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Details for the ship Ratcliffe (2) (1848)

Ship Name:Ratcliffe (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1842
Size (tons):739
Voyage Details
Surgeon:John Gibson
Sailed:29 July 1848
Arrived:12 November 1848
Days Travel:106
Convicts Landed:248 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abel, FrederickDrinkwater, JamesLineham, JohnSharp, William
Aitken, AndrewDuckett, JohnLister, JohnSharpe, John
Allen, AlfredDuncan, JohnLowe, ThomasSharrocks, Joseph
Atkinson, WilliamEld, DavidLyon, JohnSievewright, John
Baker, HenryElkins, JamesMacklin, JamesSmall, William
Baker, JamesElliott, DavidMahon, MichaelSmart, Noah
Baker, WilliamElliott, WilliamManning, MichaelSmith, Charles
Ball, JohnEsworthy, WilliamMansfield, JohnSmith, John
Bamford, JohnFarrell, JamesMarkey, JamesSmith, William
Barrett, HenryFeetham, AnthonyMartin, WilliamSmith, William
Bassett, PeterFellows, JohnMathews, WilliamSpackman, Charles
Baycroft, LukeFerns, JamesMcAulay, PeterSparrow, John
Beer, JosephFinch, JamesMcCallum, HughSpence, Ralph
Bibby, ThomasFisher, WilliamMcCaul, WilliamStaples, Robert
Blackmore, DanielFletcher, DanielMcColgan, HughStationer, William
Blaydes, RobertFox, JohnMcDonald, AndrewSullivan, John
Bodinnar, FrancisFriday, JamesMcGowan, JamesSumner, Hugh
Bolton, WilliamGibbs, AlfredMcTaggart, PeterSwaine, James
Boulton, WilliamGiles, JamesMelder, JamesSweatman, George
Boylett, JamesGlover, JamesMelvin, GeorgeSweet, John
Bradley, JohnGobbett, DanielMilford, GeorgeTaggart, Andrew
Bramley, JohnGodfrey, WilliamMills, FrancisTaylor, Matthew
Brimmall, ThomasGodsave, WilliamMitchell, JohnTheaker, William
Broadbent, George BentleyGordon, JohnMorton, GeorgeThompson, James
Broderick, JamesGorman, AnthonyMullins, JohnTidey, William (the younger)
Brown, JohnGroves, JamesNall, WilliamTodd, David
Brown, JosephHaddon, JohnNew, George SadlerTomes, Richard
Brown, ThomasHadley, EdwardNewell, JosephToomey, John
Bryan, JohnHains, SamuelNewstead, JohnTunnicliffe, William
Bryan, ThomasHall, JohnNicholls, ThomasTurner, Joseph
Buchanan, JohnHampton, WilliamNowling, JamesTurner, Thomas (the younger)
Buckingham, EdwardHandley, WilliamO'Hara, ThomasTwaite, Thomas
Buckland, StephenHarker, RobertOliver, HenryVickers, Joshua
Buckley, RandalHatfield, GeorgeOram, JohnWade, James
Butler, EdmundHawkins, JohnParker, JamesWallace, John
Carr, JamesHayband, RobertPattison, James Charles Allan RichardsonWard, John
Carson, JamesHayes, JohnPayn, CharlesWarren, Henry
Castell, GeorgeHaysman, ArthurPhillips, JohnWatkins, Thomas
Chamberlain, JamesHeathcote, PhilipPitt, ThomasWatley, John
Charlton, AbrahamHiggins, ThomasPotto, JamesWebb, John
Chew, JohnHill, JamesPound, JosephWestlake, Thomas
Christie, GeorgeHodson, ThomasPowell, WilliamWhelan, James
Chubb, BenjaminHogan, JohnPoyser, Thomas WilliamWhitcombe, James
Clearey, DavidHolmes, WilliamPrice, ThomasWhite, John
Coates, JohnHoskings, JamesPrice, WilliamWhitehead, Thomas
Cochrane, WilliamHutchins, GeorgePrince, Philip AsherWhitten, John
Conboy, ThomasHutchins, RichardPritchard, ThomasWilliams, Charles
Connolly, JamesJackson, HenryRackley, JohnWilliams, John
Cooper, JosephJackson, JohnRayner, AbrahamWilliams, John
Cosgrove, JamesJackson, ThomasRenshaw, ThomasWilliams, John
Cressey, JamesJackson, William JohnRice, GeorgeWilliams, Paul
Cross, RichardJames, GeorgeRice, RichardWilliams, William
Davies, JamesJennings, WalterRobinson, JohnWilliamson, John
Davies, RobertJohnson, JohnRodger, Daniel McNabWilliamson, John
Davies, WilliamJohnston, GeorgeRodger, HenryWilliscroft, Frederick
Davis, GeorgeJones, EdwardRodgers, WilliamWilson, William
Davis, RobertJones, JohnRoscoe, RobertWoods, George
Dawe, WilliamJones, ThomasSanders, DavidWoodward, Robert
Dean, JonathonKenson, GeorgeSansome, RobertWoolford, Robert
Docra, DanielKeynes, EdwardSayer, JohnWrigley, Joel
Donnelly, JohnKnight, JamesSayers, JamesYates, William
Donnelly, PeterLegg, AaronScott, John
Donnochie, ThomasLindley, JohnSharp, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Ratcliffe (2) is 250 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/15, pp.313-329
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.368-369, 393

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