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Details for the ship Pyrenees (1) (1851)

Ship Name:Pyrenees (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1851
Size (tons):832
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas Eagles
Surgeon:Alexander C. Macleroy
Sailed:30 March 1851
Arrived:28 June 1851
Days Travel:90
Convicts Landed:293 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Ainslie, DavidEades, GeorgeJohnstone, RichardRowland, Samuel
Anderson, JamesEatough, GeorgeJones, DavidRudkin, Joseph
Angworth, WilliamEddlestone, BenjaminJones, JohnRugg, Henry
Aspinall, JohnEdmonds, WilliamJones, ThomasSalisbury, James
Aylward, HenryEdwards, GeorgeJones, Thomas MannSalmon, Philip
Bailey, JamesEmperingham, EdwardKemp, JoshuaSaunders, James
Bailey, WilliamEverett, JamesKilpatrick, James GeorgeSchmidt, Augustus
Barlow, JamesFairen, JamesKingsbury, JosiahScreech, James
Barnett, WilliamFarrell, DanielKnights, JamesSeddon, William James
Bell, GeorgeFenton, WilliamLamb, JosephSedgewick, Christopher
Benson, CharlesFerris, JamesLarkin, JosephShafto, Charles
Bird, JohnField, ThomasLawler, WilliamShare, William
Blain, JosephFinneran, JohnLawrence, JohnShaw, James
Blair, JamesFinney, JohnLeach, AlfredShaw, James
Blair, JohnFletcher, JohnLowndes, JamesSkinner, Charles
Blomfield, SamuelFord, JohnLyon, RichardSmith, Charles
Boswell, WilliamFord, WilliamMacCartey, WilliamSmith, George
Bosworth, JohnFoxen, EdwardMace, WilliamSmith, Robert
Brackell, CharlesFreeman, JosephMackay, BenjaminSmith, Samuel
Brain, GeorgeFrench, WilliamMacKeown, JamesSmithurst, Thomas
Bridge, JohnFudge, JohnMacrow, ThomasSpringate, William
Brockes, JohnFurlong, JamesMalcolm, RobertStein, Henry
Broom, WilliamGallagher, JohnMarsh, RobertStotter, Samuel Uriah
Brotheridge, JosephGarling, RobertMarshall, RobertStratton, George
Brown, GeorgeGiffin, JoshuaMartin, ThomasSummerford, John
Brown, ThomasGiles, WilliamMcAlish, JohnSunter, Walter James
Browning, JohnGledhill, JamesMcFarlan, WilliamTaylor, John
Bryant, JosephGlen, ThomasMcKay, DanielTaylor, John
Buckley, DanielGloak, JamesMenzies, Alexander James PettyTaylor, Thomas
Budge, WilliamGoddard, JohnMiles, WilliamThackrah, Joseph Henry
Bullen, JohnGoodeve, FrederickMills, JohnThomas, John
Burnett, GeorgeGorton, JosephMolyneux, ThomasThompson, Edward
Burnett, JamesGostling, Stephen WildeMoore, AlexanderThompson, Henry James
Burnett, WilliamGraham, JamesMorgan, HughThompson, James
Butcher, JohnGreen, ThomasMorris, JohnThompson, John
Calderhead, WilliamGreig, JohnMoss, RichardThompson, Robert
Cambell, HughGrey, GeorgeMountain, DavidThompson, William
Chapple, WilliamGrice, WilliamMurphy, JohnThornley, Henry
Charlton, GeorgeGrundy, RobertNash, RichardThornton, Edward
Church, JobGulliver, SimonNeedes, BenjaminTunstall, Giles
Clark, JohnHall, RichardNelson, ThomasTurner, John
Clarkson, JohnHarbour, MartinNewton, JamesTurner, William
Clayton, RichardHarford, RichardNewton, JohnTynan, John
Clifford, SamuelHarris, JohnNicholson, JohnWalker, John
Connor, JamesHarris, WilliamNicol, JohnWalker, John
Cook, HenryHart, IsaacNorcott, IsaacWalker, William
Couper, JamesHassell, GeorgeNorris, ThomasWard, William
Cribb, JamesHeighstead, HenryPaterson, JohnWare, Joseph
Cronan, MichaelHicks, CharlesPawley, JohnWarren, William
Cross, JohnHicks, ThomasPead, ArthurWebb, David
Crowley, JohnHiggs, JohnPerkes, JamesWebster, George
Cunningham, Terence (junior)Higham, ThomasPettit, ThomasWeston, Freeman
Dannatt, JohnHill, BenjaminPhipps, GeorgeWhite, George
Davidson, GordonHills, WilliamPledge, ThomasWhite, Stephen
Davies, WilliamHindley, JohnPlummer, BenjaminWhittle, William
Davis, WilliamHines, WilliamPreston, ThomasWilkes, William
Day, WilliamHinton, CharlesPrice, JohnWilliams, David
Dean, JamesHislop, JamesPrice, WilliamWilliams, Job
Dean, ReubenHoare, JohnPriest, JamesWilliams, John
Death, JamesHodge, John ThompsonPugsley, William MiltonWilliams, John
Death, JohnHogan, MichaelQuin, ThomasWilliams, Thomas
Delany, MichaelHogarth, JohnRadford, StephenWilliams, William
Derbyshire, JamesHogg, WilliamReading, ThomasWilson, James
Dilley, WilliamHorrod, ThomasReeves, ThomasWilson, Thomas
Dixon, WilliamHubbard, AlfredRichards, CorneliusWiltshire, James
Dobson, HenryHughes, JamesRichards, JohnWood, William
Douglass, JamesHumber, WilliamRichards, WilliamWoodley, Charles
Dow, JamesJackson, HenryRichardson, JamesWoods, Patrick
Doyle, MichaelJackson, JohnRickards, JohnWoodward, William
Drabble, WilliamJackson, JohnRiley, RichardWoolton, John
Drebank, ArthurJaques, PawleyRiver, MauriceWright, Peter
Dudley, WilliamJarratt, JohnRoberts, JohnWright, Thomas
Duigan, FrancisJennison, AbrahamRoberts, ThomasWright, William
Dutton, JamesJewell, JamesRoberts, WilliamYoung, George

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Pyrenees (1) is 296 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/17, pp.73-113
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.374-375, 396

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