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Details for the ship Lord Melville II (2) (1830)

Ship Name:Lord Melville II (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1825
Size (tons):425
Voyage Details
Master:Robert Brown
Surgeon:George Roberts
Sailed:6 June 1830
Arrived:21 October 1830
Days Travel:137
Convicts Landed:176 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abbott, GeorgeCrabtree, IsaacJubb, RichardRiley, Ambrose
Arundell, JamesCrane, JeremiahJuchau, JamesRobbins, William
Asher, RobertCrimes, JosephKenyon, HenryRoberts, George
Aspin, JohnCrossland, GeorgeKidney, CharlesRobinson, Richard
Aston, WilliamCurd, RichardKilpatrick, JohnRouth, Martin
Atherton, JamesDare, JohnKinnaird, AlexanderRowlinson, William
Bark, WilliamDavis, JohnKnowles, SamuelRussell, Thomas
Barker, WilliamDenny, DavidLaw, JamesRyan, Daniel
Barnes, JosephDevine, WilliamLees, JamesSalisbury, Thomas
Barron, JamesDraycott, RichardLees, WilliamSalmon, William
Bate, JamesEdmonds, JohnLeigh, WilliamShepherd, John
Beavor, GeorgeEdwards, JohnLewis, AdamSmall, John
Boardman, JohnEmmerson, MichaelLundy, DennisSmith, Francis
Boardman, PeterField, ThomasLurchens, Thomas RobertSmith, John
Bradbury, JohnFitzer, EdwardMacey, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Bradley, EdwardFlawn, GeorgeMarsden, ThomasSmith, William
Bradley, WilliamFlin, PeterMaude, DanielStokes, John Birkett
Brewerton, RobertFroggatt, HenryMcDivet, CharlesSumner, William
Broadhead, LukeGalley, RobertMcGregor, DanielSweeney, John
Brown, CharlesGardner, JamesMealing, WilliamTaylor, John
Brown, ThomasGibson, ArchibaldMellor, JoshuaThompson, John
Brown, WilliamGlover, ThomasMiller, ThomasThompson, Joseph
Buckley, WilliamGraydon, JosephMoorhouse, FrancisTimms, William
Bulmer, BenjaminGreen, RobertMorgan, WilliamTurner, George
Burgess, DanielGreenhalgh, ThomasMusgrave, CharlesTurner, Henry
Burnett, AlexanderGreenwood, ThomasNewson, WilliamVale, Joseph
Burrough, JohnGriffiths, JamesOakley, RobertWade, Jonas
Burton, RobertGuy, JohnOldham, SamuelWalford, Henry
Bydell, JohnHallas, ThomasPallissier, WilliamWall, William
Caborn, ThomasHarbott, JohnPalmer, JamesWalsh, William
Campbell, PeterHarrison, JonathanPalmer, RobertWebster, John
Candy, RichardHarvey, JohnPearson, ChristopherWench, John
Clarke, JohnHays, RichardPhillips, JabezWhalan, Philip
Clarke, ThomasHemmings, JosephPickwell, GeorgeWhite, William
Cliffe, JosephHides, JohnPickwell, JohnWilkinson, James
Clough, RichardHodgson, BenjaminPope, JohnWilliams, George
Collings, JohnHolden, EdwardPotter, GeorgeWilliams, Thomas
Collins, AndrewHuggins, EdwardPrice, HenryWilson, Edward
Conaghan, BernardHunt, JohnPrice, WilliamWilson, John
Cooper, JohnJackson, JobRawson, JosephWilson, William
Cooper, ThomasJames, ThomasReeves, WilliamWitt, Gilbert
Coup, ThomasJervis, JohnRhodes, RobertWood, John
Coward, WilliamJones, JohnRice, ThomasWood, Thomas
Cowburn, WilliamJowett, PeterRichardson, ThomasWorkman, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lord Melville II (2) is 176 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/7, pp.373-382
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.348-349, 387

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