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Details for the ship Countess of Harcourt (1) (1821)

Ship Name:Countess of Harcourt (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1811
Size (tons):517
Voyage Details
Master:George Bunn
Surgeon:Morgan Price
Sailed:19 April 1821
Arrived:27 July 1821
Days Travel:99
Convicts Landed:172 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abrahams, FrederickDunbar, JohnJohnson, JeremiahPreston, George
Alder, JamesDunn, SamuelJones, JohnRandall, William
Alexander, WilliamDunn, WilliamJones, SamuelRees, Thomas
Allen, GeorgeEdwards, WilliamJones, ThomasReiley, James
Anderson, JamesErrington, HenryJones, ThomasRichardson, Richard
Anderson, WilliamFarquhar, JamesJudson, JohnRichardson, William
Badkins, RobertFinleyson, WilliamKeaton, WilliamRiley, William
Blake, GeorgeForbes, WilliamKelden, LewisRoaddie, James
Bowie, MalcolmForrester, ThomasKing, ThomasRobertson, Alexander
Bright, JamesFortune, AndrewLawrence, RichardRobinson, William
Brockley, HenryFulham, WilliamLawrence, WilliamRyall, James
Brown, DavidGarner, JohnLawrie, FrancisSaunders, Robert
Burk, EdmundGarratt, SamuelLindsay, GeorgeShalligo, William
Burke, EdwardGibson, JamesLoggan, JohnShrader, Henry
Callicott, JohnGraham, RobertLyons, EmanuelSimpson, Thomas
Campbell, JohnGreenfield, RobertMale, JohnSmith, James
Carscallion, GeorgeGrieve, JamesMartin, ThomasSouthall, Joseph
Cavanaugh, WilliamGrove, EdmundMason, GeorgeStanton, Richard
Chandler, SamuelGroves, WilliamMason, ThomasStong, Thomas
Chapman, ThomasHaggerty, JohnMawer, JohnSturday, Edward
Christopher, WilliamHall, WilliamMay, RobertSullivan, Michael
Clarke, CharlesHardisty, WilliamMay, SamuelSurrage, Robert
Clarke, JohnHarris, JohnMcCarthy, ThomasTavisher, Charles
Clarke, JohnHarris, RobertMcDonald, JamesTemple, William
Clarke, JosephHarris, WilliamMcQuire, JohnThomas, George
Clay, JamesHart, HenryMears, HenryTidwell, John
Clifford, RobertHarwood, WilliamMoon, JohnTobin, John
Collier, RobertHaslam, ThomasMorgan, SamuelTurpin, William
Collins, GeorgeHead, JohnMullins, JohnWagstaff, George
Colvin, JosephHeadley, HenryMunday, ThomasWaight, Jonas
Cooper, MatthewHiggins, WilliamMurphy, JohnWalker, John
Corkett, GeorgeHiggs, WilliamNisbet, GeorgeWalker, Thomas
Cowen, NathanHigham, WilliamNotley, RobertWallis, John
Crouch, JohnHoldgate, RichardOwen, JohnWebb, Joseph
Dakin, JamesHolt, JohnPalmer, JamesWebb, Thomas
Davis, FrederickHuett, ThomasPalmer, JosephWhite, Thomas
Day, ThomasHugo, EdwardPalmer, RobertWilliams, John
Dick, JohnHunt, JamesParker, RobertWilliams, Joseph
Douglas, JohnHutley, DavidPatterson, WalterWilson, John
Douglas, ThomasHyams, IsraelPerry, JosephWoodgate, John
Drummond, AdamJackson, WilliamPhillips, PhilipWoodriffe, James
Dugard, JohnJennings, StephenPicknell, PhilipWright, George
Duggan, WalterJohnson, CharlesPopkins, JohnWright, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Countess of Harcourt (1) is 172 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/4, pp.17-26
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.356-357, 383

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