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Details for the ship Augusta Jessie (1) (1835)

Ship Name:Augusta Jessie (1)  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1834
Size (tons):380
Voyage Details
Master:Henry Edenborough
Surgeon:James McTernan
Sailed:29 September 1834
Arrived:22 January 1835
Days Travel:115
Convicts Landed:207 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adamson, JamesEdmunds, JamesMarch, GeorgeSeaward, William
Adlam, JamesEdwards, JamesMason, HenryShepherd, Joseph
Albury, WilliamFenny, JohnMasters, BenShoard, William
Alton, GeorgeField, DavidMathera, ThomasSikes, Thomas (the younger)
Archer, WilliamFord, WilliamMcAlpin, JamesSimonds, Michael
Arnold, JamesFoster, ThomasMead, WilliamSmith, Edward
Arscott, JohnFulleck, Henry (the elder)Mellor, WilliamSmith, Isaac
Avery, WilliamFulleck, Henry (the younger)Memmott, WilliamSmith, James
Bailey, JobFullick, JohnMiller, GeorgeSmith, John
Baker, JohnGale, GeorgeMiller, GeorgeSmith, Thomas
Baker, JonathanGiles, JohnMillerd, GeorgeSmith, Thomas
Bampton, FrancisGledhill, JohnMitchell, JohnSmith, William
Barrell, GeorgeGooday, JamesMoore, JeremiahSorby, William
Beadle, DanielGoodwin, CharlesMoran, TimothySorrell, James
Benn, WilliamGordon, IsaacMumford, WilliamSouter, Samuel
Best, StephenGordon, RichardMutimer, RobertSparling, John
Best, ThomasGore, ThomasMyers, CharlesSprunt, Samuel
Bidgood, JohnGregory, WilliamNathan, SolomonStaniforth, John
Biggs, ThomasGriffith, ThomasNessling, StephenStevens, George
Bishop, BenjaminGrimes, ThomasNicholls, WilliamStevens, Stephen
Blight, CharlesHandscombe, JohnNodder, ThomasSteward, John
Botson, JohnHarper, HenryOake, JamesStockings, Jarrard
Britton, EdwardHart, ThomasOliver, JohnStone, Henry
Britton, JohnHarwood, CharlesOsborn, WilliamSugden, Charles
Brown, JosephHawkins, JosephPage, JohnSullivan, Frederick
Brown, WilliamHeelas, JosephPeach, WilliamSwitzer, George
Browning, JamesHester, WilliamPeacock, JohnTempler, George
Brundish, JohnHeyhoe, CharlesPenny, ThomasThomas, John
Bryant, GeorgeHickman, GeorgePilgrim, AbrahamThorn, John
Burrows, TomHigh, BenjaminPooley, ThomasTrowbridge, Richard
Burton, FrancisHolloway, CharlesPotter, DanielTuck, Robert
Carter, JamesHope, GeorgePrince, JohnTugby, William
Cheetham, CharlesHorbury, PeterProctor, NelsonTurner, Henry
Christophers, SamuelHudson, JohnQualtel, Jean BaptisteTyler, James
Clark, WilliamHughes, MichaelRawlings, JohnVerey, George
Clark, WilliamHutchinson, JamesRawlinson, WilliamWagg, John
Clarke, GeorgeHutchinson, WilliamReed, ThomasWalker, Samuel
Clarke, JohnIbbotson, WilliamReeve, BenjaminWalton, Joseph
Clarke, Joseph HenryIng, EdwardRhodes, EdwardWard, James
Coats, WilliamIrons, JohnRichardson, RichardWard, Samuel
Cook, CharlesJackson, ThomasRoberts, WilliamWaring, James
Cook, ThomasJames, NathanRoberts, WilliamWarne, George
Coombes, PeterJames, RobertRobinson, JohnWatson, William
Coverdale, JohnJohnson, Benjamin (the younger)Robinson, WilliamWeatherall, Noble Lindsey
Crane, JamesJudd, ThomasRogers, PhilipWebb, Thomas
Cribb, JamesKillingbeck, FrederickRolls, JamesWhite, Jim
Cripps, WilliamKing, ChristopherRose, JohnWickham, John
Crowley, JohnKing, GeorgeRowe, HannibalWild, Isaac
Davies, JohnKirk, JohnRutherford, WilliamWilliamson, George
Dolman, WilliamKirkby, ThomasRyder, RichardWitham, Thomas
Dorling, GeorgeLevitt, WilliamSadd, WilliamYouren, James
Dove, DavidLewis, ThomasScott, James
Doy, WilliamLove, JohnScrivener, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Augusta Jessie (1) is 210 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.445-453
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 389

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