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Details for the ship William Jardine (3) (1850)

Ship Name:William Jardine (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1836
Size (tons):671
Voyage Details
Master:Alex. Maclean
Surgeon:Fred. W. Le Grand
Sailed:23 August 1850
Arrived:14 November 1850
Days Travel:97
Convicts Landed:260 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Amor, RichardFelch, HenryLeppard, JamesSmith, George
Anderson, JohnFinlay, WilliamLevey, IsaacSmith, Henderson
Appleton, JohnFisher, CharlesLewis, JohnSmith, Henry
Austin, JohnFisher, EdwardLidell, JohnSmith, James
Baghurst, GeorgeFisher, John (Junior)Lindsay, JohnSmith, James
Bailey, ThomasFord, PatLonsdale, JohnSmith, John
Baker, CharlesFoy, PatrickLovell, EdwardSmith, Joseph
Barham, WilliamFriedeberg, JacobLovesey, JamesSmith, Robert
Bartlett, JabezGarner, WilliamMahoney, JohnSmith, William
Bartley, GeorgeGarratt, JamesMalone, JohnSmith, William
Beezley, NathanielGhost, ThomasMansfield, WilliamSmith, William
Bird, JohnGibbons, JohnMarsh, GeorgeSmith, William
Bishop, EdwardGillespie, JohnMarshall, RonaldSpall, John
Bishop, HenryGivan, WalterMartin, WilliamSpeck, John
Bishton, EdwardGobbett, JosephMason, GeorgeSpignell, Joseph
Bland, JosephGoddard, WilliamMason, HenryStandford, Samuel
Blundell, StephenGollagher, ThomasMatthews, HenryStanley, George
Bolton, JamesGoodwin, PeterMcDoudle, James HughsStuart, James
Bond, GeorgeGoose, RobertMcKenna, JohnSuares, Antonio Pinto
Boyle, JohnGreen, RichardMellor, JohnSummers, Samuel
Bradford, HenryGreenman, MichaelMoon, JohnSweenie, Charles
Bratcher, CharlesGreenwood, WilliamMorris, JohnSydenham, James
Bree, JamesGregory, SamuelMorris, RobertTaylor, Charles
Brook, BenjaminGroves, GeorgeMorris, Stephen (Junior)Tetlow, George
Brown, JohnGroves, JohnMoss, GeorgeThomas, Edward
Butler, JohnHaddick, JohnMountford, ThomasThomas, James
Byron, JohnHaggerty, MichaelMunday, JohnThomas, William
Capewell, JohnHaines, JosephMurphy, JamesThompson, Henry
Carter, FrancisHalliday, JohnMurphy, JamesThompson, James
Castings, Valentine OrsonHarding, CharlesMurphy, PatrickThompson, John
Cave, ThomasHarris, ThomasMurray, JohnThompson, Mark
Cheeseman, FrederickHart, GeorgeNelson, CharlesToplis, Thomas
Cheeseman, JamesHart, JamesNewman, WalterTreble, Charles
Chew, JamesHartley, WilliamNicholas, JamesTrotman, George
Clipstone, JosephHayward, WilliamNicholls, HenryTurner, Joseph
Collins, JohnHazlewood, JosephNorton, WilliamTurner, Thomas John
Collins, ThomasHeyes, AbrahamOatway, GeorgeTweedale, David
Cooke, AlfredHicks, CharlesPage, JosephVon Zwehl, Adolph
Cooke, GeorgeHiggins, John Jr.Pale, RobertWadsworth, William
Cooper, WilliamHill, ThomasPalmer, JohnWalker, John
Coswell, HenryHolmes, HenryParker, IsaacWalker, Joseph
Coulton, JohnHoughton, WilliamPatterson, GeorgeWalker, Thomas
Cox, JamesHowison, GeorgePeacock, WilliamWard, Thomas
Crompton, RichardHughes, JamesPerry, CharlesWeaver, Richard
Crump, EdwardHughes, WilliamPhillips, HenryWeekley, John
Cunningham, AlexanderHutchings, EdwardPickering, JohnWeekley, John
Currant, WilliamHyde, JohnPigg, WilliamWeeks, Paryem
Daniels, FrancisJackson, JohnPlatt, WilliamWelch, William
Davies, JohnJackson, JosephPrizeman, WilliamWells, Thomas
Davis, JohnJackson, WilliamRees, IsaacWhite, George
Davis, JohnJackson, WilliamReeves, GeorgeWhite, George
Davis, JohnJohnson, HenryRimmer, JohnWhite, Joseph
Davis, JohnJohnson, ThomasRitchie, MichaelWhite, Philip
Davis, MarkJohnstone, GeorgeRoberts, RobertWhitworth, William
Deer, GeorgeJones, JohnRoberts, WilliamWilkinson, Robert
Dennis, JamesJones, JohnRuffels, SyndallWillcocks, William
Devine, JamesJones, JosephRugg, HenryWilson, Thomas
Dipple, WilliamJones, RobertRushton, EdmundWinters, James
Dodd, JohnKeen, JosephSanders, JohnWoodruffe, George
Dossett, Rowland ThomasKersey, JohnSansome, JohnWoolley, Barnabas
Downer, MauriceKing, CharlesSaunders, RichardWright, George
Duckett, AlfredKirby, JamesSell, ChesterWright, John
Eagle, ThomasKnott, John (Junior)Shea, TimothyWright, William
Elliott, WilliamLappelle, GeorgeShorter, MatthewYoung, Francis
Ephraim, WilliamLavers, JohnSkerry, Jacob
Evans, JosephLawrence, GeorgeSmith, Charles
Evans, MosesLawrence, SamuelSmith, David

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship William Jardine (3) is 265 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/16, pp.305-328
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.370-371, 394

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