List of convict passengers
Adams, Andrew | Crossley, George | Holland, William | Reeves, Edward |
Adley, John | Cummings, William | Hopkin, Evan | Reid, Henry |
Akerstone, George | Curtis, James | Hough, William | Robinson, Joseph |
Anderson, John | Davies, William | Howard, James | Robinson, Thomas |
Andrews, Adam | Day, George | Howard, James | Robinson, Thomas |
Arnfield, Joseph | Diaper, Charles | Howarth, Roger | Robison, John |
Asbury, Samuel | Doran, Anthony | Jeavons, William | Rogers, William |
Ashcroft, William | Doyle, Michael | Jenkins, Thomas | Rushbrooke, Benjamin |
Ashton, John | Dutton, Joseph | Johnson, Joseph | Russell, Richard |
Atack, Samuel | Eastwood, Matthew | Johnson, Samuel | Salt, James |
Athey, George | Eastwood, Richard | Jones, George | Sankey, Joseph |
Atkinson, Joseph | Ebberley, Frederick | Jones, Henry | Schofield, Eli |
Baker, James | Ebden, William James | Jones, Robert | Schofield, Thomas |
Bakewell, John | Edwards, George | Jones, Thomas | Shaw, Thomas |
Bancroft, William | Edwards, Thomas | Jones, William | Shepherd, Robert |
Barker, William | Egerton, Silvester | Jones, William | Shepherd, William |
Barlow, George | Emerton, Joseph | Kay, Samuel | Shepstone, Edward |
Barnes, Joseph | Etchells, John | Keighley, William | Shirley, Charles |
Barnes, William | Evans, John | Kelly, Bernard | Sinclair, James |
Barrett, John | Facey, John Benjamin | Kelly, Mark | Sinclair, Robert |
Barrow, John | Farndon, John | Kendall, William | Singleton, William |
Bartholomew, Thomas | Farrell, Michael | Kennedy, John | Smart, James |
Beckett, James | Farrer, Jonas | Kett, George | Smeatham, Richard |
Bennett, Joseph | Fielding, John | King, Benjamin | Smith, Francis |
Benning, George | Fisher, George | Kirby, John | Smith, George |
Benson, Thomas | Fisher, Robert | Laggin, Edward | Smith, Henry |
Berry, Joseph | Fisk, James | Lally, Lawrence | Smith, James |
Berry, Nathaniel | Fletcher, Frederick | Lamb, William | Smith, John |
Berry, William | Flinn, James | Landon, Thomas | Smith, Joseph |
Bibby, John | Flynn, John | Lane, Thomas | Smith, Robert |
Binns, William | Ford, William | Laws, William | Smith, William |
Blakeley, Joseph | Fordham, William | Lawson, James | Smith, William |
Bloxham, William | Foster, Frederick | Leake, John | Speed, William |
Bodycot, John | Foster, George | Ledger, Matthew | Spencer, Thomas |
Bolton, Thomas | Frary, Robert | Lethborg, John | Stedman, John |
Bosworth, Percival | Frederick, John | Linley, James | Strutt, George |
Boulter, Thomas | Frost, Richard | Longbottom, Samuel | Sutcliffe, John |
Bowden, James | Fry, George | Lucas, James | Sutcliffe, Richard |
Bowen, James | Fullilove, Charles | Malladine, Henry | Sutton, James |
Bowen, John | Gaff, William | Marsh, John | Thomas, William |
Bradbury, James | Gear, Henry | Marsters, John | Thompson, James |
Bradey, Thomas | Gething, James | Martin, James | Thompson, Thomas |
Bridge, George | Gilligan, Luke | Marygold, Thomas | Thompson, William |
Brierley, John | Girdlestone, John | Mason, George | Thompson, William |
Briggs, Benjamin | Girdlestone, William | McNaught, John | Thurlow, Joseph |
Briggs, John | Glossop, Charles | Messenger, James | Trice, James |
Broomhead, George | Gothard, Charles | Middleton, John | Tucker, James |
Brown, Charles | Gotts, Samuel | Milner, William | Twine, George |
Brown, Edmund | Gould, John | Mordan, John | Underwood, Thomas |
Brown, James | Gray, William | Morgan, George | Upstill, Robert |
Brown, John | Green, John | Morris, James | Valentine, Henry |
Brown, Joseph Knapton | Greenwood, George | Mortlock, Thomas | Vandeville, Richard George Thomas Hughes |
Brown, Samuel | Griffiths, James | Murphy, Matthew | Vincent, James |
Brown, Thomas | Griffiths, Thomas | Nesbitt, Thomas | Waldron, James |
Brown, William | Grimwade, William | Noller, Joseph | Walker, Robert |
Buckingham, John | Haden, James | O'Brien, John | Walker, William |
Bullen, John | Haley, Robert | Parker, Richard | Walton, Edwin |
Burke, Patrick | Hall, William | Paterson, John | Wand, Samuel |
Burrows, Henry Isaac | Hallows, Sim | Patterson, Allen | Ward, William |
Campbell, James | Hallsworth, William | Pattison, Robert | White, Joseph |
Cavanagh, Thomas | Hamilton, George William | Peers, Frederick | White, Thomas |
Chadwick, John | Hammond, Charles | Phillips, John | White, William |
Chaffey, James | Hands, William | Phillips, William | Whittaker, John |
Chard, William | Harris, Edward | Pile, Richard | Wiett, William |
Church, Charles | Harrison, Robert | Plaitt, George | Wilkins, John |
Clark, John | Harvey, Roger | Platts, Joseph | Wilkinson, Charles |
Clifton, James | Harwood, William | Powell, John | Wilkinson, Edward |
Collins, John | Hayes, James | Powers, Joseph | Wilkinson, Samuel |
Collins, Samuel | Hayward, George | Prager, Henry | Williams, George |
Collins, Samuel | Herron, Thomas | Pratt, Thomas | Williams, James |
Conway, Michael | Hindley, John | Price, Peter William | Williams, John |
Cooke, William | Hirst, John | Pumford, John | Williams, Thomas |
Corfield, James | Hockaday, James | Randall, John | Williams, Thomas |
Cowley, William | Hodson, Thomas | Reader, George | Wilson, George |
Craig, Edward | Holden, Thomas | Rees, Francis | Woollatt, Joseph |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Marion (1) is 300 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/13, pp.489-504
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.366-367, 393