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Details for the ship Thomas Arbuthnot (1847)

Ship Name:Thomas Arbuthnot  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1841
Size (tons):621
Voyage Details
Surgeon:Henry Baker
Sailed:10 January 1847
Arrived:4 May 1847
Days Travel:114
Convicts Landed:288 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abby, ThomasEvans, JamesLiptrot, CharlesSalt, Thomas
Adams, JohnFidoe, WilliamLitton, WilliamSalvage, George
Agar, AlexanderFisher, WilliamLockey, NicholasSarjeant, Leonard
Ainsworth, RobertFletcher, ColinLowe, IsraelSaunders, William
Alexander, WilliamFowler, JohnLowe, JohnScard, Henry
Alston, GeorgeFowler, JohnLuck, ThomasShaw, John
Anscomb, HenryFrancis, JamesManning, GeorgeShaw, John
Apps, EdwardFryer, WilliamManning, Henry John HenshawShearer, John
Archer, JosephGarden, JamesMartin, HenryShort, James
Arkell, Frederick GeorgeGarlick, JamesMartin, JohnSims, Charles
Armstrong, RobertGibbs, MatthewMatthews, GeorgeSmedley, William
Aston, ThomasGilmore, CharlesMatthewson, JamesSmith, Alfred Ray
Bailey, JosephGrant, HenryMcCarthy, JamesSmith, Charles
Baker, AlfredGray, PatrickMcKenna, JohnSmith, James
Baker, CharlesGreaves, ChristopherMcKenzie, KennethSmith, Robert
Baker, ThomasGreen, ThomasMcManus, JohnSmith, Sidney (the younger)
Ballantyne, JohnGregory, FrederickMcNeil, ArthurSmith, William
Bamford, CharlesGriffiths, AllenMcPhin, JamesSouthwood, William
Barrett, RobertGriffiths, ThomasMeechem, CharlesStafford, John
Beasy, WilliamGrundell, JohnMerrin, CharlesStevens, James
Bell, DouglasHall, GeorgeMeyers, JohnStewart, Kidman
Berry, ThomasHall, JohnMiller, LawrenceStewart, William
Billinge, JesseHall, WilliamMitchell, GeorgeStewart, William
Billingham, WilliamHamilton, WilliamMood, GeorgeStreet, Henry
Bilton, DavidHammond, EdmondMorris, GeorgeSuch, William
Birch, SamuelHammond, JamesMotherway, JohnSullivan, John
Black, PeterHarding, ThomasMottram, PeterThompson, Charles
Bosworth, EdwardHarris, ThomasMurdock, JamesThornberg, Edward
Botterill, RobsonHayward, JohnMurphy, ArthurThorpe, Hugh
Bradley, ThomasHeald, JohnMurphy, JohnThurston, George
Bradshaw, WilliamHeath, CharlesNeighbour, EdwardTitus, Henry
Brennan, StephenHerbert, WilliamNightingale, ThomasTodd, William
Brewer, JohnHewer, SamuelO'Brian, DavidTomlinson, John
Brightwell, WilliamHodgin, WilliamOldacre, JohnTrevillian, Edward
Brown, JohnHoldsworth, JosephOnley, WilliamTurner, Henry
Buckley, JohnHolmes, JohnOriel, JamesVant, James
Buckley, JohnHorsey, JohnOsborne, JamesVyvyan, John
Buglass, DavidHowarth, WilliamOwen, HumphreyWake, Thomas (the younger)
Callahan, JamesHowes, EdwardPaton, JohnWaldron, William
Cameron, AlexanderHowlett, HenryPattison, HenryWalker, Charles
Cantelo, SamuelHughes, ThomasPeach, RobertWallace, John
Carr, ThomasHull, GeorgePerks, JosephWalsham, Joseph
Carter, HenryHulme, JosephPhelps, CharlesWard, Charles Henry
Chandler, ThomasHutchings, ThomasPhillips, EdwardWard, Frederick
Charlton, RobertHutchinson, WilliamPhillips, JohnWarner, Richard
Clark, GeorgeIngledew, ChristopherPhillips, JohnWeaver, Edward
Clark, SydneyJarvis, JohnPowell, JosephWebb, William
Clarkson, JamesJohnson, HenryPreston, RobertWestbury, Edward
Cliff, EdwardJohnson, JamesPrice, RobertWestcott, Charles
Clifford, DanielJohnson, JosephPriestly, JosephWestley, George
Clifford, LewinJohnson, RichardPrince, EvanWhitehouse, William
Cockburn, GeorgeJohnston, GeorgePurchase, JohnWhitelaw, William
Collins, EdwardJones, GeorgeQuantrell, JohnWhitfield, George
Collins, WilliamJones, JamesQuantrell, WilliamWicking, William
Connor, JamesJones, JohnQuinn, LukeWilliams, George
Cooper, WilliamJones, WilliamRackham, RobertWilliams, Henry
Corn, JohnJones, WilliamRead, Arthur GeorgeWilliams, Henry
Cragg, JamesKean, JamesRich, JohnWilliams, John
Cragg, RichardKean, ThomasRichardson, GeorgeWilliams, Thomas
Creeke, RobertKeenan, RobertRidd, JamesWilliams, William
Crush, ThomasKeener, FrancisRigby, JohnWilliams, William
Dale, JohnKeith, JamesRigby, PeterWilliamson, George
Daniel, JohnKelly, JamesRobertson, WilliamWilliscroft, Joseph
Darby, GeorgeKelly, JohnRobinson, JohnWoodland, Joseph
Devlin, HenryKelly, PeterRogers, ThomasWoods, Henry
Driscoll, JamesKelly, WilliamRoss, WilliamWoods, William
Druce, JohnKilmister, GeorgeRothwell, RalphWoolley, James
Duggan, WilliamKing, WilliamRowland, EdwardWright, Edward
Egan, JamesKnight, CharlesRozier, JeremiahWright, James
Element, JobLangran, JohnRussell, EdwardYoung, George
Elliott, RichardLavell, DanielRussell, RichardYoung, William
Elwell, JohnLeedham, DavidRuttlage, James
England, GeorgeLewis, JohnSadd, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Thomas Arbuthnot is 290 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.372-373, 395
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/15, pp.139-157

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