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Details for the ship Waterloo (4) (1835)

Ship Name:Waterloo (4)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1815
Size (tons):414
Voyage Details
Master:John Cow
Surgeon:George Roberts
Sailed:20 November 1834
Arrived:3 March 1835
Days Travel:103
Convicts Landed:224 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allen, RobertEdwards, HenryLake, JohnPrice, William
Anderson, JohnEverett, ThomasLamb, RobertPye, John
Apted, RichardFacer, ThomasLane, JamesReed, George
Apted, WilliamFalkner, AnthonyLangley, WilliamReilly, Patrick
Armstrong, RobertFelmingham, WilliamLast, HenryRichards, John
Bailey, JohnFletcher, ThomasLee, JamesRiggs, James
Balderstone, ChristopherForrest, CharlesLeonard, JohnRobertson, John
Ball, AbrahamFrancis, JohnLeppard, JamesRushbrooke, James
Barrett, GeorgeFrancis, WilliamLester, WilliamRussell, Charles
Basey, Samuel (the younger)Fraser, JohnLevy, SamuelSalisbury, Thomas
Bassil, JohnFrost, EdwardLewis, ThomasSeall, Joseph
Baxter, JohnFulford, RichardLight, MarkSeymour, James
Benson, JamesGale, JohnLockwood, WilliamShaw, John
Berry, AlexanderGardner, JohnLong, JohnShields, William
Betts, JamesGeary, MichaelLong, RobertShort, James
Bonner, GeorgeGeorge, AbrahamLongmaid, FrancisShorten, James
Brake, IsaacGlue, JohnMacGill, CharlesSimmonds, Thomas
Brice, ValentineGoodson, JohnMagnus, EdwardSims, Giles
Bridgeman, GeorgeGrant, WilliamMalton, JohnSkinner, Jonah
Bridgen, JohnGreen, BenjaminMarrable, JohnSmith, Daniel
Bromley, JamesGreen, JamesMartin, UriahSmith, George
Brommage, BenjaminHales, WilliamMarvel, CharlesSmith, George
Brookes, Henry LewisHalford, SamuelMason, JohnSmith, John
Brown, JamesHall, SamuelMcDonnell, JohnStanley, Francis
Burchell, WilliamHall, WilliamMonk, JamesStephens, John
Burgess, JamesHammond, JohnMoody, GeorgeSteward, Henry
Burke, RichardHandcock, WilliamMorris, JohnStewart, Daniel
Burrows, ThomasHarbour, JohnMunday, JohnStokes, Robert
Carey, BenjaminHardwell, JohnMunton, JohnStoniard, Charles
Carter, HenryHarrison, JosephMurch, WilliamStrike, Frederick
Catton, JamesHart, PhilipMurphy, HumphreySummers, George
Catton, WilliamHawthorn, WilliamNeal, ThomasTaylor, John
Chamberlaine, ThomasHayter, ThomasNewman, RichardTaylor, William
Chapman, EdwardHewitt, GeorgeNichols, HenryTedstone, William
Chatterton, GeorgeHiggins, DanielNichols, RobertThomas, John
Clark, SamuelHolmes, WilliamNorth, EdwardThompson, Benjamin
Clark, ThomasHorler, JosephNye, RichardThompson, James
Clay, JohnHoward, WilliamOatridge, William HenryTingley, Henry
Cleaver, HenryHughes, JohnOsborne, WilliamTownshend, Henry
Coad, RobertHull, JohnPage, EdwardTucker, Thomas
Coles, WilliamHutt, CharlesPage, JamesUncle, David
Conner, JamesJackson, JohnPage, WilliamValentine, Henry
Connor, JohnJacobs, WilliamPalfrey, RobertWalker, George
Cooper, James RobertJames, JohnParkinson, FrederickWalker, John
Cosgrove, JamesJennings, JohnPascoe, John HenryWatts, William
County, RichardJohnson, JohnPatching, JohnWhyley, John
Cox, WilliamJohnson, WilliamPerkins, AustinWilliam, John
Cruise, JohnJones, JohnPerry, GeorgeWilliams, James
Darmont, WilliamJones, JohnPerry, JohnWilliams, John
Davis, SamuelJones, JohnPeters, JamesWilliams, John
Daw, SamuelJones, JohnPhillips, JamesWilliams, William
Delahunt, MichaelJones, JohnPlowright, ThomasWilliams, William
Donaker, JamesJones, LewisPollard, LewisWorseldine, Frederick
Drake, Stephen (the younger)King, JohnPreece, JamesWright, John
Duncan, WilliamKingsley, ArthurPreston, JamesYates, Thomas
Dunn, JohnKnight, CharlesPrice, ThomasYewer, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Waterloo (4) is 224 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.463-472
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 389

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