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Details for the ship Marion (1) (1844)

Ship Name:Marion (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1834
Size (tons):684
Voyage Details
Master:Robert D. Guthrie
Surgeon:W. H. B. Jones
Sailed:29 November 1843
Arrived:3 April 1844
Days Travel:126
Convicts Landed:295 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, AndrewCrossley, GeorgeHolland, WilliamReeves, Edward
Adley, JohnCummings, WilliamHopkin, EvanReid, Henry
Akerstone, GeorgeCurtis, JamesHough, WilliamRobinson, Joseph
Anderson, JohnDavies, WilliamHoward, JamesRobinson, Thomas
Andrews, AdamDay, GeorgeHoward, JamesRobinson, Thomas
Arnfield, JosephDiaper, CharlesHowarth, RogerRobison, John
Asbury, SamuelDoran, AnthonyJeavons, WilliamRogers, William
Ashcroft, WilliamDoyle, MichaelJenkins, ThomasRushbrooke, Benjamin
Ashton, JohnDutton, JosephJohnson, JosephRussell, Richard
Atack, SamuelEastwood, MatthewJohnson, SamuelSalt, James
Athey, GeorgeEastwood, RichardJones, GeorgeSankey, Joseph
Atkinson, JosephEbberley, FrederickJones, HenrySchofield, Eli
Baker, JamesEbden, William JamesJones, RobertSchofield, Thomas
Bakewell, JohnEdwards, GeorgeJones, ThomasShaw, Thomas
Bancroft, WilliamEdwards, ThomasJones, WilliamShepherd, Robert
Barker, WilliamEgerton, SilvesterJones, WilliamShepherd, William
Barlow, GeorgeEmerton, JosephKay, SamuelShepstone, Edward
Barnes, JosephEtchells, JohnKeighley, WilliamShirley, Charles
Barnes, WilliamEvans, JohnKelly, BernardSinclair, James
Barrett, JohnFacey, John BenjaminKelly, MarkSinclair, Robert
Barrow, JohnFarndon, JohnKendall, WilliamSingleton, William
Bartholomew, ThomasFarrell, MichaelKennedy, JohnSmart, James
Beckett, JamesFarrer, JonasKett, GeorgeSmeatham, Richard
Bennett, JosephFielding, JohnKing, BenjaminSmith, Francis
Benning, GeorgeFisher, GeorgeKirby, JohnSmith, George
Benson, ThomasFisher, RobertLaggin, EdwardSmith, Henry
Berry, JosephFisk, JamesLally, LawrenceSmith, James
Berry, NathanielFletcher, FrederickLamb, WilliamSmith, John
Berry, WilliamFlinn, JamesLandon, ThomasSmith, Joseph
Bibby, JohnFlynn, JohnLane, ThomasSmith, Robert
Binns, WilliamFord, WilliamLaws, WilliamSmith, William
Blakeley, JosephFordham, WilliamLawson, JamesSmith, William
Bloxham, WilliamFoster, FrederickLeake, JohnSpeed, William
Bodycot, JohnFoster, GeorgeLedger, MatthewSpencer, Thomas
Bolton, ThomasFrary, RobertLethborg, JohnStedman, John
Bosworth, PercivalFrederick, JohnLinley, JamesStrutt, George
Boulter, ThomasFrost, RichardLongbottom, SamuelSutcliffe, John
Bowden, JamesFry, GeorgeLucas, JamesSutcliffe, Richard
Bowen, JamesFullilove, CharlesMalladine, HenrySutton, James
Bowen, JohnGaff, WilliamMarsh, JohnThomas, William
Bradbury, JamesGear, HenryMarsters, JohnThompson, James
Bradey, ThomasGething, JamesMartin, JamesThompson, Thomas
Bridge, GeorgeGilligan, LukeMarygold, ThomasThompson, William
Brierley, JohnGirdlestone, JohnMason, GeorgeThompson, William
Briggs, BenjaminGirdlestone, WilliamMcNaught, JohnThurlow, Joseph
Briggs, JohnGlossop, CharlesMessenger, JamesTrice, James
Broomhead, GeorgeGothard, CharlesMiddleton, JohnTucker, James
Brown, CharlesGotts, SamuelMilner, WilliamTwine, George
Brown, EdmundGould, JohnMordan, JohnUnderwood, Thomas
Brown, JamesGray, WilliamMorgan, GeorgeUpstill, Robert
Brown, JohnGreen, JohnMorris, JamesValentine, Henry
Brown, Joseph KnaptonGreenwood, GeorgeMortlock, ThomasVandeville, Richard George Thomas Hughes
Brown, SamuelGriffiths, JamesMurphy, MatthewVincent, James
Brown, ThomasGriffiths, ThomasNesbitt, ThomasWaldron, James
Brown, WilliamGrimwade, WilliamNoller, JosephWalker, Robert
Buckingham, JohnHaden, JamesO'Brien, JohnWalker, William
Bullen, JohnHaley, RobertParker, RichardWalton, Edwin
Burke, PatrickHall, WilliamPaterson, JohnWand, Samuel
Burrows, Henry IsaacHallows, SimPatterson, AllenWard, William
Campbell, JamesHallsworth, WilliamPattison, RobertWhite, Joseph
Cavanagh, ThomasHamilton, George WilliamPeers, FrederickWhite, Thomas
Chadwick, JohnHammond, CharlesPhillips, JohnWhite, William
Chaffey, JamesHands, WilliamPhillips, WilliamWhittaker, John
Chard, WilliamHarris, EdwardPile, RichardWiett, William
Church, CharlesHarrison, RobertPlaitt, GeorgeWilkins, John
Clark, JohnHarvey, RogerPlatts, JosephWilkinson, Charles
Clifton, JamesHarwood, WilliamPowell, JohnWilkinson, Edward
Collins, JohnHayes, JamesPowers, JosephWilkinson, Samuel
Collins, SamuelHayward, GeorgePrager, HenryWilliams, George
Collins, SamuelHerron, ThomasPratt, ThomasWilliams, James
Conway, MichaelHindley, JohnPrice, Peter WilliamWilliams, John
Cooke, WilliamHirst, JohnPumford, JohnWilliams, Thomas
Corfield, JamesHockaday, JamesRandall, JohnWilliams, Thomas
Cowley, WilliamHodson, ThomasReader, GeorgeWilson, George
Craig, EdwardHolden, ThomasRees, FrancisWoollatt, Joseph

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Marion (1) is 300 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/13, pp.489-504
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.366-367, 393

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