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Details for the ship Mount Stewart Elphinstone (3) (1849)

Ship Name:Mount Stewart Elphinstone (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1826
Size (tons):611
Voyage Details
Master:Henry C. Loney
Surgeon:George T. Moxey
Sailed:31 May 1849
Arrived:1 November 1849
Route:Cork, Sydney
Days Travel:154
Convicts Landed:225 males & 0 female convicts
Notes:In addition, disembarked two prisoners at Sydney, who were forwarded to Tasmania

List of convict passengers

Adams, HenryGates, ThomasMillar, ElliotSmith, John
Adams, HenryGerry, JohnMiller, JamesSmith, Samuel
Anderson, WilliamGilbert, GeorgeMillwater, ThomasSmith, William
Anderson, WilliamGough, EdwinMilner, RichardSmith, William
Anstey, RichardGoulden, JohnMilstead, JosiahSnell, William
Bailey, Charles WilliamGray, JohnMoore, HenryStevens, Joseph
Barge, JohnGriffiths, EdwardMorton, CharlesStewart, James
Barrymore, JamesHannant, JeremiahMorton, GeorgeStewart, James
Bartlett, JohnHarborne, JamesMuires, JohnSullivan, Dennis
Begley, ThomasHarding, JohnMullen, PeterTannocks, John
Benyon, WilliamHarrison, RalphNason, JohnTaylor, George
Beston, FrederickHart, BenjaminNelson, WilliamTebbutt, William
Bleasdale, JohnHatton, JohnNoott, JohnThacker, Abraham
Bradshaw, WilliamHeath, WilliamPallant, WilliamThacker, Reuben
Brandon, RichardHeaton, SamuelParker, JohnThomas, George
Brassington, SamuelHeil, Carl AugustPickering, WilliamThomas, George
Brenan, JohnHepton, HenryPilling, JamesThomas, George
Brickell, JohnHocking, JohnPinner, RobertThompson, George
Brickett, EnosHolland, JamesPitt, WilliamThompson, Matthew
Bright, WilliamHowie, RobertPodmore, AndrewTidd, Matthew
Brockie, JohnHughan, RobertPotter, HenryTindal, John
Bromiley, SamuelHughes, JohnPotter, WilliamTomlin, Isaac
Brown, AlexanderHughes, ThomasPrentice, JohnTomlin, William
Brown, JohnHughes, WilliamPrice, EdwardTorrens, William
Brown, ThomasHumby, John CrossProbert, EdwardVincent, Samuel
Bruton, FrederickHutchins, FrancisPrudence, JohnWalker, Christopher
Bunn, HenryJames, WilliamPunter, JohnWalker, James
Butler, JohnJenkins, WilliamRands, JamesWalker, William
Butterfield, GeorgeJohnson, Thomas JuniusRedman, FrederickWalsh, John
Cannon, ThomasJones, JamesReid, PeterWard, Abel
Chant, JamesJones, JohnRichards, WilliamWard, John
Cheadle, CharlesJones, WilliamRiches, WilliamWelsh, Martin
Chick, JohnKelly, JamesRidyard, JohnWestiff, Samuel
Christie, JamesKendall, JamesRiley, WilliamWheeler, Charles
Church, ThomasKirby, WilliamRoberts, IsaacWhite, George
Clarke, PatrickKirk, RobertRobertson, JohnWhite, Henry Frederick
Clarke, RobertLace, ThomasRobinson, GeorgeWhittle, William
Cooper, IsaacLambert, JamesRooney, JohnWhitworth, Luke
Cooper, JohnLambert, SpencerRudkin, ThomasWilkinson, Henry
Cooper, RalphLawrence, JohnRushton, ThomasWilliams, John
Cotterill, JohnLee, CharlesRyle, ChristianWilliams, John
Crack, RichardLeighton, AlexanderSadler, HenryWilliams, John
Cummins, DanielLingard, EllisSadler, HenryWilliams, Joseph
Cummins, HenryLivermore, ThomasSaker, JohnWilliams, William
Davis, JohnLloyd, WilliamSales, JamesWilson, David
Davis, WilliamLong, WilliamSaville, ThomasWilson, Henry
Diehl, JamesLynch, PeterSearle, CorneliusWinter, Anthony
Drummond, AlexanderLyon, RobertSharp, JohnWitham, George Ralph
Dudderidge, James RobertMacKay, JohnSheehane, DavidWollacott, George Eastabrook
Early, JamesMarshall, CharlesSherring, JohnWood, John
Eldridge, RobertMartin, JamesShirley, CharlesWood, Thomas
Elliott, GriffithMaskell, RichardSilvester, GeorgeWoods, John
Ellis, ThomasMcConvill, WilliamSimmons, EmmanuelWotherspoon, William
Evans, HenryMcGaghan, PeterSimpkinson, WilliamWright, John
Felthouse, JamesMcGill, RobertSkelton, ThomasYardley, James
Fielder, WilliamMcIntosh, HawthornSmith, GeorgeYoung, John
Flaxman, CharlesMcIntyre, DuncanSmith, James
Francis, WilliamMcLeod, DanielSmith, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Mount Stewart Elphinstone (3) is 230 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/16, pp.61-83
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.372-373, 395

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