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Details for the ship John I (2) (1829)

Ship Name:John I (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1810
Size (tons):464
Voyage Details
Master:Robert B. Norsworthy
Surgeon:John Love
Sailed:27 May 1829
Arrived:13 September 1829
Days Travel:109
Convicts Landed:188 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Anderson, JohnDenham, HenryJones, JohnReynolds, George
Arnold, ThomasDenshire, GeorgeJones, JohnRitchie, William
Atridge, JohnDodd, HenryJones, WilliamRivers, Elijah
Aylward, JamesDonnachie, DanielJones, WilliamRobertson, Alexander
Bamforth, AbrahamDouley, JohnJones, WilliamRobishaw, John
Beadle, JosephDovey, AdamJones, WilliamRogers, Samuel
Bean, JamesDriscoll, ThomasKeightley, ThomasRoss, Donald
Beats, RichardDunbar, ThomasKing, StephenRudkin, Samuel
Belsey, DixonEdwards, LeviKipping, CharlesSandars, William
Bennett, JohnEdwards, WilliamKirk, ThomasShaw, Thomas
Berry, DanielElliott, RobertLamb, RobertSherwood, William
Berry, JohnEustace, John ClareLarter, JosephSimpson, Thomas
Billing, JohnFenn, PeterLaws, HenrySinclair, William
Birmingham, JohnFerrall, WilliamLees, JohnSmith, Andrew
Bond, JohnFlinn, BartholomewLindsay, WilliamSmith, Edward
Booth, SamuelFoolwell, JamesLockwood, James (the younger)Smith, George
Bowden, JohnForeman, ThomasLumb, ThomasSmith, George
Bramston, WilliamFranklin, JohnMackenzie, JohnSmith, James
Bridges, JohnFuller, WilliamMaguirk, PeterSmith, John
Brown, DavidFurness, JamesMahoney, DennisSmith, Robert
Bussey, WilliamGlenning, AndrewMalcolm, JosephSnell, Thomas
Butler, JohnGray, GeorgeMalley, WilliamSouthorn, Edward
Butler, WilliamGreen, WilliamMarshall, WilliamSparkes, James
Cane, ThomasGristlethwaite, JohnMartin, JamesStedman, Thomas
Carmody, BartholomewGunn, JohnMcAndrew, JamesSullivan, John
Chambers, CharlesHacket, ThomasMcCallum, DanielSwain, Thomas
Chambers, ThomasHamer, JamesMcFarlan, HughSwann, John
Chantler, StephenHammond, FrederickMcGown, JohnTall, Noah
Chantler, ThomasHampton, WilliamMcLean, AllanTaylor, James
Childs, GeorgeHancock, IsraelMellanby, ThomasTaylor, William
Clark, JohnHarley, GeorgeMillhouse, HenryTurner, Joseph
Clarke, JamesHarris, ThomasMilner, RobertTweddal, John
Clayton, WilliamHaynes, WilliamMorriss, JohnWalker, John
Clements, RichardHaywood, JamesMurray, JohnWard, Samuel
Clempson, ThomasHead, JohnMutton, DavidWelch, John
Cohen, MichaelHedges, JohnNightingale, EdwardWeldon, John
Collins, JohnHodgetts, ThomasNixon, ThomasWeston, James
Conner, MichaelHoldsworth, DavidO'Neale, PeterWheale, Thomas
Cooley, JeremiahHumphries, RobertOgilvy, JohnWhitehead, George
Correy, CharlesHunt, HenryOldfield, HenryWilliams, Edward
Cotton, WilliamHunt, JohnOsborn, JohnWilliams, John
Cox, ThomasHunter, WilliamOsler, WilliamWilson, Alexander
Cremer, WilliamJackson, WilliamOusby, ThomasWood, James
Crofton, MichaelJeffery, JohnPaget, JohnWright, Francis
Davies, JamesJelf, John GeorgePickard, RichardWright, John
Davis, CharlesJohnson, WilliamPonsonby, JohnWright, William
Deavis, PeterJones, JobPrice, JohnYeam, Henry

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship John I (2) is 188 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/7, pp.73-83
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.348-349, 386

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