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Details for the ship William Jardine (2) (1844)

Ship Name:William Jardine (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1836
Size (tons):693
Voyage Details
Master:Fran. Wilkins Lodge
Surgeon:John Robertson
Sailed:11 August 1844
Arrived:20 November 1844
Days Travel:101
Convicts Landed:267 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Andrews, WilliamForbus, AndrewKennedy, JohnRoberts, Richard
Appleby, RobertForrester, WilliamKennedy, WilliamRobertson, John
Avery, IsaacFoster, GeorgeKing, StephenRobins, James
Aylward, ThomasFox, JamesKnowles, WilliamRoscoe, Job
Aylward, WilliamFrankland, BenjaminLadd, GeorgeRoss, William
Bailey, JosephFribbons, EdwardLakin, RichardRowley, James
Baker, JamesFrith, CharlesLane, HenryRyley, John
Barber, JosephFullarton, JamesLawrence, HenrySanders, David
Barnett, JamesGammon, JamesLiptrott, ThomasSavage, John
Barnicoat, JohnGeary, GeorgeLockwood, CharlesScott, Nathaniel
Barns, ThomasGilmore, JamesLord, JohnScull, Henry
Bent, JohnGlass, WilliamMackinder, ThomasShanks, John
Berry, HenryGlover, JohnMaddon, WilliamSharp, Robert
Berry, JohnGlover, SamuelMagner, FrederickShaw, John
Bettis, WilliamGolding, James HenryMaitland, MalcolmSheffield, Edward
Billings, ThomasGordon, JamesManwaring, JosephShepherd, Peter
Bland, JohnGough, BenjaminMargeson, JeremiahShirlock, Edward
Blunt, JohnGough, CharlesMatheson, DonaldSimcox, Isaac
Bonser, JamesGough, ThomasMatthews, FrancisSimms, Thomas
Botham, JohnGrange, StephenMcCarthy, DennisSlater, David
Bowler, JamesGreenfield, WilliamMcCarthy, EugeneSmith, James
Boyle, ThomasGreenway, HenryMcDavid, JohnSmith, James Joseph
Brackey, JamesHale, ElishaMcFeat, WilliamSmith, John
Bradley, JamesHall, JosephMcGaverin, ThomasSmith, Joseph
Brannagan, JohnHamilton, FrederickMcGuiness, JamesSmith, Joseph
Brogden, DavidHankin, James (the elder)McIver, WilliamSmith, Levi
Brown, JohnHarrison, JamesMcNaught, HughSmith, Peter
Brown, ThomasHawkins, WilliamMickel, WilliamSmith, Richard
Brown, WilliamHearley, JohnMiles, DavidSmith, William
Brown, WilliamHenderson, ThomasMitchell, WilliamSmith, William Jenkins
Brown, WilliamHiggens, JohnMoore, EdwardSprot, Robert
Bryant, WilliamHiggins, JohnMoore, GeorgeStiles, Henry
Caddy, JamesHiggins, ObadiahMorris, JohnTaggart, John
Calligan, GeorgeHill, JohnMorrison, JohnTanner, William
Carrington, JohnHines, JohnMullineux, JohnTanner, William
Casey, PhilipHoldsworth, JamesMurphy, JohnTaylor, George
Chalwell, SamuelHolloway, CharlesNield, JamesTaylor, George
Chamberlain, ThomasHopkins, ThomasNolan, GeorgeTaylor, William
Chambers, SamuelHotchkiss, JohnNorcot, MosesThomas, Thomas
Clears, HenryHotchkiss, ThomasNorris, WilliamThompson, James
Clemson, WilliamHoward, CharlesO'Neil, JamesThompson, William
Cobley, WilliamHowarth, JamesOgden, JamesTugwell, George
Cochrane, AnthonyHudson, JosephOsborne, CharlesTunstall, John
Colley, Charles HenryHughes, WilliamOsmond, EmanuelTurner, Samuel
Concannon, ThomasHunter, ThomasOwen, JohnVenables, Edward
Connor, ThomasHurst, SamuelOxley, JamesWalker, John
Constanstine, JohnInwood, JohnPaddon, Robert NelsonWalkinshaw, William
Cook, JohnJackson, JohnParker, RichardWaller, James
Cooper, JohnJackson, JosephParkinson, JamesWatkins, William
Crawford, RobertJarvis, WalterPartridge, SamuelWeller, George
Cullip, JosephJenkins, ThomasPaterson, JamesWhite, John
Cunningham, RobertJennings, WilliamPearce, ThomasWiggs, James
Curtis, JohnJohns, MatthewPhillips, WilliamWildman, David
Davey, JohnJohnson, JohnPickles, RobertWilkinson, William
Dawkins, HenryJohnson, JohnPike, WilliamWillans, John
Develin, FrancisJohnson, JohnPitchers, HenryWilliamson, Joseph
Dougherty, JamesJohnson, JohnPlace, RobertWillis, Henry
Dutton, ThomasJohnson, RichardPotter, RobertWilson, Arthur
Eady, CharlesJohnson, WilliamPotter, WilliamWilson, John
Edson, EdwardJohnson, WilliamPotterill, ThomasWilson, John
Edwards, CharlesJoinson, JosephPreece, GeorgeWood, George
Emery, JosephJones, JamesPreece, JosephWooderson, James
Enston, RichardJones, JohnPrescott, ThomasWorley, Edmund
Ferguson, IsaacJones, WilliamRaybell, HenryWright, Edward
Few, WilliamKehoe, RobertRead, JamesWright, John
Fieldsend, DanielKelly, GeorgeRendle, SimeonYoung, James
Flannagan, GeorgeKelshaw, JohnRichardson, William
Flint, LewisKendall, FrancisRickards, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship William Jardine (2) is 270 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/14, pp.139-154
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.366-367, 393

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