ClaptonLee, WilliamSmith, Peter
Barnes, JohnEvans, GeorgeLeekie, FrancisSmith, William
Bartlett, ThomasEverell, WilliamLeonard, PeterSmith, William
Bassett, ArthurEveritt, AmosLester, JamesSmith, William
Batten, ThomasFarley, WilliamLevy, IsaacSmith, William
Baynton, JamesFarrell, George MatthewLincoln, RobertSpare, Joseph
Beardsmore, WilliamFindlay, JohnLongden, ThomasStanley, John
Beasley, JamesForster, WilliamLove, EllisStephens, Henry
Beaton, AlexanderFrogate, JosephLuff, JohnStevens, William
Beattie, GeorgeFuller, JamesLynch, JamesSteward, Charles
Berry, Joseph (the younger)Fyler, WilliamMacCarthey, JohnStill, Henry
Blair, ThomasGain, WilliamMakin, JohnStone, William
Bond, JamesGay, CharlesMalony, RichardStorr, William
Booth, GeorgeGeorge, EdwardMartin, SamuelStubberton, Henry
Bowell, WilliamGibbs, WilliamMason, WilliamSwain, Joseph
Bradley, GeorgeGilmour, WilliamMasters, RichardSymonds, George
Bramhall, JohnGinn, RobertMatthams, CharlesSymons, John
Brennan, FrancisGittins, JohnMcCarthy, EdwardTaylor, Abraham
Brereton, JohnGlann, JohnMcDougall, JamesTaylor, Thomas
Brooks, WilliamGluyes, PeterMcKenzie, JohnTaylor, William
Brown, CharlesGlyde, WilliamMeanley, DanielTerrett, William
Brown, JohnGobby, ThomasMichael, CharlesThompson, Henry
Brown, JohnGoldsmith, JohnMiddleton, RobertTipper, John
Brown, ThomasGooch, FrancisMoore, GeorgeTompkins, John
Bryan, TimothyGreen, JohnMoore, ThomasTrewenneck, William
Buchanan, AlexanderGrice, EdwardMorley, Henry WilliamTucker, Robert
Buck, WilliamGunn, WilliamMorris, JohnTuel, Edward
Bywater, RobertHall, AlexanderMorrison, GeorgeUpton, Robert
Cain, WilliamHamond, JonathanMoss, James MellorVesty, William
Cameron, JohnHarden, JohnMotterham, JamesVokins, Henry
Cann, JohnHarris, HenryMurphy, DanielWakeham, Richard
Carmichael, BenjaminHarris, WilliamMurran, DennisWalker, Edward
Carrier, WilliamHawkins, SamuelNeedham, CharlesWall, James
Carter, JamesHenderson, AlexanderNightingale, WilliamWarburton, James
Castle, WilliamHenderson, DonaldNorbury, RichardWatson, Thomas
Causey, JohnHenderson, JamesNorwich, CharlesWatts, George
Chantry, WilliamHerring, AlfredO'Garry, ThomasWeatherall, George
Chapman, WilliamHeughes, WilliamOdell, RobertWebb, Richard
Chapman, WilliamHickling, WilliamOliver, WilliamWeller, John (the younger)
Chellis, JobHill, ClempsonOrchard, WilliamWest, Charles
Churchhouse, PeterHiscox, JamesOrrin, WilliamWhitland, William
Clay, RichardHobson, WilliamOsborne, GeorgeWickham, Joseph
Cochrane, JamesHodgkiss, EdwardPainter, ThomasWilkes, John
Collins, AlfredHoldsworth, HenryParker, HenryWilliams, John
Collyer, JeremiahHollamby, JohnPatton, HenryWilliams, John
Consterdine, ThomasHolt, ThomasPearce, GeorgeWilliams, John
Cook, JamesHope, GeorgePearcy, JohnWilliamson, William
Cook, SamuelHousehold, ThomasPerry, JamesWilson, Robert
Coombe, RobertHoward, CharlesPettyfer, GeorgeWilson, William
Cory, WilliamHowes, JamesPhillips, WilliamWilson, William
Cottle, HenryHughes, JohnPickford, EdmundWood, John
Courely, JohnHutchinson, PeterPittam, HenryWood, Thomas
Courtman, RobertImrie, AndrewPorter, JohnWood, William
Craig, RobertInifer, WilliamPriest, BenjaminWoodberry, John
Crayshaw, CharlesJacques, ThomasRegan, JamesWoodland, Thomas
Crayshaw, ThomasJohns, SamuelReid, JohnWouldhave, William
Crighton, JohnJohnson, JamesRichards, GeorgeWright, William
Croll, JohnJones, CainRobinson, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Equestrian (1) is 291 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.366-367, 393
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/14, pp.1-17

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