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Details for the ship John Calvin (1) (1846)

Ship Name:John Calvin (1)  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1839
Size (tons):510
Voyage Details
Surgeon:Henry Kelsall
Sailed:13 May 1846
Arrived:21 September 1846
Days Travel:131
Convicts Landed:199 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, JohnConnor, WilliamHutton, JosephSampson, William
Adamson, EdwinConolly, JohnInce, James HerbertScott, James
Aldridge, CharlesCook, ThomasJohnson, BenjaminSearle, Richard
Anquetil, EdwardCooper, CharlesJones, CharlesSewell, Daniel
Archer, ThomasCooper, JohnJones, JohnShannon, Charles
Armer, RobertCosford, JosephJordan, GeorgeShaw, Aaron
Atkinson, JohnCoward, CharlesKelly, JohnShepherd, William
Atkinson, WilliamCox, HarryKent, ThomasSkellett, John
Badger, HenryCox, JohnKidd, WilliamSkyrme, Benjamin
Baker, JohnCox, RichardKing, SamuelSladding, Thomas
Baker, ThomasDavison, JamesLambert, HenrySmaley, William
Baker, ThomasDay, WilliamLaudy, MichaelSmith, James
Banfill, WilliamDenham, WilliamLeathley, DavidSmith, Peter
Barrett, JamesDickford, JohnLewis, HenrySmith, Thomas
Barry, EdwardDixon, JosephLewis, JohnSmith, Thomas
Bates, HenryDodd, SamuelLloyd, WilliamSmith, William
Bath, JosephDunn, JamesLock, WilliamSpain, William James
Beane, BenjaminDyer, Edward StephensLowe, JamesSteele, George
Belcher, JosephDykes, Thomas (the younger)Mantell, RichardStephens, James
Bethell, WilliamEastwood, JoshuaMcKeone, FelixStephenson, James
Bond, FrederickElla, JamesMcKinley, DavidStone, John
Bowers, EdwardFleet, FrancisMonkton, HenryStone, John (the elder)
Boys, HenryFlinn, JohnMooney, HenryStore, Samuel
Bradmore, JohnFord, RobertMorgan, JamesStretton, William
Bramley, GeorgeForster, RichardMorgan, WilliamTeal, John
Brasington, JohnFrancis, JohnMortimer, HenryThickers, Samuel
Breeson, WilliamGarey, Edward BryantMurphy, JeremiahThompson, John
Bridges, SamuelGarratt, WilliamMurrells, CharlesThompson, Nelson
Brookes, JosephGarrod, SampsonNicholas, WilliamThompson, William
Brown, CharlesGascoigne, EdwardNorth, JamesTobin, Timothy
Brown, GeorgeGillam, JamesOverton, WilliamVirgoe, Thomas
Brown, JohnGoble, JamesParker, JohnWade, John
Brown, ThomasGreen, EdwardPayne, Charles GregoryWall, John
Browne, JohnHarding, JamesPayne, HenryWalsgrove, Edward
Bull, KnutHarriman, JohnPearce, WilliamWard, Henry
Bunyan, FrederickHarrison, HenryPears, ArthurWatson, John
Burke, JamesHart, GeorgePenn, JohnWeaver, Thomas
Caffle, WilliamHaycock, JobPhillips, LouisWebb, Samuel
Carne, JamesHewson, RichardPizzey, RobertWebster, John
Carrington, JohnHickey, JamesPowell, JohnWelsh, Chambers
Carter, CharlesHitchcock, WilliamPunch, JamesWheeler, William
Chaffey, WilliamHobbs, GeorgePunch, JohnWhite, David
Chinnery, GeorgeHobdey, JohnReason, WilliamWhite, William
Clark, StephenHodkin, JosephReed, William FootWhitread, John
Clarke, JohnHolmes, ThomasReeve, ThomasWhitton, John
Clayton, JosephHowell, JohnRiding, JosephWilkinson, Nathan
Coker, GeorgeHughes, RichardRind, WilliamWilliams, Charles
Collins, GeorgeHummerstone, CharlesRoberts, WilliamWilliams, Charles
Collins, SamuelHutchinson, HenryRoberts, WilliamWilliams, James
Colston, William HenryHutchinson, JosephRussell, ThomasWinstanley, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship John Calvin (1) is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/15, pp.71-82
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.372-373, 395

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