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Details for the ship Rodney (2) (1851)

Ship Name:Rodney (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1850
Size (tons):877
Voyage Details
Master:Alexander Maclean
Surgeon:Harvey Morris
Sailed:24 September 1851
Arrived:20 December 1851
Days Travel:87
Convicts Landed:300 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adley, CharlesEllson, JosephKnight, JohnSimpson, Thomas
Alexander, HenryEmery, GeorgeLacy, GaysSinger, Edward
Ambrose, JohnEvans, CharlesLaggan, JamesSmith, Charles
Anderson, JohnEveritt, ThomasLamb, EdwardSmith, Frederick
Andrade, Joseph WilliamFarr, HenryLandsdown, WilliamSmith, George
Andrews, WilliamFarrell, JohnLayton, SamuelSmith, Henry
Armitage, HenryFinney, JohnLeak, JohnSmith, James
Ashton, WilliamFisher, JamesLee, HenrySmith, Samuel
Atkinson, GeorgeFitzgerald, DennisLeedham, JohnSprague, Samuel
Baker, ThomasFitzharris, RobertLewis, SamuelStanden, James
Banham, EdwardFlanagan, JamesLittle, JohnStanley, William
Barrett, WilliamFord, AlexanderMcAllister, JamesStinchcombe, William
Barton, JamesFort, HenryMcFell, ThomasStock, Benjamin
Bassett, JamesFox, JamesMcGregor, AugustusStyler, William
Beasant, BroomFrancombe, CharlesMcKendrick, JohnSullfin, John
Beggs, CharlesFrost, GeorgeMcPherson, JohnSullivan, John
Belcher, WilliamGates, WilliamMeredith, FrederickSummite, John
Berry, JohnGaynor, JamesMiles, WilliamSutton, George
Berryman, CharlesGeorge, GeorgeMiller, CharlesSutton, James
Binch, GeorgeGibbs, GeorgeMiller, JosephSutton, John
Blackwall, JohnGibson, JamesMillington, MatthewSwain, William
Bland, JohnGolding, JamesMinett, JohnSykes, Benjamin
Booth, JohnGould, WilliamMitchell, JosephTaylor, John
Bradley, JamesGreaves, JohnMorgan, SamuelTaylor, Joseph
Braham, JohnGreen, JohnMukalsnido, JohnTaylor, Joseph
Brereton, DavidGriffin, ThomasMunday, JamesTaylor, William
Brereton, JamesGriffiths, JamesMurphy, DennisTaylor, William
Brown, GeorgeGrimes, GeorgeMurray, JohnThackaray, Francis
Brown, HenryGully, JamesNeaves, JohnTheobald, Thomas
Brown, JohnGuy, JohnNewcombe, ThomasThompson, John
Brown, JosephGwynne, ThomasNicholson, CharlesThompson, William
Brown, RobertGwynne, Thomas TaylorNicholson, ThomasThompson, William
Bunce, JohnHaig, HenryNoon, MichaelThorp, Frederick
Burke, WilliamHale, GeorgeO'Brien, JohnTriggs, Alfred
Cameron, HughHarbour, JamesO'Neil, CorneliusTucker, George
Campbell, HenryHargreaves, GeorgeOliver, ThomasTurberfield, William
Cannon, James RyanHarvey, JamesPankhurst, EdwardTwynham, Edward
Carter, ThomasHatherton, WilliamParsisson, GeorgeTyers, Henry
Casburn, RobertHayward, AlfredPayne, GeorgeUpperton, Robert
Charles, GeorgeHeath, RichardPaynter, GeorgeVaughan, George
Childs, JosephHebbitts, JohnPeace, WalterWalker, John
Chivers, JosephHedges, HenryPearce, GeorgeWalker, John
Claridge, JamesHepper, WilliamPeggins, GeorgeWalklate, James
Clifford, CharlesHerbert, John CharlesPerkins, JosephWalters, William
Cockerham, JohnHeritage, RichardPerry, Noah FrancisWard, Frederick
Cole, WilliamHewitt, JohnPhillips, JohnWard, Thomas
Collier, JamesHoare, WilliamPim, WilliamWaters, William
Conley, ThomasHobbs, WilliamPiper, William HenryWatson, John
Connell, JohnHodges, HenryPlummer, WilliamWatson, William
Connor, AmosHolt, JohnPohl, JohnWebber, James
Connor, MichaelHoughton, ThomasPowell, CharlesWebber, William
Connor, ThomasHudson, FrancisPowell, JohnWebster, William
Conolly, LawrenceHumm, HenryPreece, CharlesWest, Thomas
Costello, PeterHumphrey, ThomasPrentice, IsaacWestmoreland, John
Curtis, JosephHurrell, RobertPreston, JohnWhite, George
Cutbush, JohnHutley, AlfredQuin, CharlesWhitehouse, Abel
Davidson, JohnHutley, JohnQuin, MichaelWilliams, Benjamin
Davis, JohnHymas, ThomasRains, WilliamWilliams, Henry
Davis, JosephIreland, JohnRamsden, JamesWilliams, Isaac
Davis, ThomasIrish, SamuelRandall, SamsonWilliams, James
Deacon, WilliamJackson, JamesRead, WilliamWilliams, John
Dickens, GeorgeJefferies, JosephRees, WilliamWilliams, John
Dobie, WilliamJenkins, WilliamRenshaw, RobertWilliamson, Thomas
Downes, CharlesJohnson, JamesReynolds, GeorgeWillington, John
Downey, MichaelJohnson, ThomasRickets, JamesWillmott, William
Downham, ThomasJohnson, ThomasRoberts, HenryWilson, James
Draper, EdwardJones, BartleyRoberts, JohnWilson, John
Drew, ThomasJones, BenjaminRobinson, RichardWilson, John
Drew, WilliamJones, GeorgeRollins, CharlesWoolstencroft, Joseph
Dunn, JohnKane, JohnRussell, JohnWorthington, George
Durrant, HenryKay, JonasRutter, HenryWorthington, Samuel
Eagles, AlfredKeefe, JohnSales, HenryWortley, George
Earp, John WrightKelly, JamesSavage, ThomasWright, Thomas
Edsall, CharlesKimbley, GeorgeSeymour, WilliamYates, James
Elliott, ThomasKitchen, ThomasSimpson, ThomasYates, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Rodney (2) is 300 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/17, pp.193-227
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.370-371, 394

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