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Details for the ship Indefatigable (1) (1812)

Ship Name:Indefatigable (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1799
Size (tons):549
Voyage Details
Master:John Cross
Sailed:4 June 1812
Arrived:19 October 1812
Days Travel:137
Convicts Landed:0 males & female convicts

List of convict passengers

Ablett, JohnEaton, GeorgeLane, RobertRobinson, John
Allen, WilliamEdwards, JohnLawrencewood, WilliamRoles, Thomas
Armstrong, JohnEntwistle, WilliamLayton, JamesRose, John
Backshall, WilliamEvans, JohnLee, JohnRoutley, Charles (Junior)
Bacon, CharlesEverest, EdwardLegg, WilliamRumley, Charles
Bailey, WilliamFenwick, JosephLevy, EmanuelRussell, Patrick
Baker, WilliamFernandez, FrancisLucas, WilliamScott, Benjamin
Band, JohnFewing, JohnManofie, JamesSepton, Peter
Baxter, CharlesFlaherte, Pierre CharlesMaples, JosephSharpless, Richard
Baxter, JohnFloat, GeorgeMargets, IsaacSimerson, Hans
Beagant, EliFogerty, ThomasMarsden, JohnSimmonds, Charles
Beavis, RichardFrance, RichardMartin, WilliamSimpson, Charles
Bennett, JosephFrancis, JohnMascall, RichardSkeffington, Thomas
Biggs, JohnGallaga, JohnMcAra, JamesSkinner, Richard
Bird, ThomasGardner, EdwardMcCabe, PatrickSmallman, John
Blay, JamesGarrett, GeorgeMcCoy, JamesSmith, Samuel
Bond, JohnGeorge, JohnMiller, JamesSmith, William
Bray, WilliamGibbons, JohnMiller, ThomasSolomon, Aaron
Brown, ThomasGilbert, RobertMills, JohnSpeak, Thomas
Brush, MagnusGood, JamesMitchell, ThomasSpencer, William
Burnham, ThomasGravets, JamesMitchell, WilliamSperks, John
Burrill, ThomasGreen, GeorgeMitchell, WilliamStanley, William
Burrows, JohnGreen, WilliamMoore, GeorgeStevens, William
Bush, DavidGulliver, GeorgeMorgan, WilliamStewart, Thomas
Butler, JohnHall, JosephMulcrarty, PatrickStocker, John Silos
Carnel, WilliamHancock, BenjaminMurphy, TimothyStratford, James
Charman, HenryHarris, WilliamNewton, WilliamStubbs, Benjamin
Churton, RalphHaves, FrancisNoke, BenjaminSumner, John
Clarke, JohnHeinsworth, CharlesNortham, ThomasTaylor, George
Claydon, JohnHenley, WilliamNye, DavidTaylor, John
Clements, SamuelHoldsworth, JohnOakley, CharlesTaylor, Robert
Cobb, WilliamHollingshead, BenjaminOgilvie, PeterTaylor, William
Cook, DanielHopsall, WilliamOkey, TryceTechener, James
Cooley, WilliamHowe, MichaelParker, JamesTedder, James
Costello, MartinHowett, JohnParker, JamesThomas, Henry
Covell, JamesHutchinson, RichardPayne, RichardThomas, John
Cox, EdwardJemott, WilliamPeek, JosephTickner, Harler
Culliver, ThomasJessup, JamesPeniza, Juan BatistaTiffin, William
Curtis, ThomasJohnson, JohnPhillips, WilliamTovey, Stephen
Dalton, JohnJohnson, JohnPigott, Matthew PryorTurtora, Nicola
Daniels, WilliamJohnson, MountrosePitchey, JohnUren, John
Davis, JohnJones, GeorgePoley, RobertWaddle, Alexander
Deacon, EdwardJones, JohnPovey, PeterWarner, George
Dick, GilbertJones, Richard LewisPulton, HumphreyWatson, George
Dickinson, JohnJones, RobertQueenby, WilliamWatson, Thomas
Dixon, ThomasKeegan, MatthewRedpath, WalterWhitehead, James
Dooling, CharlesKelly, DanielRichardson, GeorgeWillett, John
Dunkerly, JohnKrabossy, JacobRichardson, WilliamWilliams, William
Eagan, JohnLancaster, SamuelRidsdell, JohnWilson, John (Senior)
East, WilliamLane, RichardRobinson, EdwardWood, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Indefatigable (1) is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office (TAHO) : CON13-1-1, pp.13-20
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, pp.57-73

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