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Details for the ship Hindostan (3) (1841)

Ship Name:Hindostan (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1819
Size (tons):545
Voyage Details
Master:George Lamb
Surgeon:Andrew Henderson
Sailed:7 October 1840
Arrived:19 January 1841
Days Travel:104
Convicts Landed:209 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abbott, JohnEvenden, JohnMackay, JamesSims, Richard (the younger)
Adams, GeorgeFinch, JamesMackay, KennethSmith, Edward
Adderley, GeorgeFlannigan, PeterMadden, JamesSmith, George
Alexander, RobertFletcher, William HillMalcolm, AlexanderSmith, John
Alexander, WilliamForbes, JohnManning, EdwardSmith, John
Allott, GeorgeFoster, Francis WilliamMarriott, WilliamSmith, John
Allum, JamesFuller, CharlesMartin, JamesSmith, John
Armstrong, RichardGarrett, ThomasMartin, JohnSmith, Robert
Atherton, ThomasGavigan, JohnMatthews, ThomasSnow, George
Barley, JamesGiles, GeorgeMaybury, RichardSpachat, Christopher
Barrett, AbrahamGillis, DavidMcCassey, JamesSparkes, Henry
Barry, DavidGlover, GeorgeMcCormick, ThomasStanridge, Henry
Berry, JamesGlynn, MichaelMcDead, JohnStephens, George
Boast, SamuelGodison, CharlesMcGill, RobertStevens, William
Booth, JohnGrady, JohnMcHugh, JosephStewart, James
Boyle, JamesGray, JamesMcKay, JohnStewart, William
Bradnock, BenjaminGreen, WilliamMcKay, WilliamSullivan, Henry
Brown, WilliamGroom, WilliamMcKean, JosephSummers, Henry
Bruce, JosephHake, SaunderMcLaren, JamesTavener, Isaac
Bryan, MatthewHaley, ThomasMcLean, GeorgeTaylor, Thomas
Burnet, GeorgeHarding, JohnMillen, JamesThompson, George
Burns, JohnHarding, RobertMoran, EdwardThompson, James
Burton, JohnHart, JohnMorley, RobertThompson, John
Butler, William HollingsworthHarvey, ThomasMorris, CharlesThurston, Charles
Bywater, WilliamHawkins, ThomasMorton, JamesTidings, John
Cain, WilliamHay, WilliamMunro, JamesTrueman, Richard
Cairns, GeorgeHealey, JeremiahMurphy, JamesVaughan, William
Carey, JohnHide, JamesMurphy, JohnWatkins, Alfred
Carnell, SamuelHodges, MichaelMynott, CharlesWatkins, Edwin
Casey, JamesHogg, John ThomasNoble, ChristopherWatson, Charles
Chandler, WilliamHouse, GeorgeNorris, JamesWelch, George
Christie, CharlesHubbard, EdwinO'Meara, RobertWelch, Lawrence
Clark, SamuelHunt, JamesOrme, JoelWelland, Joseph
Coffee, JamesIvory, JohnPembroke, WilliamWells, Peter
Colley, WilliamJacobs, DavidPierce, GeorgeWenn, George
Collins, JohnJemmeson, JohnPowell, ThomasWiginall, John
Collis, JamesJohnson, HenryPrescott, ThomasWilkins, William
Colton, WilliamJohnson, JohnPrice, JohnWilkinson, George
Connolly, JohnJohnson, PeterRankine, RobertWilliams, Charles
Constable, CharlesJohnson, WilliamRayworth, John (the younger)Williams, John
Costello, JamesJones, CharlesRead, JohnWilliams, Joseph
Curry, JohnJones, WilliamRegan, TimothyWilliams, Robert
Davies, JohnJordan, JohnRinds, JohnWilson, George
Ditchfield, ThomasKeenan, WilliamRobb, WilliamWilson, John
Donald, WilliamKelway, JohnRolton, JosephWilson, William
Donovan, CorneliusKing, GeorgeRowley, JamesWinnicott, Joseph
Doust, GeorgeKinnear, ThomasRoxall, JohnWinterbottom, Uriah
Drake, JohnLamont, WilliamSalmond, RobertWoodcock, William
Dykes, SamuelLander, ThomasShaw, RichardWoodhall, John
Eccles, SamuelLangston, WilliamShears, JohnYoung, Jacob
Edmonds, JohnLewis, RichardSheriff, Humphrey
Edwards, CharlesLoveday, ThomasShipman, John
Eggo, JohnLovett, ThomasShoobridge, Joseph

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Hindostan (3) is 209 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/12, pp.225-234
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.364-365, 391

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