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Details for the ship Clara (2) (1864)

Ship Name:Clara (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1853
Size (tons):708
Voyage Details
Master:R. Burrows
Sailed:11 January 1864
Arrived:13 April 1864
Days Travel:93
Convicts Landed:301 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abraham, RichardFarron, JohnKnox, AlexanderRobinson, George
Adams, CharlesFeeney, JamesLadd, JamesRose, Thomas
Adolph, JohnFenton, SamuelLawrence, HenryRourke, Peter
Alder, ThomasFerry, JohnLeary, JamesRowlands, William
Anderson, GeorgeFleming, James CoatsLee, CharlesRutter, Charles
Anderson, JamesFlynn, JohnLee, WilliamRyan, Thomas
Anderson, SamuelForrest, ThomasLeonard, CharlesScott, John
Arlott, JosephFrost, CharlesLewis, GeorgeShepherd, James
Ashurst, WilliamGardner, SamuelLivings, GeorgeShields, Joseph
Atherton, JohnGarnett, EdwardLloyd, JohnShires, Charles
Atkinson, JohnGill, WilliamLloyd, ThomasSimpson, Francis Stephen
Avery, JohnGittins, JohnMüller, WilliamSimpson, Thomas
Baker, HenryGodwin, EdmundMackenzie, JohnSlaney, William
Barber, John CarrGoodwin, SamuelMagill, JamesSmith, Charles
Barratt, AnthonyGorton, JohnMalone, AnthonySmith, Charles
Beck, HenryGough, WilliamMalyson, JamesSmith, Fortunatus
Bell, JohnGraham, JamesMarks, EdwardSmith, George
Benbow, GeorgeGray, WilliamMarshall, JohnSmith, George
Bence, AlfredGreaves, SamuelMartin, JamesSmith, George
Berry, JohnGreen, HenryMartin, JohnSmith, Jacob
Black, ThomasGreen, John HenryMartin, JohnSmith, James
Boon, WilliamGreenhalgh, JamesMatthews, ThomasSmith, John
Booth, AlfredGreenhill, AlbertMay, JamesSmith, John
Bradshaw, GeorgeGrove, WilliamMcCabe, JohnSmith, John
Bridger, AlfredGwynne, HenryMcDonald, GeorgeSmith, John Peter
Brown, CharlesHaggins, JohnMcEwan, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Brown, GeorgeHale, GeorgeMcGuiness, EdwardSmith, Thomas
Brown, JamesHall, JohnMcKissock, JohnStafford, John
Brown, JosephHall, JohnMcKnight, AlexanderStandeven, James
Brown, WilliamHall, John JamesMcLaughlin, BernardStevens, Robert
Brown, WilliamHall, WilliamMcSweeny, JohnSteward, Robert
Brown, WilliamHamilton, GeorgeMellor, JamesStill, John
Bryan, PatrickHands, MichaelMiller, John CharlesStyles, Benjamin
Buckle, RichardHarris, TomMills, SamuelSullivan, John
Burke, MichaelHarrison, EdmundMinshull, PaulSummers, George
Burness, PeterHart, EdwardMitchell, GeorgeSuttie, David
Burnham, JohnHawkins, JohnMoore, CharlesSykes, Isaac
Burns, JohnHawksley, JamesMoore, JohnTaylor, George
Butler, FrederickHick, FrancisMorrison, RobertTaylor, James
Butler, GrahamHollman, AlfredMowatt, JamesTaylor, Thomas
Bygrave, ThomasHolloway, ThomasMunday, WilliamTaylor, William
Cameron, HughHughes, GeorgeMurphy, JamesTennant, Jeffrey
Cameron, JamesHumphreys, AlexanderMurray, AlfredThompson, Edward
Carr, JamesIbbotson, JosephNadin, PeterThompson, George
Carruthers, JamesIsott, JosephNapp, CharlesThomson, James
Cartwright, SamuelJames, JohnNeedham, GeorgeThurgood, Isaac
Challinor, JohnJames, ThomasNewman, JohnTidswell, Edward
Charlesworth, EdwardJeffery, CharlesNicholas, JohnTilbrook, Charles
Clarke, WilliamJeffery, John Wm.Nicholson, WilliamTurner, Thomas
Clements, NoahJenkins, PeterNorman, DanielVernon, Walter
Clifford, WilliamJohnson, FrancisO'Connell, MauriceWallace, David
Cole, WilliamJohnson, JohnOldham, JoshuaWarrell, John
Colgan, PatrickJohnson, RobertOsborn, GeorgeWatts, John
Commons, JohnJohnson, ThomasOwen, JohnWebb, Joseph
Connell, WilliamJohnson, ThomasPain, JohnWells, John
Cook, EdwinJohnson, WilliamParker, EdwardWest, George
Cooper, CharlesJones, IshmaelParker, GeorgeWestern, Richard
Coullie, JohnJones, JamesPearson, GeorgeWeston, John
Coulston, WilliamJones, JohnPerry, ThomasWhalley, John
Coxon, JamesJones, WilliamPhillips, JamesWhite, William
Cramp, WilliamJoy, ThomasPicken, JohnWhiting, William
Crawford, JohnJoyce, ThomasPowell, GeorgeWignall, Samuel
Crowley, SamuelKain, ThomasPreist, JamesWilliams, Daniel
Dale, JohnKearns, JamesPreston, ThomasWilliams, Ewan
Darnbrough, JohnKelly, JamesPrice, JamesWilliams, John
Davies, BenjaminKelly, JohnPrice, ThomasWilliams, John
Davis, WilliamKelly, WilliamPrim, EliWilliams, John
Davison, JohnKemp, GeorgeRaftree, JamesWilson, Charles
Devereux, PatrickKennedy, JohnRankin, JamesWilson, William
Dixon, JamesKenny, JohnRayne, William NicholWoodward, Thomas
Dobbin, PatrickKenny, LukeRedshaw, ThomasWoodward, Thomas
Doherty, ThomasKing, JamesReeves, GeorgeYam, Emanuel
Douglas, JamesKing, JohnReilly, JamesYeo, John
Dwyer, DennisKingston, JohnRhodes, George
Earp, WilliamKipling, JosephRidsdale, William
Edwards, ThomasKitchen, FrederickRoberts, George

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Clara (2) is 301 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/19, pp.1-31
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.376-377, 396

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