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Details for the ship Rodney (1) (1850)

Ship Name:Rodney (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1850
Size (tons):877
Voyage Details
Master:Alexander Maclean
Surgeon:Fred. W. Le Grand
Sailed:23 August 1850
Arrived:28 November 1850
Days Travel:97
Convicts Landed:308 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Able, JamesDickenson, HenryJohnson, JohnRoberts, Thomas
Acres, ThomasDonohugh, JohnJollands, ThomasRoberts, Thomas
Adams, RichardDouglas, CharlesJollands, ThomasRobins, John
Adlam, RobertDyke, JosephJones, ThomasRobinson, Robert
Aiken, EdwinEdwards, GeorgeJones, Thomas RichardRobson, John
Algate, JohnElliott, WilliamJones, WilliamRowland, Job
Allen, CharlesEvans, HenryKay, DavidRyder, Matthew
Anderson, JohnEverett, EdwardKeenan, PeterSaville, Samuel
Anderson, JohnExall, JosephKeightley, JosephScott, Alexander
Anthony, LouisFagg, MatthewKelly, ThomasScott, Daniel
Arnold, RichardFain, GeorgeKilpatrick, JamesScott, John
Arthur, JohnFalconer, JamesKing, HughScott, Thomas
Atkinson, JohnFensom, WilliamKnowles, George WilliamSeabright, William
Auger, FrankFerns, WilliamLacey, CharlesSheen, Francis
Austin, JohnFisher, WilliamLambert, EdwardShenk, Andreas
Austin, ThomasFisk, JohnLangley, EdwardShird, Matthew
Bailey, JosephFord, JohnLarking, WilliamSmith, Charles
Baker, GeorgeFoster, JamesLee, AndrewSmith, James
Barker, SamuelFoulsham, AmbroseLee, GeorgeSmith, John
Barron, RobertFrancis, WilliamLever, JamesSmith, John
Baskerville, EdwardGad, JamesLewis, JohnSmith, John
Bateman, JosephGalbraith, DonaldLewis, JohnSmith, John
Beaumont, EdwardGalvin, MichaelLickfold, WilliamSmith, Nathaniel
Ben, JosephGardener, JohnLilley, WilliamSmith, Richard
Bennett, ThomasGarratt, JosephLinney, ThomasSpackman, James
Bilclough, WilliamGentleman, JosephLittle, JoshuaSpeakman, Thomas
Birch, WilliamGibbs, GeorgeMann, JamesSpray, William
Blyth, JamesGibson, James Junr.Marriott, WilliamStacey, Stephen
Bond, John InghamGifford, WilliamMarsden, StephenStallard, Edward
Bonsor, ThomasGill, JohnMartin, JamesStevens, John
Boxall, WilliamGlover, JamesMatthews, JohnStewart, Joseph
Bradish, RobertGodman, JamesMcAnally, PeterStock, Thomas
Brannon, PatrickGold, HughMcDonald, DonaldStringfellow, John
Brassington, EdmundGordon, JohnMcDonald, WilliamSuitor, William
Brook, WilliamGosbell, JamesMcLaren, JosephSummers, Robert
Brown, HoraceGraham, WilliamMcLean, ThomasSylvester, Charles
Brown, JohnGrange, ThomasMcLeod, JamesTaylor, John
Brown, WilliamGreen, JohnMcQuin, WilliamTaylor, Luke
Buckley, JamesGreenough, PeterMiller, JohnTaylor, William
Buckley, RandleGreenwood, GeorgeMilne, JohnTerry, William
Bullock, DavidGrice, JohnMitchell, JamesThomson, William
Burch, WilliamGriffiths, JohnMitchen, JohnTomblings, William
Burns, MichaelGross, RobertMobley, RichardTomlin, Charles
Burton, ThomasHailey, JohnMobley, ThomasTrowbridge, George
Burton, WilliamHall, CharlesMonday, WilliamTucker, Henry
Cameron, JohnHall, FrederickMonks, WilliamTumulty, John
Carrier, JohnHall, ThomasMoore, JohnTurner, William
Chadwick, JosephHalliwell, RalphMorrey, CharlesTyson, Frederick
Chamberlain, WilliamHammett, JoelMurphy, GeorgeVeall, William
Chapman, GeorgeHammond, GeorgeNeale, JosephWade, Reuben
Charlton, William JacksonHancox, EdwardNewland, WilliamWade, William
Chevis, GeorgeHancox, JohnNewton, JohnWalpole, Christopher
Churchill, RobertHansbury, MartinOadham, BenjaminWalters, James
Clark, GeorgeHarfield, GeorgePaddy, GeorgeWard, William
Clark, ThomasHarris, GeorgePage, GeorgeWare, Charles
Clarke, AndrewHarris, JohnParker, JohnWaters, John
Clarke, EdwardHarris, ThomasParsons, MosesWatkins, Alfred
Clarke, FrancisHarrison, JamesPemberton, JosephWebb, Charles
Clayton, WilliamHarvey, JamesPhippon, JamesWest, Matthew
Clifford, JamesHawks, SpencerPink, GeorgeWhite, Samuel
Collins, JamesHellawell, JohnPotts, JonathanWhite, Thomas
Collins, JamesHelliwell, WilliamPowell, JohnWhitehouse, Joseph
Connell, JohnHiggins, John (Senior)Price, EdwardWiddons, John
Cook, JohnHinckley, GeorgePrice, SimonWilkins, William
Coquet, JosephHollingshead, WilliamProfit, WilliamWilliams, William
Court, WilliamHollis, CharlesQuin, ThomasWilmot, Elisha
Cowell, JohnHollis, WilliamRadmore, GeorgeWilson, James
Crane, JohnHood, ThomasRamsden, SamuelWinter, John
Craner, EdwardHopper, WilliamRandall, WilliamWinwood, Levi
Critchley, WilliamHubbard, JohnRayson, HenryWiseman, Thomas
Crofts, JohnHubbard, ThomasReader, WilliamWoolley, Barnabas
Dailey, RichardHughes, JamesReid, NeilWorley, William John
Daley, PeterHughes, WilliamRhoades, JoshuaWorth, James Adolphus
Darnell, EdwardHull, EdwardRichardson, ThomasWright, John
Daughtry, ThomasHunt, Edward WilliamRidge, JohnYeomans, James
Davis, JosephHurst, ReubenRiley, CharlesYorke, Thomas
Dawe, JosiahInglis, WilliamRitchie, DavidYoung, Frederick
Dean, JohnIson, LeeRixon, Thomas
Denslow, ThomasJames, CharlesRoberts, Ellis
Dickenson, EdwardJames, WilliamRoberts, Samuel

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Rodney (1) is 317 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/16, pp.333-361
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.370-371, 394

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