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Details for the ship Lord Raglan (1858)

Ship Name:Lord Raglan  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1854
Size (tons):756
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas Hybert
Surgeon:John Bower
Sailed:5 March 1858
Arrived:1 June 1858
Days Travel:88
Convicts Landed:268 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, ThomasDouglas, JamesKeeling, SamuelSills, James
Allen, CharlesDouglas, JohnKeightley, JosephSinclair, Charles
Allen, WilliamDu Perousel, AimableKelly, JohnSinclair, James
Anderson, JohnDyson, JohnKelly, NeilSinclair, William
Anderson, WilliamEvans, HenryKelly, ThomasSmith, George
Anderson, WilliamEyre, RobertKilleen, ThomasSmith, James
Armstrong, ChristopherFairbank, CharlesKingston, OscarSmith, James
Atkinson, JohnFee, JamesKnight, WilliamSmith, John
Baird, DavidFenn, JohnLeigh, PeterSmith, John
Baker, JohnFitzclarence, JohnLewis, JohnSmith, John
Baker, ThomasFlint, RobertLewis, PhineasSmith, Levi
Balmer, WilliamFogarty, CorneliusLintin, ThomasSmith, Thomas
Banks, JohnFord, Robert DenningtonLomas, GeorgeSmith, Thomas
Barlow, HenryFountain, WilliamLowe, HumphreySmith, William
Bartram, RobertFox, JohnMarshall, JamesSorley, James
Basley, EdwardFox, WilliamMarwood, WilliamSouthgate, James
Batty, WilliamFraser, RichardMason, GeorgeSpencer, James
Berry, JohnGardner, WalterMay, AndrewStaples, George
Betts, HenryGarnett, JohnMayes, ThomasStephen, George
Blackmore, WilliamGibbs, GeorgeMcDiarmid, FrederickStevens, Henry
Blake, GeorgeGibling, JamesMcDonald, JohnStevenson, John
Bossee, FrancoisGibson, John RobertMcDonald, JohnStock, Samuel
Bowler, WilliamGodson, JohnMcDougal, AlisterStout, Stephen
Brian, MauriceGoodenough, JamesMcGregor, JamesStreet, Thomas
Brookfield, RobertGough, AlexanderMcKechnie, JohnSugden, Henry
Brown, BenjaminGrant, JamesMcLauchlan, PhilipSummers, John
Brown, JamesGray, JamesMcRae, GeorgeSurget, Frederick
Brown, JohnGreedy, BenjaminMiller, GeorgeTellett, George
Brown, WilliamGriffin, RichardMills, WilliamThomas, George
Brownlow, PhilipHalstead, HenryMinogue, MichaelThomas, Henry
Bryan, PatrickHarding, AbrahamMoriarty, TimothyThomas, Thomas
Bryant, MichaelHarris, CharlesMorris, JohnThompson, Alexander
Buchanan, JamesHarris, JohnMulroy, JamesThompson, Charles
Buchanan, PeterHarris, ThomasMurphy, JamesThompson, Charles
Bull, CharlesHarrison, ThomasMurray, AlexanderThompson, Edward
Burkinshaw, WilliamHarvey, FrancisMurray, JamesThomson, John
Burton, WalterHarvey, JohnNicholls, RichardThorpe, James
Byrnes, GeorgeHatchard, EmanuelNoble, JamesTovey, John
Campbell, JamesHealy, JamesNolan, ThomasTravers, Frederick
Campbell, RobertHeath, ThomasNutt, JohnTurner, David
Caralan, PeterHewitt, JohnO'Brian, MichaelTurner, John
Carey, ArthurHeyton, RichardOates, ThomasTurner, John
Carrall, ThomasHicks, RobertOwen, George SmithTweddle, James
Carter, JohnHigginbotham, FrederickParsons, JohnVowles, Thomas
Carter, JosephHiggins, JohnPaterson, GeorgeWalker, Thomas
Carter, TimothyHirins, ThomasPayne, EdwinWallace, George
Casey, DanielHirst, GeorgePennington, TheodoreWaller, John
Cator, RobertHollis, JohnPever, EdwardWatkinson, William
Cawthorn, MichaelHowls, AbrahamPhillips, JohnWatson, John
Chater, EdwardHoyle, ThomasPlews, JohnWeatherall, Henry
Chivers, JosephHughes, RobertPlummen, BenjaminWebb, George
Clancey, ThomasHumphrey, JosephPoole, JamesWhateley, James
Clayton, SethHunter, CharlesPotter, JohnWhite, Edward
Coats, WilliamHurst, EdwardPover, AlfredWhiteside, James
Cole, JohnIngleby, WilliamPrice, JosephWilkes, Thomas
Cole, JosephIngram, JamesQuinlan, MichaelWilley, Thomas
Cooper, JohnInkston, BenjaminRailton, JamesWilliams, Charles
Corbett, MichaelJackson, ThomasRiley, WilliamWilliams, John
Corney, GeorgeJackson, WilliamRockett, MarkWilliams, Thomas
Coy, WilliamJames, JohnRogers, JamesWilliams, William
Cribb, GeorgeJeffries, JohnRossiter, JosephWilson, James
Cundell, DavidJenkins, CharlesRowley, ThomasWilson, John
Dagling, JohnJohnson, GeorgeRushton, ThomasWood, John
Davenport, JohnJohnson, JamesRushworth, WilliamWright, George
Dennis, ThomasJohnson, WilliamShaddick, WilliamWright, Henry
Dimond, William JohnJohnston, AlexanderSheldon, SamuelYork, John
Donaldson, FrancisJones, ThomasShelmardine, Charles
Doughearty, MatthewJoyce, RichardSherman, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lord Raglan is 270 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/18, pp.257-279
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.374-375, 396

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