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Details for the ship Coromandel I (2) (1804)

Ship Name:Coromandel I (2)  
Rig Type:
Build Year:
Size (tons):522
Voyage Details
Master:John Robinson/G. Blakey
Arrived:7 May 1804
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:0 males & female convicts

List of convict passengers

Alleburn, GeorgeElsworth, WilliamKilbury, ThomasSmith, John
Allen, JohnEvans, JohnKnowland, JamesSmith, John
Anderson, RobertEveritt, JamesLane, WilliamSmith, Joseph
Armstrong, WilliamFancut, John CookLemon, RichardSmith, William
Ashford, ThomasFlaharty, EdwardLoveday, JohnSnowden, John
Atkenborough, JamesFuller, SimonMartin, JosephSpicer, Thomas
Atkins, WilliamGilley, GeorgeMason, SamuelSpiller, Cotliffe
Baker, JohnGlover, JohnMathias, SamuelStaight, John
Baling, JohnGowlan, FordyceMatthews, RobertStanton, James
Bates, NoahGrain, JosephMay, JamesStonestreet, William
Beams, RobertGrant, JohnMcConnell, JamesStrafford, Francis
Beams, ThomasGreen, JohnMcGrath, ThomasSullivan, Dennis
Beatson, GeorgeGreen, WilliamMillwood, JobSullivan, Timothy
Bissett, ThomasHall, GeorgeMitchell, GeorgeSully, George
Brady, ThomasHall, RichardMoody, BenjaminSwan, John
Brown, JeremiahHambleton, JamesMorgan, JohnSwift, Alexander
Brown, JohnHarman, JohnMosley, Sampson JohnstonTaylor, Benjamin
Brown, ThomasHarris, JohnMurphy, JohnTeague, John
Burks, DennisHarris, RichardMurray, HenryTew, William
Buskin, JohnHarris, SamuelNathaniel, JohnThomas, Christopher
Cahill, JohnHerbert, WilliamNewland, JamesThompson, John
Camm, JamesHillman, JohnNowlan, JamesThompson, William
Campbell, JamesHinton, ThomasOgle, WilliamToler, Samuel
Carr, WilliamHooper, JohnOlander, StephenTompson, Charles
Chandler, WilliamHorner, RichardParker, StephenTovey, Jacob
Condon, JamesHoy, JamesParkes, ThomasTrumper, Richard
Cooper, RobertIsaacs, IsaacPass, JamesVickers, John
Coward, JohnIsaacs, SamuelPearce, ThomasWait, John
Criswell, JohnJackson, Ralph WilliamPendergast, FrancisWare, James
Daniels, RobertJones, DavidPenry, EdwardWatts, George
Danks, JosephJones, JohnPrime, JacobWicker, William
Davis, JohnJones, JohnReynolds, JohnWilliams, Charles
Davis, JohnJones, JosephRoberts, JohnWilliams, William
Davy, ThomasJones, ThomasRoberts, WilliamWilliamson, Isaac
Day, ThomasJones, WilliamRose, JamesWilson, Alexander
Douglass, WilliamJones, WilliamRowcliffe, JohnWise, Arthur
Drake, JohnJonquay, AnthonySimpson, JohnWood, Edward
Duggan, WilliamKeith, ThomasSmith, JamesWright, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Coromandel I (2) is 152 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.

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