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Details for the ship England (3) (1835)

Ship Name:England (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1814
Size (tons):425
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas Bacon
Surgeon:Obediah Pineo
Sailed:8 June 1835
Arrived:28 September 1835
Days Travel:112
Convicts Landed:230 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, RobertDyer, JohnJohnson, WilliamPenny, William
Adams, WilliamEdwards, JohnJohnston, ThomasPerry, Mark
Allen, JamesElliott, RobertJones, AlfredPhillips, John
Allen, JohnEllis, JosephJones, CharlesPierce, William
Allen, JosephElliston, ThomasJones, JohnPoidevin, Pierre
Anderson, JamesFanning, PeterJones, JohnPreston, Charles
Arthur, WilliamFarrant, JohnJones, ReecePrince, William
Aunger, WilliamFarrer, JohnJones, WilliamRanger, George
Backhouse, JonasFitzgerald, JohnJones, WilliamRead, William
Baden, JesseFletcher, JohnJoyce, PatrickReay, Thomas
Baker, JohnFraser, HughKain, GeorgeRenno, William
Baker, SamuelFreeman, JohnKendle, WilliamRevenall, Thomas
Barlow, WilliamFryer, RichardKennell, JamesRhodes, Richard
Bartlett, WilliamFurler, SamuelKimber, JosephRichards, John
Bell, EvanFutter, JamesKing, WilliamRivett, James
Bennett, HarryGammon, GeorgeLandbeck, ThomasSanger, William
Berra, LazerroGantlas, JohnLane, JosephShadbolt, John
Berry, JohnGardner, WilliamLane, NicholasSkinner, William
Berryman, Thomas (the younger)Gion, ThomasLarkin, JohnSmith, Charles
Besant, HenryGrady, TimothyLavell, GeorgeSmith, George
Bird, WilliamGreen, JosephLaws, JohnSmith, Philip
Blythe, Charles (the younger)Griffiths, WilliamLayton, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Bolton, JosephHall, ChristopherLe Brocq, FrancisSmith, William
Brand, MarkHall, ChristopherLeary, DennisSorrell, Thomas
Bransgrove, WilliamHall, PeterLeffage, William FunnellSpragg, Charles
Braughton, ThomasHancocks, ThomasLindsey, JamesSprague, Robert
Britnell, CharlesHarmer, WilliamLodge, JamesSpringett, James
Brown, JamesHastelow, JohnLoman, GeorgeStoneham, Peter
Brown, JohnHawkins, HenryLong, CharlesSwan, Charles
Brown, WilliamHayes, JosephLovelock, JamesSweetale, William
Browne, CharlesHayes, ThomasLunnun, JamesSweeting, James
Bryan, MatthewHead, GeorgeLupton, WilliamSymonds, Daniel
Bryant, ThomasHeal, JosephMalpas, JosephTampion, James
Budd, CharlesHeaven, EnochManning, JohnTaylor, Samuel
Bugden, RobertHemson, JohnManning, ThomasThomas, George
Burdew, ThomasHill, WilliamMartin, GeorgeThomas, John
Burton, WilliamHill, WilliamMartin, JohnThompson, James
Carey, GeorgeHills, JamesMaskall, HenryThorpe, William
Carvey, EmanuelHobbs, ThomasMay, RobertThumbow, Luke
Clements, JamesHodge, JohnMcCormack, PatrickWadey, Henry
Clowes, WilliamHolgate, JamesMillington, ThomasWaterman, Henry
Cock, MayHolgate, JohnMorley, SamuelWatkins, William
Coe, LionelHolloway, WilliamMurphy, MichaelWatson, Daniel
Coleman, JohnHood, JohnNewman, WilliamWatson, John
Cord, RobertHough, JohnNewman, WilliamWebb, James
Cornford, JohnHoulder, WilliamNiblett, CharlesWelch, Philip
Cottrell, JamesHouse, JamesNoyou, FrancoisWest, Henry
Cranston, JohnHubbard, RobertOlden, JosephWest, Richard
Dacey, MichaelHumphrey, JohnPalmer, JamesWestcott, Samuel
Daniels, RobertHumphries, HenryParker, JamesWhite, William
Davies, WilliamIngram, JamesParker, WilliamWiggett, James
Davis, WilliamInnocent, GeorgeParker, WilliamWilkinson, John
Dayton, WilliamJames, JohnParkington, JamesWilliams, Thomas
Devine, JohnJames, WilliamParnacott, ZachariahWilloughby, Joseph
Dicker, JohnJessop, WilliamParton, JohnWilson, Charles
Ditnon, ThomasJohnson, EdwardPartridge, JohnWoolcott, John
Duge, FranciscoJohnson, GeorgePayne, William
Dunkley, WilliamJohnson, SamuelPearton, Benjamin

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship England (3) is 230 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.69-78
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.352-353, 389

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