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Details for the ship Equestrian (3) (1852)

Ship Name:Equestrian (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1842
Size (tons):801
Voyage Details
Master:M.C. Loney
Surgeon:Alexander Cross
Sailed:1 September 1852
Arrived:16 December 1852
Days Travel:106
Convicts Landed:290 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Aikencloss, WalterDavies, GeorgeJones, JohnSadd, Robert
Akers, SamuelDavis, JohnJones, JohnSanderson, William
Allison, JamesDawson, RobertJones, ThomasSaunders, Walter
Armstrong, EdwardDearsley, WilliamJones, ThomasSchofield, Christopher
Ashton, William HenryDennis, JamesJones, WilliamScott, Walter
Bagnall, JohnDickinson, JamesKelly, WilliamSculley, Darby
Baker, JohnDixon, JamesKennedy, MichaelSheldon, George
Baker, SamuelDobinson, WilliamKent, CharlesSheppard, George
Bellis, ThomasDon, WilliamKilby, WilliamSmith, Edward
Bisbrown, RichardDonelly, FrancisKilmartin, JamesSmith, George
Blakey, RobertDunn, WilliamKing, JamesSmith, George
Bolsh, JamesEarnshaw, JohnLane, WilliamSmith, George
Bone, JohnEastwood, JamesLangley, WilliamSmith, Henry
Bovingdon, RobertEdiss, RobertLarge, ThomasSmith, John
Brackley, JohnEngland, JohnLarkin, JohnSmith, John
Bradbury, ThomasFairclough, CharlesLeadbetter, BenjaminSmith, John
Brett, RobertFaulkner, JamesLear, JohnSmith, Samuel
Brisk, WilliamFeltham, JosephLewis, JohnSmith, Thomas
Brooks, DanielFerguson, DavidLilly, JohnSpooner, James
Brooks, JamesFinch, RobertLimb, JamesStafford, Charles
Brooks, WilliamFisher, JohnLines, UriahStafford, John
Broome, GeorgeFletcher, EdwardLinto, WalterSteel, Daniel
Broomhall, JamesFoster, RichardLloyd, WilliamSteer, Stephen
Brown, JohnFoster, WilliamLockyer, ThomasStern, Thomas
Brown, JohnFox, WilliamLorley, WilliamStevens, Williams
Brown, JosephFraser, WilliamMarsden, CharlesStockwell, John James
Brown, RichardGallagher, JosephMartin, JohnStone, Frederick
Brown, SamuelGally, JohnMathews, SamuelSutcliffe, John
Brown, WilliamGazeley, WilliamMatthews, CharlesTaylor, George
Brown, WilliamGibson, William HenryMay, JohnTaylor, James
Bullock, WilliamGlendenning, AlexanderMayes, EdwardTaylor, Robert Weston
Burgess, James HarburGreen, GeorgeMcCabe, PeterTennant, William
Burke, JamesGreen, JohnMcCafferty, WilliamThomas, John
Burls, WilliamGreen, WilliamMcCarthy, JohnThompson, William
Burns, MichaelGreenalgh, JohnMcCarthy, JustinThompson, William Henry
Burns, WilliamGribbin, RichardMcClure, JohnThomson, John
Butler, JohnHaggerty, HughMcColl, HughTims, Martin
Byers, RichardHalls, WilliamMcCorkindale, DuncanTite, William
Campbell, JohnHand, FrederickMcKechnie, WilliamTomkins, Henry
Carr, SamuelHargest, EdwardMeadows, GeorgeTurner, James
Carter, EdwardHarris, EdwardMitchell, GeorgeTurner, Thomas
Carter, JosephHarrison, CharlesMolloy, JamesUnderwood, Thomas Bevins
Casey, JohnHartley, JohnMulvihill, DanielVaughan, Daniel
Chain, WilliamHawthorn, DavidMurphy, ThomasWade, Walter
Chalk, RobertHebditch, William PaveyNettle, WilliamWalker, Charles
Chalkley, JamesHester, CorneliusNewton, GeorgeWalker, George
Child, RichardHester, OwenNorcutt, JohnWallis, William
Clark, CharlesHickey, WilliamNunn, JohnWalters, John
Clemo, WilliamHicks, JamesOgden, WilliamWant, William
Collins, AnthonyHill, GeorgeOldham, John WrightWard, John
Collins, RichardHill, JohnOsborne, JosephWarner, Thomas
Condon, ThomasHilliard, PatrickOuslam, ThomasWebster, Alfred
Connolly, WilliamHillyer, WilliamOwers, WilliamWeldon, Thomas
Connor, DennisHitchen, JohnPaine, RobertWellock, George
Connor, WilliamHoles, JamesPaisley, SamuelWhite, Francis
Conolly, JohnHolmes, ThomasPerry, JamesWhite, William
Cooper, CharlesHolt, JohnPlampin, JamesWhitely, Walton
Cope, JosephHope, MarkPointing, JonathanWhorwell, Stephen
Cornwell, WilliamHowarth, WilliamPollett, RobertWilliams, George
Cosman, FrancisHowey, ThomasPrendergast, PatrickWilliams, John
Cowell, WilliamHoy, JohnPurflett, JohnWilson, James
Crabb, James EmmanuelHunt, EdwardQueen, WilliamWing, William
Cranston, JonasIkin, WilliamRatcliffe, JohnWinter, Charles
Cranston, PeterIngram, JohnRead, HenryWitt, James
Cripps, WilliamIsaacs, EdwardReilly, MatthewWood, Joseph
Cumpstey, JosephJackson, WilliamRenwick, JamesWoodward, Edmund
Cumstey, WilliamJames, CharlesRice, HenryWoolford, Robert
Cupit, MartinJefferson, Samuel WallerRichardson, EdwardWright, George
Cutherbertson, WhiteJennings, ThomasRichardson, GeorgeWright, Joseph
Dalton, FrederickJohnson, FrederickRigby, ThomasWright, William Butler
Dancey, AlfredJohnson, FrederickRoberts, John WilliamYates, John
Darcy, JamesJohnson, ThomasRoebuck, JohnYellow, John
Darroll, ElijahJones, EliRose, HenryYoung, David
Davey, SamuelJones, James JosephRowland, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Equestrian (3) is 295 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/17, pp.491-522
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.370-371, 394

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