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Details for the ship Marquis of Huntley (3) (1830)

Ship Name:Marquis of Huntley (3)  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1804
Size (tons):564
Voyage Details
Master:William Ascough
Surgeon:William B. Carlyle
Sailed:9 April 1830
Arrived:21 August 1830
Days Travel:134
Convicts Landed:227 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abel, SamuelCurrie, JamesHutson, JosephPort, William
Allcock, PeterCurtis, GeorgeIngham, ThomasPorter, William
Allen, JohnCurtis, ThomasInglishby, ChristopherPratten, Isaac
Andrews, WilliamDaley, JamesJackson, EdwardPreece, Thomas
Archer, RobertDarby, ThomasJohnson, JamesReddy, James
Avery, JamesDavidson, JohnJohnson, JonasReynolds, James
Ayres, WilliamDavis, ThomasJohnson, RobertRingrose, George
Bagot, WilliamDawson, WilliamJohnson, WilliamRooney, John
Bailey, JohnDowell, ThomasJones, JohnRose, Thomas
Baker, ThomasDoyle, ThomasJones, RobertSaunders, Samuel
Bannister, RichardDunn, CharlesJones, ThomasSayers, James
Barton, HenryDunnage, SamuelJoyce, MartinShemeld, John
Bateson, WilliamDurham, WilliamKelly, PeterShenton, Ralph
Battye, JohnElisha, HoratioKenny, PatrickSketchley, William
Bell, JamesEllard, WilliamKennyon, SamuelSkipwith, Reuben
Bennett, EdwardEvans, JohnKershaw, JamesSmith, John
Berry, GeorgeFarrar, JosephLane, RichardSmith, John
Bishop, SamuelFerguson, FinlayLeeming, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Blackwell, JohnFletcher, JohnLeicester, SamuelSmith, Thomas
Bodycoat, ThomasFoggan, GuyLevi, JosephSmith, William
Bolter, GeorgeForder, ThomasLockton, DavidSpencer, Thomas
Bond, JohnFowler, WilliamLowe, WilliamSpowage, George
Bond, RobertGarside, AlexanderMacCann, FrancisStirzaker, James (the younger)
Bonnick, ThomasGaskell, JohnMann, JamesStone, John
Bowden, JohnGiles, WilliamMarsden, PeterSutton, John
Bower, JamesGlasgow, AlexanderMartin, JohnSwift, James
Bradshaw, ThomasGraham, RichardMason, JohnTaylor, James
Braybon, RobertGray, GeorgeMason, JohnTaylor, John
Brett, JosephGreen, EdwinMathew, JamesTaylor, William
Bridgford, BartholomewGreenough, PeterMathew, JohnThomas, John
Bristow, JohnGriffiths, JosephMatthews, JohnThompson, Thomas
Brown, RobertGrocott, StephenMatthews, RichardTrigg, Robert
Bruce, DavidGuillois, BenjaminMaynard, WilliamWalker, William
Buckley, BenjaminGunner, GeorgeMcEwan, DavidWall, Charles
Bulmer, RobertHall, JohnMcGillighan, HughWard, James
Byford, GeorgeHallans, ArthurMcGown, BarnardWatson, James
Campbell, DuncanHamilton, EdwinMcKinnon, JamesWatson, John
Cantley, JohnHannam, DavidMcLeod, DanielWatson, Jonathan
Carr, ThomasHardisty, GeorgeMiles, PatrickWatt, James
Carter, JamesHardisty, JosephMiller, JohnWellard, Lewis
Carter, RobertHardy, GeorgeMineham, JohnWhalley, Charles
Casey, DanielHarkins, WilliamMore, WilliamWhite, John
Casey, JamesHarrison, CharlesMoss, JohnWilcock, James
Chapman, GeorgeHart, JohnMoss, ThomasWilding, William
Clark, JamesHarvey, JamesMumford, WilliamWilkins, Joseph
Clark, RobertHems, JeremiahNewman, CharlesWilliams, John
Clark, WilliamHerle, PeterNicholls, BenjaminWilliams, John
Clinton, JohnHillsden, RichardNicholson, PeterWilliams, Thomas
Clues, JohnHilton, ElijahNicholson, WilliamWilliamson, George
Coleman, HenryHinkley, WilliamNutter, WilliamWilson, Buchanan
Coleman, JosephHobson, CharlesO'Neale, FrancisWilson, Richard
Cooper, EdwardHodgson, JosephOates, WilliamWitham, Robert
Covill, JohnHooton, ThomasPalmer, GeorgeWoodward, Henry
Cox, RichardHoskins, HenryParker, WilliamWragg, George
Crompton, AbrahamHughes, JohnPickering, JosephWright, George
Cronk, GeorgeHulme, WellingtonPilkington, JamesWright, Joseph
Cunningham, JohnHunt, JohnPollett, JosephYoung, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Marquis of Huntley (3) is 228 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.348-349, 387
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/7, pp.311-324

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