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Details for the ship Maria Somes (2) (1850)

Ship Name:Maria Somes (2)  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1841
Size (tons):786
Voyage Details
Master:Henry I. Naylor
Surgeon:J. G. Williams
Sailed:6 May 1850
Arrived:9 August 1850
Days Travel:95
Convicts Landed:255 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allan, GeorgeDixon, WilliamKing, WilliamRawlings, Charles
Allen, ThomasDohig, JamesKirk, JosephRawlings, John
Allen, ThomasDorsett, GeorgeKitchen, HenryRidings, William
Allum, CharlesDouglas, EdwardKitchen, WilliamRoach, Thomas
Anderson, JohnDoyle, HughLaking, JosephRoberts, Samuel
Andrews, ThomasDunwell, RobertLane, WilliamRogers, John
Arthur, JamesDurrant, FrederickLangton, JohnRogers, Robert
Asbury, JohnElvidge, GeorgeLearmonth (Junior), JohnRogers, Thomas
Ashton, WilliamEntwhistle, HenryLever, GeorgeRoss, Andrew
Baker, JohnEveleigh, JohnLorkin, AbrahamRound, William
Bamber, ThomasEverett, JosephLove, William DouglasRowan, Stephen
Baptist, NinianFackrell, HenryLovell, GeorgeRowley, Richard
Barnes, AlfredFarr, JamesLye, JohnRyan, James
Bashford, GeorgeFarrell, JohnLynn, JohnScripps, John
Bassett, GeorgeFarrell, JohnMahoney, MichaelScroby, William
Baxter, JosephFarrer, WilliamMale, WilliamSellers, Robert
Berry, ReubenFawcett, RobertManser, CharlesShearing, William
Bills, JamesFields, EliasMarkey, JohnShearwood, William
Bloomfield, GeorgeFord, ThomasMarshall, WilliamShepherd, Joseph
Bloomfield, WilliamGarland, JosephMartin, JamesSmallpiece, William
Blowes, CharlesGilchrist, HughMaslen, DanielSmith, Benjamin
Bonas, HenryGlover, GeorgeMason, HenrySmith, Edwin
Boswell, ThomasGoodsell, WilliamMason, WilliamSmith, George
Bowles, JohnGordon, WilliamMcGurk, WilliamSmith, Henry
Braidley, WilliamGowing, John SeadMcLean, JohnSmith, Robert Sidney
Bramhill, JohnGray, HerbertMcManus, WilliamSmith, William
Brannan, WilliamGreaves, JoshuaMeadham, ThomasSpeirs, John
Brash, DavidGregory, RobertMendez, SamuelSpeller, John
Brewell, RichardGunn, DavidMoody, JohnSpencer, William Alger
Brice, JamesHall, JohnMooney, PatrickStanley, Robert
Broad, WilliamHall, WilliamMorgan, GeorgeStanton, William
Brown, JosephHardy, WilliamMorgan, JohnSteeles, Henry
Brown, WilliamHarris, GeorgeMuir, WilliamStevens, James
Bryant, SamuelHart, CharlesMurray, George HallTapp, Robert
Buckley, GeorgeHart, JohnMyatt, HerbertTarrant, Thomas
Budd, ThomasHawkins, HenryNathewson, JamesTaylor, John
Buggins, JohnHayes, DennisNewcomb, WilliamThomas, Frederick
Burgess, EliHaywood, CharlesNicol, DavidThomas, Thomas
Burton, RichardHetterick, JohnNolan, JohnThompson, Benjamin
Buttler, WilliamHickman, GeorgeNorman, GeorgeThorpe, Thomas
Calvert, AaronHole, JohnNowlan, JeremiahThraves, William
Cameron, DanielHolland, WlliamOgden, JamesTognorini, Joseph
Cann, ThomasHolmes, FrederickOsborne, FrancisTongue, John
Carrier, JohnHolmes, HenryOwen, ThomasTuttiett, Richard
Carroll, EdwardHomar, GeorgePalmer, JohnUnwin, Frederick
Chadwick, WilliamHowlett, ThomasParker, GeorgeWalter, Thomas
Coleman, ThomasHughes, JohnParkin, EdwardWelch, George
Collins, John CharlesHumphrey, WilliamParslow, SolomonWeston, David
Connelly, DanielHumphries, JohnPaul, RobertWhitaker, John
Connolly, MatthewHurd, JamesPendall, JohnWhite, Francis
Cook, WilliamHutchings, WilliamPenney, GeorgeWhiting, William
Coope, Charles HenryJackson, GeorgePerry, HenryWhitworth, Jabez Matthew
Cooper, WilliamJames, EdwardPerry, ThomasWilberforce, Peter
Cranfield, WilliamJames, JohnPhilp, JohnWilliams, John
Crawford, JohnJameson, WilliamPollock, JamesWilliams, John
Cummings, JohnJohnson, ThomasPoole, ThomasWilliams, Samuel
Cundale, MarkJones, HenryPotter, JamesWilliamson, Allan Mathew
Davis, JohnJones, JohnPotter, JosephWilsden, James
Dawson, WilliamJones, JohnPotter, ThomasWilson, David
Day, WilliamJones, JohnPrice, JohnWilson, George
Dean, JohnJones, RobertPrindable, JohnWiltshire, William
Dent, JohnJones, ThomasPritchard, HenryWright, Joseph
Dewar, JamesKeenan, JohnPruce, AnsonWright, William
Dike, JamesKelly, LawrancePugh, BenjaminYates, Thomas
Dixon, JamesKemp, EdwardPurcell, JosephYoung, Alexander

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Maria Somes (2) is 260 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.370-371, 394
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/16, pp.237-260

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