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Details for the ship Pestonjee Bomanjee (1) (1845)

Ship Name:Pestonjee Bomanjee (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1835
Size (tons):595
Voyage Details
Master:John Austin
Surgeon:J. W. Johnston
Sailed:10 September 1845
Arrived:30 December 1845
Days Travel:111
Convicts Landed:298 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allan, LeonardDavis, WilliamJones, CharlesRandall, George
Allcard, CharlesDawson, JohnJones, GeorgeReece, William
Ambleton, ThomasDiment, HenryJones, JohnRenn, William (the younger)
Amphlett, JohnDoal, WilliamJones, JohnRidd, John
Anderson, GeorgeDobells, William HenryJones, JosephRiley, John
Andrews, AlexanderDodd, ThomasJones, JosephRoadnight, John
Arnold, WilliamDoran, JohnJones, ThomasRollason, Thomas
Ayres, SamuelDowding, JamesKellochan, WilliamRooney, John
Baillie, ThomasDowney, AlfredKennedy, MatthewRowlinson, Joseph
Balsome, ChristopherDudley, WilliamKent, JohnScollard, Michael
Bance, WilliamDyball, RichardKerr, DanielScott, George
Bardsley, GeorgeDyer, WilliamKing, GeorgeScott, William
Barrett, James (the elder)Eadson, WilliamKing, JosephShanks, Matthew
Barrett, James (the younger)Eaton, John (the younger)King, SamuelShearer, Francis
Barry, MichaelEdge, George ThomasKitchen, WilliamSimmonds, Edward
Batt, JohnEgerton, JohnKnight, ThomasSimpson, William
Baxter, ChristopherEll, JohnLampen, JohnSmallwood, Joseph
Beaby, WilliamEmery, ThomasLane, JohnSmith, Henry
Bealby, JosephEpey, WilliamLawson, DavidSmith, Henry
Beasley, ThomasEvil, WilliamLeslie, JohnSmith, John
Bestwick, JohnFay, JamesLewis, WilliamSmith, John
Bickle, WilliamField, JohnLiles, SamuelSmith, John
Biggs, HenryFinney, WilliamLister, WilliamSmith, Robert
Billingham, ThomasFisher, HenryLittlemore, JamesSmith, Samuel
Birchall, JamesFitchet, JohnLomas, JohnSmith, Thomas
Bird, EdwinFlannigan, MichaelLomer, JosephSmith, William
Blackshaw, JamesFletcher, CharlesLong, JohnStandring, John
Borrows, ThomasFletcher, SamuelMacFigg, MichaelSteer, Henry
Bowie, WalterFoster, JohnMackway, RobertStokes, John
Boys, JamesFox, RichardMaclay, JamesStokes, William
Braddon, WilliamFreeman, ThomasMadden, WilliamStory, William
Bradshaw, JohnFreestone, JohnMansfield, FrankStott, David
Bragge, William HenryFyfe, ThomasManton, ThomasSturgess, Charles
Broadhurst, ThomasGardner, JosephMarshall, JohnSullivan, John
Brooks, CharlesGardner, WilliamMason, CharlesSullivan, Patrick
Broughton, JohnGibbs, FrederickMatthews, JohnSullivan, Timothy
Brown, JohnGilbert, ThomasMcCallum, JamesSwinard, John
Brown, ThomasGomery, JamesMcCulloch, John MuirSwinson, Joseph
Buckley, JamesGore, JohnMcDonald, ThomasTame, William
Burridge, GeorgeGraham, ThomasMcDonald, WilliamThomas, William Charles
Byling, JamesGray, James FrederickMcFarlane, ThomasThompson, Robert
Cadle, JohnGreaves, RalphMcGee, ThomasThompson, William
Cameron, AllanGreenwood, JamesMcGregor, WilliamThomson, Robert
Campbell, JamesGreetham, WilliamMcIntosh, CharlesTilbury, David
Campbell, WilliamGriger, JohnMcKay, JohnTolen, John
Cane, CharlesGunnell, CharlesMcKenna, LawrenceTull, George
Carty, JohnHague, CharlesMcKenzie, DanielWade, John
Carver, AlfredHammersley, WilliamMcNab, RobertWain, William
Cassie, JamesHanley, JohnMichen, DuncanWard, John
Challenger, JamesHarbor, HenryMilan, WilliamWatts, John
Chivers, StephenHarford, JohnMiller, JohnWebb, William
Christie, GeorgeHarnett, DanielMollett, WilliamWebber, John
Clark, JesseHarris, WilliamMorgan, JohnWeeks, William
Clayton, ThomasHart, GeorgeMorris, EdwardWells, Henry
Clough, HenryHartley, WilliamMurray, JohnWhite, Thomas
Cocker, JosephHarton, PeterNapier, MatthewWhite, William
Cockhill, WilliamHarvey, ArthurNeale, WilliamWhitton, George
Collier, JamesHarvey, MichaelNewman, EdmundWilliams, John
Collier, RichardHaycroft, Charles WilliamNicholson, GeorgeWilliams, John
Condon, JamesHeath, JamesNorth, ThomasWilliams, John
Conway, JamesHenshaw, MichaelO'Brian, JamesWilliams, Robert
Cooke, RichardHewson, JamesO'Hara, JohnWilson, Henry
Cooper, JohnHickmott, GeorgeO'Hoo, PeterWilson, James
Cooper, WilliamHill, GeorgeOsburn, WilliamWilson, John
Cornwell, FrederickHill, WilliamPain, WilliamWilson, William
Cragg, WilliamHitchens, JosephParkinson, RobertWishart, John
Crowther, WilliamHodgson, WilliamPerkins, CharlesWood, James
Cull, GeorgeHoll, WilliamPeters, JohnWood, Michael
Cunningham, CharlesHooper, JamesPhillips, JosephWoollen, Andrew
Curtis, ThomasHunt, JohnPhillips, WilliamWoolley, William
Dale, JamesHurrell, EdwardPond, JohnWright, Thomas
Dance, WilliamJackson, WilliamPoshay, GeorgeWright, William
Davies, JamesJames, WilliamPrince, JosephYeats, Michael
Davies, JohnJenkins, JamesPullen, ThomasYouel, Thomas
Davis, PhilipJohnson, JosephPurkiss, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Pestonjee Bomanjee (1) is 299 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/14, pp.379-397
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.368-369, 393

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