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Details for the ship Emma Eugenia (4) (1846)

Ship Name:Emma Eugenia (4)  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1835
Size (tons):383
Voyage Details
Master:Wilfred Beech
Surgeon:John Wilson
Sailed:10 February 1846
Arrived:5 June 1846
Days Travel:115
Convicts Landed:0 males & 164 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allen, CatherineDuggan, SarahLinford, PhillisRodgemont, Matilda
Anderson, MargaretDuncan, AnnLinforth, ElizabethSavage, Margaret
Appleby, SarahDyason, Mary AnnLloyd, Mary AnnShaw, Sarah
Arthur, SophiaEmilton, CatherineLow, ElizabethSmith, Alison
Ayling, CharlotteEwan, AnnMacKenzie, IsabellaSmith, Ann
Barber, HannahExton, MargaretMarlborough, SarahSmith, Eliza
Barber, HarrietFarrell, AnnMatthews, MargaretSmith, Jane
Baylis, AnnFaulkner, Margaret AnnMaunders, MarySmith, Jean
Bayliss, MaryFeakins, FrancesMcArthur, MarySmith, Mary
Bennet, MaryFelton, AnnMcCabe, AmeliaSmith, Mary Ann
Bidwell, ElizabethFerguson, MargaretMcCallum, BarbaraSmith, Mary Ann
Black, IsabellaFerreman, CharlotteMcDonald, CatherineSmith, Sarah
Boyes, AnnFindon, MaryMcGurdie, JaneSmith, Sarah
Braddock, JaneFranks, SarahMcIntosh, MarySpalding, Ann
Bradley, AnnGardner, CarolineMcKenzie, HelenSpragg, Elizabeth
Britcliffe, MaryGeddes, JeanMcKenzie, JaneStammers, Mary Ann
Brown, CharlotteGee, ElizaMcMurray, JanetStewart, Ann
Brown, MariaGilgrass, AnnMcPherson, AnnStewart, Margaret
Buchanan, AnnGreen, Mary AnnMcPherson, MargaretStiddeford, Mary
Burgess, HannahGriffen, MaryMenzies, ChristianStiff, Mary
Burns, AnnGroves, MatildaMitchell, JeanTaylor, Catherine
Butchart, AnnHale, SarahMoonie, SarahThomas, Ann
Callaghan, AnnHarris, BridgetMorris, MaryThomas, Ellen
Calland, MaryHart, DinahMortal, MaryThompson, Caroline
Cameron, MargaretHenning, RebeccaMullen, MarthaTodd, Elizabeth
Clark, AnnHenry, AnnMulloy, MaryTurner, Jane
Clark, MargaretHenry, JaneNish, ChristineWatson, Isabella
Cockrane, Mary AnnHesketh, EllenNokes, MaryWatson, Jean
Collins, SarahHill, CatharineO'Brien, Mary AnnWelsh, Margaret
Cray, CarolineHills, Ann ElizabethO'Neale, BridgetWhite, Elizabeth
Cudmore, CharlotteHughes, SarahO'Neil, CatherineWhite, Mary
Dainty, HannahIngram, SarahPage, IsabellaWhite, Mary
Davidson, RachaelInnes, MargaretPerry, SarahWhite, Sophia
Davies, Mary AnnJohnson, MaryPottinger, CarolineWiggins, Ann
Davis, AnnJohnston, RobinaQuinlan, BridgetWilkie, Agnes
Davis, LouisaJolly, PhoebeRadford, Laura JaneWilliams, Elizabeth
Day, MargaretJones, CatharineRae, MargaretWilliams, Lucy
De la Constantine, LuciliaJones, ElizabethRatcliffe, ElizabethWilliams, Mary
Devine, MaryKelly, AnnRice, Mary AnnWilson, Agnes
Dimond, Mary AnnKenney, ElizabethRiches, ElizabethWright, Ann
Donnelly, HelenKidd, MargaretRitchie, LiliasYoung, Ann
Dudfield, MaryLaw, ElizabethRobinson, Ann
Duffy, CatherineLewis, AnnRobinson, Mary Ann

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Emma Eugenia (4) is 170 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/15, pp.15-27
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.368-369, 393

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