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Details for the ship China (1846)

Ship Name:China  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1837
Size (tons):524
Voyage Details
Surgeon:George S. Rutherford
Sailed:7 January 1846
Arrived:16 May 1846
Days Travel:129
Convicts Landed:199 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Ackroyd, EmanuelDaley, JohnHunt, JamesRamsay, Thomas
Adey, JamesDavis, CharlesHunter, JohnRankine, John
Ankin, GeorgeDean, WilliamHutchinson, PeterRicketts, John
Apps, JohnDillon, ThomasHyde, Edward SamwaysRoberts, Edward
Ashworth, WillamDixon, JamesJackson, HughRobertson, Peter
Aungier, George JamesDobson, JohnJenkins, GeorgeRose, George
Austin, JamesDoddemead, WilliamJohnson, AndrewSage, Jonah
Bain, JamesDominy, AaronJohnson, HenrySankey, John
Balls, William ColemanDwyer, DanielJones, JohnSell, Nehemiah
Barclay, RobertEighteen, JohnJones, JohnSenior, Joseph
Barnes, SamuelEmery, ThomasJones, ThomasShaw, John
Bass, EzraEyles, JohnJones, ThomasSheen, Henry (the younger)
Batey, WilliamFindon, WilliamJones, ThomasShipley, Israel
Batho, ThomasFish, IsaiahJones, WilliamSimmons, William
Baxter, JohnFitch, WilliamKeenan, ThomasSims, Job
Beard, William EdwardFletcher, RobertKerr, Robert EwingSmith, George
Beck, JohnFlower, JamesKingstone, JosephSmith, James
Bedford, HenryFolkes, GeorgeKirk, ThomasSmith, John
Bell, GeorgeFox, WilliamLaunder, CharlesSmith, Samuel
Bentley, LukeGibbs, CharlesLeach, CharlesSmith, Thomas
Bethell, ThomasGibson, JohnLee, RichardSmith, Thomas
Blades, JohnGibson, PeterLee, WilliamSmith, William
Bleasby, RobertGirdler, JohnLegg, JamesSpriggs, William
Bolton, JohnGrantley, JohnLewis, WilliamStead, John
Bolwell, MordecaiGreenhalgh, SimeonLyon, WilliamStephens, Thomas
Booth, TimothyGrey, FrederickLyons, SolomonStevenson, Robert
Brabner, AndrewGrimshaw, WilliamMalone, MatthewStewart, Peter
Bradley, GeorgeGrogan, JohnMannix, ThomasStock, Francis
Braine, WilliamHabgood, ThomasMarshall, JohnStorey, John
Bratt, JohnHaines, RobertMcCall, JohnStrong, Cornelius
Bridges, GeorgeHake, WilliamMcGrath, JohnStrong, George
Brooks, WilliamHale, HenryMcInulty, DenisTallent, Alfred (the elder)
Brown, JamesHaley, CharlesMcPhie, WilliamTanfield, Thomas
Brown, JohnHawkins, GeorgeMitchell, CharlesTaylor, Thomas
Brown, JosephHenessey, ThomasMoon, IsaacThomas, James
Bryant, EdwardHenshaw, IsaacMothershaw, GeorgeViccars, Edward
Byrt, FrancisHerrington, AmbroseMullay, JamesWade, James
Carney, WilliamHeslop, JohnMurray, GeorgeWalsh, William
Carroll, William JamesHill, GeorgeNicholson, JosephWarland, Henry
Cartwright, JohnHill, ThomasNugent, ThomasWarr, Harry
Catchpole, JohnHillier, JohnOldershaw, Thomas (the younger)Webb, William
Chard, RobertHillman, HenryOwen, WilliamWhiston, William
Clark, CharlesHinksman, PeterPainter, WilliamWhite, Benami
Clayton, William JohnHodnott, RichardPeal, ThomasWhite, Robert
Cook, JohnHolmes, FrederickPemberton, GeorgeWhyatt, John
Cooper, PaulHooper, GeorgePhillips, ThomasWilliams, Edward
Coote, AlfredHorn, JohnPollard, ThomasWilliams, John
Coward, HenryHorne, JamesPratt, CuthbertWilson, Alexander
Cross, JohnHowell, ThomasPrichard, WilliamWinzenberg, Henry
Currell, James MantonHudson, JohnRaistrick, ThomasWright, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship China is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/15, pp.1-12
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.372-373, 395

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